Look what i found :^)

look what i found :^)

Other urls found in this thread:


where the fuck did you find that piece of awesomeness?

My grandfather liked to collect stuff

how much is it worth

i don't know and i aint selling it.

[spoiler]Its not even mine its my grandfathers [/spoiler]

Look at what I found.


so you didnt find it

can anybody be trusted these days?

he found it in his grandfathers attic.


I found it in my grandpapas house


was anne frank there too?


Your in Britain if it is found it will be taken from you and melted down.

fug :D

Thats it? kek.

Clean it to make it gleam again. It looks disgusting right now. Hitler would be disappointed.

There was some more war shit. Like photos unifom etc.

But since its the uk no weaponds.

I put it back in my grandfathers room

I'm sure your grandfather wouldn't mind if you cleaned it, assuming he even cares about it anymore


I'm not at his house anymore.

I made this thread when i got home since my he does not have internet had his house.

Why not FA M


>only thought is about the monetary value
How did you get out of the oven?

I see, nice find. Could be worth a lot of money, not that you should sell it of course .

Assuming you're not an idiot and cleaning it with something that will make the coin dissolve there's no reason not to.

That's worth about 40cents. Feel free to clean it, it's not a super rare coin or anything. I have a ton of those. The pre 1940 reichspfennigs are worth a couple bucks a piece depending on the mint. I also have some 2, 5 RM hindenburgs


fucking jews man

Cleaning coins destroys any historical value they have

It's generally inadvisable unless you're discussing dirt and other surface debris that can be removed with a light brush and water. In this case it's really not all that valuable of a coin. For most collectors, there is no need to restore a coin, and if the corrosion is so bad that you can't make out anything on it, it's better to have it done professionally

I also have 10 reichspfennig user. Check it
also green amphibian say queen is kil

Not really so much that, but the nuministic value. If you had an actual rare coin that was worth $200, you can drive the value down to $10. If you ever decide to clean an old coin, make sure you research it first to make sure you're not flushing money in the turlet. These 1 RP zinc coins don't hold that high of a value though so OP could do it in this case without being retarded. I buffed one out myself with a dremel. Really pointless though

Look what i just found

Look what I found

aw shit qt

Your future.

who is this goddess?

Cute girl.



Eliza, a mentally ill attention whore from /r9k/




look what i found

Not to one up you but...Part of my collection

6 Million

look what i just found



simpler times

look what i found :^)

Found this girl in my grandpa's attic. What do?

I hate to hijack the thread but my dad liked to collect stuff too and I found this in box after he passed away. Maybe someone here can tell me a bit about it?

No it wouldn't.


Bretty gud. Definitely don't clean this one!

Cool. Nice find.

Call the police

'bout three fiddy
ask your family if they still have old money around
mine has a box filled with like billions in mark from the hyperinflation days
most others have that shit somwhere in the attic as well in my experience

Whoa neat! Much appreciated.

What about this? Got it from my grandmother

My grandmother had this lot

The back. I always thought it was funny that there wasn't a swastika on it yet


>billions in mark from the hyperinflation days
5 cents more or less

How can you call yourself a man when you have no fucking calluses. Pathetic, is this what the modern western man has become?

really maeks you think

subtle trolling


look what I found

Any sweet lamps?

>mfw I got an old reichmark from the 19th century with my family name on it



great inscription on that one
"common interest before self interest"



Interesting fact:

If you look on many compressed gas cylinders you will find a stamp of what looks like a box with a cross inside it....it originally was a swastika. Linde is a big German gas supplier that is still around, and was around for the glory of the Reich. These things are literally all over the place.

Never, eeeeever clean coins. At most, wipe them with a damp rag or gently scrape away caked-on corrosion or dirt with a wire brush.

Cleaning a coin like you would jewelry destroys its value and its appearance - even if it doesn't look so hot to begin with.

time to go back to


>Gemeinnutz vor Eigennutz

Beautiful, it's way more fitting that that communist "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few"

It's not about needs (gibs), it's about value and usefulness. 'Nutz' is hard to translate into English

If that's real it should go for quite a bit of money.

>most under appreciated reply in the thread

Never seen this. Neat.

i was struggling with the translation
thanks for giving it context

awww, eliza. post mcdonalds video pls

Like, $5 tops. See them all the time at coin shows.

This was my great grandfather's. What do I do with it?

[spoiler]I'm black[/spoiler]

No problem. I actually think the comparison between 'common usefulness before usefulness for yourself' (again, it's horribly translatable to English) nicely illustrates the difference between communism/socialism and national socialism. It's about you being a slave to society vs. you being a provider for the society. And about other people's needs dictating what you should do vs. supporting your community because you need the community

>when the Aryan Blood hits

found it myself ^.^
