Please Stop Pruning YLYL

I was a btard for the longest time until you folks turned me around to the right please don't make me go back there for my you laugh you lose threads they are so much better here.

I don't want to have to risk seeing some sick child porn just to get my political laughs

I don't understand how funny images that are usually political AR less relevant than threads about Antarctica and the moon hoax.

Please stop. Thanks.

Other urls found in this thread:

Your life is meaning less.
None of this matters.
You are in a simulation.
Wake up.

How does one wake up from the simulation, leafcuck?

You don't.
You just try and convince yourself you're not

I was just looking for some laughs not a life lesson







fuck off leaf cuck






dude youre in a coma can you hear me right now?

whats that from?

One of his trips to russia


looks like hes introducing the other guy rather than shaking



I really like this picture.



top fucking kek is this why obaama hates russians?


he is just introducing them to him you idiot

I do agree with you OP, much of pol is bait threads now and too much childish type of racism for the sake of it.

A political you laugh you lose would get people actually being productive

>weakness should not be a weakness
fucking wat

I never said he wasn't introducing them I just posted the gif and said it was one of his trips to russia









Ty based janitors

Indeed, you can win more bees with honey.






Real honest kek from here... god damn what is that guy doing.. ?
