Influence of immigration on IQ west europeans are getting dumber

What's interesting is that native gulf arabs from Qatar and UAE are so dumb and retarded that immigrations of poo in loos and pakis increased their IQ by 5.

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This has to be fake. I was told the immigrants all have PHDs and the cure for cancer. This must be right wing propaganda created by Trump, Putin and the ghost of Hitler. Don't ask for proof cause I'm too triggered to give any.

It is true the only thing I'm surprised about is how dumb gulf arabs are. Though gulf arab states are far more multicultutral than any europeans country including sweden, france and germany.

yeah especially those somalis

>I'm surprised about is how dumb gulf arabs are
Don't be. Look up the levels of consanguineous marriage. Every instance of cousin marriage lowers the IQ by a few points. After a few generations of this you can imaging your population's IQ will suffer, bigly.

> tfw Estonia lost some minor points but had overall rise in the PISA scores

The world is really-really going dumber.

Original article.

>Next to no change in African IQ
This is either because nobody immigrates to Africa, or because there are few things in this world that can actually manage to bring the collective African IQ even lower than it already is.

They bring petroleum engineers and shit.
>lowers the iq by a few points
source? Its been thousands of years but the iq
in the middle east is still 80-90.
Canada was barely affected.

Most African countries did not participate in PISA testing (or it is too embarassing to reveal results).

>Qatar gained 5 IQ

>UAE too
Have arabs advanced to the next age?

There are literally dozens of sources of this information with a simple google search. I can't explain why there hasn't been a larger drop in IQ, but perhaps it (cousin marriage) has increased in recent history.

You know how it goes, goes to europe to take the white wymyn and bring home those white gynys.

>europeans are getting dumber

everything is going to plan

Would surprise me if they refused to test African countries as to not perpetuate ideas that might possibly suggest that they somehow has lower IQs

Wouldn't want that!

If I had to guess it's because of immigration from primarily European or east Asian countries.

everithing according to keikaku

>No social security system
>No minimum wage
>No trade unions

Either you do a decent and well-qualified job, or you'll sweat for crumbs.

That's how you make a decent immigration, Karol. The best will succeed. The inept will fail, and no one will help them.

Also, this:

This map is racist.

The way i see it, i think most countries are just getting dumber in general, with technology you dont have to know everything, you can just look it up, and since knowledge is tested in pisa, this is a problem

Im shkng t ard to tpe.

>immigrations of poo in loos and pakis increased their IQ by 5.
It's mostly the Western expat prifessionals that go to work their. They only hire the best of the best.

By importing caucasian/ Indian employees

Not even HBD at this point really. They're just inbred which tanked their scores way past middling.

If the map would be about ''How liberal are the countries'' (the redder / darker the more liberal) then it would be pretty much the same.

The correlation between IQ loss and embracing liberal identity politics is probably very strong.

Yea but pakis have even higher rate of inbreeding than any arabs and are half australoid yet pakis are still more inteligent than unmixed gulf arabs who are mostly caucasoid.

Except we're the most liberal country on earth. They're about the same as gulf arabs but more intelligent than Indians.

The 2nd sentence was a reply to this

That has to be some kind of natural (genetic) intelligence in pakis or it could be the culture in the gulf states just doesn't encourage education as much. I can only guess at the reason.

So i posted this map on imgur to see what they think.
How do i respond to this?

Negroid countries and australoid/veddoid admixed south asian countries are much less liberal thany any white country.

You cant. The 3rd response was an absolute btfo.

why dont we just let in everyone then
fucking dysgenic retards

>the culture in the gulf states
Yes I heard that's the case due to religious fanaticism and laziness caused by foreigners doing everything for them.
>They're about the same as gulf arabs but more intelligent than Indians

Are you talking about pakis?

You tell him that you don't care about humanity and then you dare him to kill you. You only care about living in a nice country. (Also, Muslims shouldn't be considered human.)

If this is true then we are literally 2 smart for Scandinavia. We are already 2 points ahead Denmark and Norway, if we add this then it turns out we are a lot smarter than our northern brothers except for Finland.

then wouldn't it be more efficient to build schools over there?

>religious fanaticism and laziness caused by foreigners doing everything for them
Yeah, I've heard that too. Pretty good theory, imo.

Haha, too bad these immigrants we should be caring for are raping women and doing hit-n-runs with trucks.

The fact of the matter is the immigrants are fucking stupid and they're going to reduce these 1st world countries to the same state of the countries the immigrants came from. Fuck them, care for your own people. Let the immigrants sort out their problems.

You probably have lower IQ now after the rapefugee invasion.

>Africans and muslims
wew lad

Countries are not international charities.

i used this argument and he still hasnt responded
Maybe i destroyed his brain rip

Caring for others would mean improving schools in their countries not ruining ours

>Average iq getting lower due to inmigration.
>Trying to rationalize it.

european people move to UAE for work so not that wierd of a result

There are far more curry niggers than europeans in the UAE.

Isn't that what we do ;)

Gulf countries have wealfare only for citizens yet they have a shitload of immigrants in UAE citizens(not all of them are arabs of course) are like only 9-13% percent of the population already.
It;s mostly south asians who immigrate to gulf countries then arabs from levant/maghreb and then a small amount of westerners so it;'s impossible than westerners increased their IQ as there not enough of them.

They aren't permanent citizens though. You either have to marry someone, or be an ethnically Arabic Muslim who has worked hard and long or be rich to get citizenship there. I talked to a Paki who was there working for 20 years trying to get citizenship and he was probably going to go to Pakistan because he couldn't get it.

>European or east Asian countries
Barely any east asians in gulf countries and not many europeans either so it must be from south asians who are the majority UAE.

Yeah, but they are only temporary, the Arabs aren't dumb enough to actually give oil gibs to foreigners. Say what you will about shit IQ, but they are smart enough not to give their shit out for free.

imgur link?

I know they get flips. Aren't they east Asians?

>You either have to marry someone
That only works for foreign women, arabs and iranians don't give citizenship to foreign men for marrying their women as they are patrilinear.

like im gonna

Philippinos have low IQ just like jungle gooks.

Flips have IQ 86 arabs have 85 on average .

Many already got citizenhip in gulf counries there seem to be a custom of giving arabic surnames that denote someone's ethnic origin to naturalized foreigners for example al balushi means someone is from bolochistan.

Could post link to thhis thread on imgur?

you mean send him a link to this? he will think im am just a maniac and probably wont respond just like he is doing right now

tfw ethnic germans don't exist :(

>you mean send him a link to this
I mean post a link here


Hardly anybody immigrates to africa because it is too dangerous and the pay is shit, except war refugees from other african countries who more often than not have the same IQ as neighbouring countries.


>Netherlands are surrounded by shitskin countries

I was sure ours was going to be worse.
I guess the Chinese balance out the Bolivians and Peruvians.

You've chinks there?

1% of the population

Most Asians here used to be Japanese and Koreans but the Chinese have really taken over in the 1990s.

It's funny because they really hate each other. The Taiwanese hate the Chinese mainlanders, the Koreans hate all the Chinese and the Japanese hate all of them.

Makes integration easier. They are usually speaking Spanish and giving their kids Argie names in a matter of years.

The source of this information is coming the education system ??

Yeah sure the kids are getting more fucking retarded thanks to liberal bullshit and shit like "Womens studies" being popular but how does that have anything to do with Immigration?

Or am i just not getting it

It is getting lower due to larger populations of shitskins and white women breeding with them.

Ah i see, thx Polandbro

No problem

The UAE and Qatar are getting smarter because they're selective in their immigration policies while hiring high quality labor. So, they only take the best and if they receive anything less they behead them and throw them back.

If the UK or Sweden only allowed people from accredited universities, who have already obtained employment in country into their countries they would be seeing a net gain as well.

>But reversion to the mean
It's first generation immigrants. Their children wouldn't factor into this yet.


Also the fact that the economy there has been improved massively over the past 20 years means better education and opportunities.

Better education + Selective immigration = Higher IQ

Most experts agree IQ is genetic AND environmental. Their genetics are shit but their environment has improved massively.

Another pic to show to every fucking commie retard you know.

The reason why gulfies are getting smarter is that incest is getting less and less common, so as younger generations undo inbreeding by marrying someone other than their cousins, their noninbred kids are way smarter than their inbred parents from regaining the iq points that were lost to inbreeding

>west europeans are getting dumber

Pretty sure it's staying the same, just the average of the countries gets dragged down due to the "new landers"

No they've a lot of lowly skilled workers too but perhaps they don't stay pernamently, though over 50% of UAE are south asians and I doubt all of them are geniuses since they even have a lot of abbo tamils.

>The reason why gulfies are getting smarter is that incest is getting less and less common, so as younger generations undo inbreeding by marrying someone other than their cousins, their noninbred kids are way smarter than their inbred parents from regaining the iq points that were lost to inbreeding

That may be it because I doubt poo in loos they get are so smart. However inbreeding itself can increase intelligence too like happened with jews unless you have deleterious recessive alleles related to intelligence because inbreeding by itself isn't really detrimental.

I know a lot of white South Africans (mostly engineers) who work in Dubai.

They have a fuckton of money so they just import skilled labor while the locals live off of gibsmedats.

Yea those IQ tests were most likely done on citizens.

Lol why in 1991 those few buildings were so far away from each other. Seems like UAE was barely populated at all before mass immigration there.

Jews are only midly inbred like icelanders ie fourth or fifth cousins so the intelligence isn't affected
first cousin inbreeding which used to be very common in middle east is detrimental to intelligence, thankfully the younger generations there are abandoning this practice so we'll be seeing a large increase of intelligence in middle east by the end of this century from younger people not inbreeding as much

Well jewish IQ is dropping now because they are less inbred and mixing with gentiles now. It was higher when they were moe inbred.
Explain why it is detrimental ti intelligence since science to back this up. What inbreeding doe is unmasking deleterious alleles that need two copies to be active but it doesn't cause them. Inbreeding is in the large part a reason why races other than negroids even come into existence.

u wot m8? Other races outbred with neanderthals and shit.

They're based on the PISA study. They likely use the score for immigrant students, or extrapolate based on the scores of their home region.

The point is they're intelligent and well-educated professionals.
Just compare Canada and Sweden. Our immigrants make places africa tier since they're fucking jungle savages. Canada has a pretty strict point system, so theirs perform better than they do and are taking over the country.

And it decreased their fitness as neanderthals had deleterious mutations.

>are taking over the country.
Yours shall be taking over the country sooner or later.

Snti-refugee propaganda from the polish state TV.

IQ has nothing to do with the level of education.
The tests involve finding patterns from pictures, nothing numerical or literary.

uhh wtf? IQ isn't even used in scientific communities as a measure of intelligence anymore. cultural differences will always favour whites to score better.

of course whites score higher on IQ tests - IQ tests were created by whites. And when someone who is not empowered by the systematic white hegemony (ie an immigrant) takes an IQ test, they're set up to fail from the start.

shaking my damn head, pol, you're supposed to be smarter than this...

>leaf post
Jews and asians score higher than whites.

>of course whites score higher on IQ tests - IQ tests were created by whites

Mais les Asiatiques score plus haut...

>The UAE and Qatar are getting smarter because they're selective in their immigration policies while hiring high quality labor.

they're getting smarter because they're taking in people to work, not just to move there.

they don't have an organic economy or society. literally everyone who lives there is on a temporary contract as either an indian labourer or a westerner working for american oil companies.

these countries are awful, shitty examples to use for anything because they're completely artificial. there is no native population that got altered by immigration, there was no one there to begin with.

yep this is rascist take it down, we need further cultural enrichment and mass rape must be allowed to proceed, also sieg heil

This, my brother is an Engineer and went there 3 years ago.