So what's our course of action now that we realize Trump is a bush tier Neocon who will draft us for the war with North Korea?
What did he mean by this?
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The rocket will fall apart 3/4 of the way to japan this time.
(((North Korea)))
Start getting ready to ice Nork scum
China's as annoying at NK as we are. Expect "get that shit under control" to be a demand from Trump during negotiations with China.
as we shitpost president trump is meeting with the generals and is laying the groundwork for a sneak attack into pyongyang to depose kim jong un
North Korea and China are the biggest threats to world peace.
>its real
oh fuck i actually thought it was fake holy shit prepare to get drafted boys
Don't worry, I've got this under control.
Why does the us get 10000 nukes but north korea cant make their own? Only usa ever used nukes anyways. NK would NEVER use them. They just don't want to get Iraq'd.
Because they aren't controlled by the Jews and we want them to be controlled by the Jews. Being the world police is taxing.
>mfw i realised its actually real
>war with north Korea
It would be a small operation at best that would last a week tops. The bigger issue is what happens with the people of North Korea after we crush the military? Are they thankful or do we get another Iraq?
You are getting refugees :D:D:
>The Socialist Party
Why can't we go back to a time when these sort of people were jailed?
Checked again. The force is strong in this thread.
NK and China biggest threats to world peace? No. Tavistock is the biggest threat.
They have over a million people and 24 million total in a small densly populated country. You're going to get Korea again.
*million soldiers
You don't have civilian problems if you nuke them.
Bonus effect is nuking parts of China.
YOU FOOLS!!!!!!!
Trump is dismissing fears created by the media. He knows North Korea is perfectly harmless if we don't antagonize them.
Trump does not want to see American boys dying for South Korean's sake
Hopefully Trump will end the U.S imerialism on the peninsula and the Koreas will be united.
It is the MSM and the political elite who like to keep North Korea as a constant threat to justify their militarism and government handouts to the Military Industrial Complex.
Sadly there was a credible prediction made that if the winner of the 2016 election was a man he would not live to see the end of his term. Now you know the kind of people Trump is pissing off.
Would he do it again if he had the choice Sup Forums?
>Are they thankful or do we get another Iraq?
Considering the entire population is brainwashed into thinking that Kim Jong-un is God and the last bastion against the "Literally Satan" West, it's not going to be easy. Battered wife syndrome kinda thing.
push General Flynn and the others like Mattis to make sedition a crime again.
W W 3
that retard comments on EVERY single post and it's so annoying
As in Korean war? Difference is the only goal would be to dismantle the regime and then destroy their weapons capabilities. If they want to start a new government in the ashes why would we give a fuck? Chances are the people left would want something that didn't suck dicks. Especially if they're made aware of how much better things are in South Korean.
He can't just attack north korea, they would shell Seoul. Nobody attacks them because Seoul is basically an hostage.
What parts of the country do you niggers live in?
They need an excuse to build up trumps secret guard bigger than the national guard.
Remember this guy is a Clinton Foundation Donor that means hes pretty much a confirmed reptilian child molester he will stop at nothing
And who is this credible source which can predict the future? Nostradamus? The moment you called precognition "credible", you lost all credibility.
1. poke best korea
2. worst korea including all it's electronics factories get destroyed
3. set up factrories in the US making cellphones and computer hardware
>implying The God Emperor cares.
America can do whatever we want. Texas should know this best.
Rearm Japan
Let Putin have some of the spoils.
North Korea deserves to be annihilated desu
>brainwashed into thinking that Kim Jong-un is God
Are they actually or is every person that gets asked about such a thing fearful that they'll be executed once the western cameras leave if they don't answer properly?
>Taking Trump tweets seriously.
Good grief, these next 4 years will be great.
god damn it I own this book
Why? The Socialist Party, especially the Twitter account, is cancer, and you shouldn't disagree
United Republic of America
Democratic States of America
Bush wasn't even a "Bush Tier" neo-con. Cheney and Rumsfeld were the real lads.
Still though, Trump is gonna romance explosion on the whole world when he comes into office, I can see it happening. Between the shit with Russia, Ukraine, Syria, Turkey, Yemen, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, North Korea, Israel. Fuck.
Shit is gonna get real in the coming years, it's pure build up to WW3 tier. Seems like it to me anyway. Especially with the economic downturn too, those things always precede giant fucking wars.
its similar to how people bow down and pray to (((Trump)))
there are kids right now who would die for the simple 99 in your post number. theyd die for it. its their ideology and its just simple ascending numerals.
hey asshole, it literally says in his tweet that its not happening
I feel bad for Eric...
you know she is only with him for the money...
It will not happen because they will test it on Israel.
Drumpfy no likey
Time to tax the shit out of kimchee
I know it doesn't show here but I feel it needs to be on every board.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
I'm gonna assume that kek worship is more ironic shitposting and not an actual religion in the making.
what does that have to do with me I just pointed out an annoying account comments on every single last post Trump makes
That barely visible Argentina flag gets me every time.
Women are incapable of love.
fuck i'm dumb
And twitter makes sure his post is always at the top of trumps tweet when you click it. Funny how that algorithm works :^)
trumps just trying to prevent having to fight russia because of his wife. you cant hold it against him
but that said it was agreed upon that russia would be the enemy for WW3. its why canada ,the current president, germany all bitch about russia and at this moment they are all liberal you know the side that pretends to not like war
its not impossible to stop what they have set into motion but its above most peoples pay grade
THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN! We're gonna pull a Hitler and go against the world... but this time, WIN!
Why does Eric look like Dracula here?
Capture or drone him, then drop leaflets stating that they were lied to their whole lives since their "god" was taken out by us.
americans aren't capable of making good electronics. Its why their own companies use Samsung parts.
north korea is talking out of its ass
china does the same thing whenever it pulls some kind of stunt
they do this to try and get into international news and say "we're important and should be a part of the international dialogue"
basically they're not powerful enough on their own to warrent anyone paying attention to them so they try and get it by making threats
If we did go to war with North Korea wouldn't we just stomp a mudhole in their asses? Granted I'm sure people said the same thing about Iraq, but I highly doubt Koreans are as motivated for war or if their terrain is as harsh
It'll be even harder to fight in korea. Its filled with mountains and jungles. The people will die for Kim,
If this happened in Saudi arabia and the kabbah was bombed do you think they'd just drop all their weapons and become peaceful? No and neither would the Koreans.
Meaning that Kimmy has literally no reason to build a long range device, their nuclear program only exists as a suicide pact. If invaded they would release on whoever was closest. Thus it is in better interest of its neighbors to ignore it.
Being "in final stages" is true because they have no intention to finish a pointless technology.
i think i remember reading that book, what is it?
to be honest, i take the prediction with a grain of salt, but do consider that Trump is the oldest man to be sworn in, is fat, will deal with a lot of stress, plus he is pissing off the establishment.
So it is not a bold prediction to make.
> north korea
> threat
>Assassinate Kim
>Capture General
>Order him to tell everyone to give up
Wowww that was so fucking hard, see this is why you're a leaf and couldn't muster the nerve to tell the queen to fuck off.
american born chinese
Their entire culture is a revamped Judaism in which they are the Chosen People and America is Amalek. Their country is so mountainous that they joke that if it were flattened out it would be bigger than China.
>order him to tell everyone to give up
What if he says no?
post full battle station
Aw shit
>imagining the dread of getting lost on some impregnable mountain path
>Why can't we go back to a time when these sort of people were thrown out of helicopters?
we give him a burger
Fuuuuck! I have the same keyboard
>North Korea keeps threating the US
>We should let them
Their shitty rockets wont even make it to us but that doesn't mean we should let those faggots keep disrespecting us.
Just like Jap civilians jumping to their suicide.