>hey mom and dad meet my girlfriend laptoyanqua
how do your parents react Sup Forums?
Hey mom and dad meet my girlfriend laptoyanqua
"At least he is not gay"
they'd tell me bestiality ain't Christian and they would grab the shotgun.
Does she need a shower? She's covered in dirt.
la what?
OP's parents here.
We wouldn't buy it for a second
racism certainly isn't christian
Hey at least your not masturbating to chicks with dicks. Way to go son.
i'd fuck her till she's 50 shades lighter.
my father would be hesitant at first, probably talk to me about it, but he would come around. Would never want to go out with that thing though
Post pic of your girlfriend faggot.
Fix her hair, wash her off, put her in real clothes that are stained, change her name to something less retarded, and put her in white face and it might be alright.
>"Nice joke son. Not put Harambe back in the zoo"
her face reminds me of something like this
maybe not mickey mouse, but some cartoon character
"take the bleach honey"
shes p cute desu
>unzipz BBC
She's too good at contouring her face. She looks like a doll.
She's a "Thing"? You must have very low self esteem.
FUCKING HELL this type of shit will ruin the determination of white men. Delet this.
"Hahaha you with a girl? That's rich. Don't bring hookers into the house again virgin"
>remember that inheritance you though you were going to get? me neither
They would be disappointed I literally go for the easiest type of girl to get.
>tfw I have jungle fever and yellow fever.
Add them together and you get Gyaru or Ganguro girl.
"Well hey there!"
Probably disown me cause im a paki
We hate niggers. Well i dont but most do. but my parents would be just as disappointed if my sister brought a white guy home
She could be my lap toy if you know what I mean
someone shoop her into being white skinned
her nose doesnt look that niggerish compared to other sheboons at least
I think they'd be stoked I managed to bring anyone home.
They'd just be happy that I finally got a gf at all to be honest.
She's actually kind of cute for a black girl.
glad i had something resembling a life
muh dick
"I've told you before I don't have any kids, so stop calling me dad. Now fuck off out my house and take your pet monkey with you"
It's so fucking weird how white her features are. She just looks like a white woman who went full minstrel
"Congratulations kiddo, and here I thought you would stay single forever"
The pale glaze (I don't know what it's actually called) creates the illusion that her face is plastic and shiny.
>how do your parents react
>yeah but how do you unlock her?
Sometimes I wish we were as black as the memes imply, I could get a qt314 chocolate goddess like this one.
muh dick
>The pale glaze (I don't know what it's actually called)
It's called 'jizz', user
Dad shakes uncontrollably while just staring at the pc monitor that shows google home page.
Moms jaw drops as well as her beloved iPad. She doesn't lose eye contact while it breaks, showing pictures of me and the family behind the now broken screen.
A tear runs down her frozen-still face while you can hear the shaking of the computer mouse my dad holds in his hand. It breaks. He's bleeding but still focused on the google home page.
nice shoop, that's a white chick's body
My parents are full libtards so they would probably be overjoyed.
I brought home an indian girl once, ONCE, and my mom didn't stop talking about her for like 4 years even after other girls came and went.
Bulgarian parents should be glad their daughter-in-law doesn't have a mustache
>thinking these black goddess are common
Good looking black women come from Ethiopia, and there are barely any in the Americas.
They're probably a little creeped out like I am.
That girl has some uncanny valley shit going on.
my dad would be like
o ho ho ho czarna dupka
> you're not a black
You know its wrong. Nice bait.
It would be awkward at first, but they'll fully support my decision as long as she isn't literal street garbage.
Australia has sudanese angels
my mom would let me fuck a nigger, and i don't know what my dad would do, maybe he would make a comment about getting someone with lighter skin. i'd prefer if i get the absolute fucking shit kicked out of me, and be disowned, as i would to my children. i honestly dont know how you can love your children and let them fuck a nigger.
>he goes through mental gymnastics to justify his rock hard cock
You got hard over a nigress, just admit it instead of calling her white coloured in photoshop which isn't true
No. That's a black queen showing all her power. But you won't get anything, cause you're a insecure little-dicked white boy.
"Jak na murzynkę to nawet ładna"
Top kek. Don't make me find that refugees welcome hung(a)ry tranny that your parents are so proud of cause Xhe doesn't have a moustache
"Good job lad, we were beginning to worry you were gay!"
Shut the fuck up spic.
Contacts, fake eyebrows, probably fake hair
my dick just twitched
what the fuck
>wow, you actually have a relationship of any sort with another human being?
>that's amazing, son
photoshop. all of it
My father cucks me by claiming his Prima Nocte rights. I end up raising my Brother-Son
oh hello lapo lapo how did you become a white nigger?
Butthurt monkey detected. You will never be white, haha
Imagine what it must be like to fuck her in the dark
Your dick would just disappear and reappear out of thin air like a magic trick
I would unironically dump a huge load in her and watch it drip out against the contrast of that black pussy as the whites of her eyes get wider knowing that she's been C O L O N I S E D
"What happened to your wife"
b-but this is heresy...
I keep seeing this, who is it ? looks like a white girl in blackface, is that correct ?
not that my mom is dead, but shes dead to me. She thought living on welfare was the epitome of life. I didnt know my dad because he split when I was 3. her new husband at age 5 didnt work either. They woke up around noon and went to bed around midnight. They cooked dinner. Sometimes. The house, my brother and I were filthy. To this day she thinks shes a good parent and blames all of her problems on my grandmother, who I dont understand why takes her phone calls.
My grandmother was depression era, shes roughly 85ish now and racist. Less so than Sup Forums, but wouldnt approve.
This probably isn't the board for you.
be nice about it but internally wtfing
If i were you dad, i will punch you in the face and bang so hard that girl. Banging is different to breed
>im christian but i only believe in the fun parts like killing muslims and hating fags
Sup Forums-christians in a nutshell.
she's fucking cute as fuck desu
would race mix with.
Brazil, stop worrying about white people and start worrying about your shit-hole of a country and broke-down economy.
Dad: thanks God is a woman
Mom:we though you are gay
They would yell "BLEACHED" in her face and then accuse me of being a race traitor kike puppet
Says the monkey from the country that actually has zero white culture. Kill yourself, cuck faggot, your people are the dumbest on earth.
Me wanting to be white is like wanting my dick to shrink
Congratulations your 25 it's about time
But that's never going to happen, ANY race of girlfriend
They'd probably be cool with it. My mom told me she had a dream where I had a black gf once.
this is true.. They steal our culture but it also allows us to have easy access to white girls
That fitted you quite well, right?
That's true. The best part is that white girls simple love it
Maybe so but your IQ would also more than likely be increased.
>mix bleach in with her body wash
>she becomes whiter every time she takes a shower
what could go wron