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>parts of the usa
aka the west coast
aka nothing of value
wtf I thought Trump and that fat nork were friends
RIP Best Korea
Thanks for the second by second twitter updates. Keep me updated.
This, he's giving commiefornia their independence, so technically his speech is accurate.
Would anybody seriously try to stop us if we did a first strike on North Korea?
Would China actually do anything?
It's goin' to be fun on the bun
>inb4 "@NorthKorea - we're #declaringwar"
nuke calexit is best calexit
Yeah let's throw away a majority of our agriculture. They vote left anyway
I for one welcome seeing millenials conscripted for war with hardened communist brainwashed Koreans.
At 32 I'll get a cushy behind the lines uniform and hunt lonely qt sluts
I think he's just calling the North Koreans lying faggots
>living on "meat" derived from human feces
failing to see difference
So some close flyovers over some frigates. Maybe sink a few flip fishing skips
>>parts of the usa
it means hawaii, you leafnigger
leaf has a point, kim is dumb enough to pop LA only. praise kek.
.t snake p from norcal
>tfw San Diego
I dun wanna die to chink Stalinist scum
>baby's first war
US death toll will be low in comparison.
yeah, right up until you guys arrive in NK.
If NK does try to nuke us, will our missile defense be able to stop it?
pls no
north korea is the only natsoc country left
If it targets Commiefornia, just explain in the news how it malfunctioned.
Yes, they will only have one or two missiles. Our defenses couldn't stop Russia for example, if they launched a ton of missiles, but one or two? Definitely.
Look, North Korea is simple-
Whoever strikes first ultimately loses.
Everyone including the king of the norks knows this. I'd imagine so does trump.
friendly reminder that there has NEVER been a successful missle defense system
friendly reminder that Canada is just Peru with a leaf
>majority of people in high positions are satanic pedophiles
We deserve to die desu.
>mfw shitattle gets nuked along with shit fran
We should just go start wrecking them
I fucking dare china to step up, they'll do fookin nothin because they don't want none
i am concerned this oompa loompa motherfucker is going to start a massive war.
hillary might have too but this tweet really makes me think
True Americans aren't friends with filthy commies.
>they'll only be able to hit west coast at best
Nothing of value over there, anyway.
Honestly, I want California to get nuked.
>If NK does try to nuke us, will our missile defense be able to stop it?
This missile defense shield is meant for Iran.
It wasn't meant for Russia or North Korea.
>majority of our agriculture
You're retarded, aren't you?
>Trump antagonizes North Korea
>North Korea Nukes California
>Liberal scum and spics are wiped off the map
No. You?
Is that why we shilled trump into office
Well, it was at least my reason for supporting him
>California is top producer, so that means that Texas + Iowa + Nebraska isn't already higher than Cali.
You're double-retarded.
Why didn't bush invade North Korea instead of Iraq?
Doesn't say it works.
no oil
It won't happen!
>implying a country that says its leader was born under a double-neon unicorn rainbow is telling the truth when it says it has nukes that can reach the US.
>we finally have a strong president again
Please turn California into a radioactive crater.
North korea is only dangerous if they manage to get a sub close to usa.
They are way more dangerous against south korea and japan.
Nuclear weapons are a hoax, look into it. There is no threat of these imaginary weapons.
Just because you cant see radiation does not mean its does not exist you flat earther.
Next you'll tell me the Earth is round
What's this then?
top kek
>educate yourself
>look into it
>open your eyes sheeple!
Special kind of retard, aren't you
CIA just told me we are going to invade Iran, and i cant talk about it
No it's flat and covered in a firmament.
It's about time China got called out in the North Korean menace. Handle your boy, China. Or trump will.
>majority of agriculture
They make fruits and cash crops not actual food (wheat and corn)
Sorry califag but we will survive without strawberries and almonds
stop giving the majority of your food to farm animals and this won't be a problem. just go vegan already fatso
ayyooo sd whadup it's alright bud at least we won't have to live in shit fuck new new mexico
>hits california
north korea truly is best korea.