Why is it only the straight people that say homosexuality is a choice? And on top of that, what scientific study has been proven to be factual on the study of whether or not homosexuality is a mental illness? I'll be waiting.
Why is it only the straight people that say homosexuality is a choice? And on top of that...
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Because gee I don't know maybe members of a group are more inclined to think highly of their own group.
Because faggots don't want to face that fact and are in denial
Besides that
>have unnatural tendencies
>claim it's natural behaviour
>have unnatural tendencies
there's plenty of examples of animals that exhibit homosexual behavior. Bonobos (especially), dolphins, swans etc
>"when did you decide to become heterosexual?"
So if animals have certain behaviour it justifies it for humans as well?
Thank you for confirming what the faggotry agenda is all about, degrading us to degenerate animals.
I just said it was natural, which was your argument against it. If two people of the same gender want to have consensual sex it's none of your business
are you the bedroom police?
Yes. That's exactly what he is. He wants freedom unless it tramples with his beliefs. He's the (((alt right))) version of the left.
>Why is it only the straight people say homosexuality is a choice?
It isn't.
I choose seek romantic relations with other guys because I find men are better company than women.
I find men and women sexually attractive but the thought of having a relationship with a woman feels the same as having a relationship with a down syndrome vegetable with a cath bag.
My choice is to do what I enjoy doing, there's no divine force that forces me to suck any dick that rolls along, nor would I entertain the idea of inviting a woman home.
Yesterday I saw a gif of a seal raping a penguin to death. Are you saying fans are comparable to that?
false premise. plenty of gay people have gone back to being straight and admitted they were just mentally ill or recreating their abuses as children
No, merely that it occurs in nature like I said before. It would be more akin to two male penguins going at it vs raping a dead body.... not sure how you got that comparison
Pedophilia is also common in the animal kingdom. By your logic, raping children is ok. Your narrative is significantly flawed.
What is the definition of mental illness? Is it not abnormal brain function? If a brain denies the physical reality of one's reproductive organs, it is not functioning normally. The purpose of sex is reproduction with the opposite sex. A brain which cannot understand this very basic fact is not functioning normally. Therefore, a mental illness.
You say it's unnatural. He proves it isn't.
You move the goal posts and say it's immoral, and claim logical victory.
You have no argument other than "much religion", better admit that right off the bat if you want an honest conversation (honest, not logical — religion isn't logical)
I never said it was OK because it happened in nature. Learn to read, I was refuting what the other poster said about it being unnatural. Animals will fuck any hole when they're horny, and guess what humans are.
It's not hard to understand, you're comparing a child who cannot consent to a two partner relationship. The only difference from a straight relationship is both partners are of the same gender. Not hard to get.
That's because you're gay dude. Sorry you had to find out like this.
Fags have a mental rejection of a biological function natural to survival, something in the head MUST be fucked up.
But butt buggering ain't hurting no one except the queers. Pedos hurt everybody.
Gay man here: Homosexuality is a fetish, similar to feet or leather. The 'LGBTQ+' community is cancer.
If it's not a choice, then why do most gays start out straight?
>I haven't discovered myself.
Oh please, I knew I wanted to fuck women as early as five years old. I even asked my teacher out because I wanted to fuck her.
Because if it isn't a choice then surely it's genetic and therefore should have been bred out of existence by now
Bloody hell, you're right!
How am I going to break this to my boyfriend?
Is this bait? You "start out straight" because heteronormativity, dipshit. You're taught you're supposed to find the opposite sex attractive.
How stupid are you?
dick or GTFO
You can teach not getting hard over men?
>1 post by this ID
>THIS thread again
Fuck off
Yes, young school children are taught what to find attractive.
>homosexuality is a fetish
Fuck out of here faggot you're mentally ill and think your cool cuz you watch milo videos off yourself degenerate
That's a great point.
That's pretty gey, friend.
Oy vey.
It raises an interesting point of discussion and god knows it's a slow night tonight.
found the foot fetishist
They do get hard over men. They just keep quiet about it.
You emulate your elders, peers, etc. You're being taught vicariously, asshole.
Lol, yes, my parents and grandparents sure are talking about fucking a lot around children.
The reason some straight people say homosexuality is a choice is because they are straight - they naturally don't have sexual attraction towards other males. However, acting like a faggot is a choice. If your sexuality defines your personality, you are a degenerate. In other words, if I can tell you're gay within 10 minutes of meeting you, it means you act like a faggot.
As far as the second part of your question, it isn't a mental illness per se, but it is certainly not a good trait, and is caused by hormone imbalance at birth IIRC. Not only does it not work from a reproductive perspective, literally going against the purpose of being that certain sex, but it also can cause men to act more like women and vice versa. When I say it's not natural, I mean that it goes against the natural function of the human body.
>why is it only women that say the paitrachy exists
Gee oh golly
"You're taught you're supposed to find the opposite sex attractive. "
This implies they don't find men attractive, not that they're just quiet about it.
>Appeal to nature
Homosexuality is an error of nature. An organisms true purpose is to survive and reproduce. Anything that affects that negatively means you're an inferior specimen and your genes don't pass through generations. Call it a mental illness or not, that is a fact.
>interesting point of discussion
These bullshit bait threads are posted every day and are a waste of time
So everyone, even sub-Saharan Bedouin tribes with no western influences or institutions are also somehow subliminally taught by the Eternal Jew that they have no choice in who they will love?
You can't be this stupid, can you? You emulate behavior and learn through copycat behavior. Daddy kisses mommy, so logically I have to kiss girls? Sort of thing.
But you know this, you're probably not this retarded. You just lack empathy and the ability to think abstractly to a degree.
>implying he wants freedom
>An organisms true purpose is to survive and reproduce.
t. autismo
Tell this to any lady and see how far that will get you in your "true purpose." Life is what ever you want to make of it
How many times does this have to be posted a day. Why do you fags always ignore it. Should I make this a pasta?
The Jew tapped into something real. They didn't INVENT homosexuality, they just brought it to light.
Whether that is good or bad is another story.
Fags are obnoxious, and most behave in a super feminine obnoxious way, the way transgender usually behave. So it's half way to a mental disorder
You can start by making it legible on cellphone devices. Break it up into a couple graphics, friend.
Here is proof it is mental illness:
Gay people have a distinct accent. Its easy to tell who is gay and who isnt
I'm the guy defending homosex here, and I agree with you. Fems need to be stopped.
Essentially, yes.
If there's one thing that separates humanity from the animals is our free will and sentience.
Having sex for nothing more than reproduction is an animal instinct. Humans have sex for pleasure.
To say that people only have sex to reproduce is the same as saying people only close their eyes to sleep.
The real redpill is that there's no singular cause of homosexuality
Some are mentally ill
Some are internalizing sexual abuse
Some are seeking the highest form of hedonism
There is a difference between homosexuals and faggots like there is a difference between blacks and niggers or women and whores.
>implying you can compare degeneracy with a common normal fetish
You forgot
>some just legitimately feel love for other men
>willy in bum sex feels v. good.
t. libtard
This is why you are a degenerate. You hold the belief that life is nothing but what you want it to be. Where does this thought process lead? To a faggot living out his entire life looking for nothing but his next selfish pleasure, his next fix of sin.
You are a sinner. This is bad for you mental health and society at large.
You are like a fat person who eats when they are sad. Good job, you made yourself happy for brief moment by making your life even more miserable and pathetic. Have you ever tried to stop being degenerate? Stop watching porn right now. And don't watch it for another 2 years. Do not have sex with anyone, do not go out with anyone, do not make out with anyone, do not watch your gay anime shows or degenerate tv. Come back and tell me you are still gay.
>being this fucking retarded
open the file in another window faggot. Or you could just join your faggot friends and off yourself already.
>retardation and sheeple behavior exists to this extent
Haha wow
Or just make it more accessible
I don't feel like opening a new tab
Fuck you
>being that salty that men are having more sex than you
wrong wrong wrong wrong
There is no difference between blacks and niggers and there is no difference between fags and gays. You are in so much denial that you have forced yourself to believe this, all for what? So you can tell yourself you aren't racist. You are racist and there is literally nothing wrong with that.
You are still very blue pilled. You need to go deeper.
Not an argument
hahhahahaha wow start arguing anytime.
I'm still gay. This was me 2 weeks ago :^)
>Stop watching porn right now. And don't watch it for another 2 years. Do not have sex with anyone, do not go out with anyone, do not make out with anyone, do not watch your gay anime shows or degenerate tv.
wow your life sounds fun
Appeal to nature is necessary in that case since he is asking if it's natural, meaning artificial so product of human inventive. The argument here is constantly that the Jews are turning people gay, and that's ridiculous based on animal observation.
>normal fetish
the only normal fetish is missionary and without protectionbetween a married man and woman who love and have accepted the lord jesus christ as their savior and are over 18 years of age you fucking degenerate and if it doesnt result in a child then they need to be castrated and institutionalized
What you meant to say is you are too autistic to know how.
That or you purposely shut your eyes over information you do not want to see. It feels bad being wrong but you should embrace the truth.
Oh boy is this a fag shenanigans thread?
>not coming up with any argument
Its funny how faggots always do this. Not only do they immediatly change the goalpost but they change it the same exact way a woman would.
>w-w-well you must be a virgin then
Neck yourself freak
>wow your life sounds fun
And i'm sure you think your life is "fun". You are a degenerate. I give you 5 years until you realize how depressed you are and kill yourself.
>saving a picture is hard
I just don't want to save/open a new tab to read pseudo/religious science bullshit
Or MUH statistics. Yes, faggots are still annoying and/or broken. So instead of subverting and trying to repress, help them integrate and normalize.
It's not going away. Especially not now.
This is what actual appeal to nature means. This post, because it's an actual fallacy. Nobody said it's good.
Explaining how certain behaviors are natural because they happen in nature isn't appeal to nature.
Does pic related look like a choice to you? It's because it's a choice. A bad one.
No that's not the definition of mental illness.
First of all fuck this 'blue pill'/'red pill' nonsense.
Second, I despise practically anyone that isn't white, christian and English.
The difference between blacks and niggers is that niggers exhibit more disregard for society.
(Destroying their own communities through racially-fuelled outrage)
The difference between homosexuals and faggots is that faggots exhibit more disregard for society.
(celebrating degenerate behaviour in public and influencing innocent children)
The difference between women and whores is that whores exhibit more disregard for society.
(Tearing up the family cell and depriving children of mothering.)
Blacks are still awful because they are genetically inferior to whites.
Gays are still awful because they offer a breeding ground for debauchery.
Women are still awful because they are emotionally and physically inferior to men.
>barren women and sterile men should neck themselves
>if you don't have a child, your life has no meaning
Sure is the pre-enlightenment era in here
Says the person having no sex, dates, or any kind of social life? That's what's bad for your mental health. Isolationism.
If you want to impose your belief on others and decide who is degenerate based on the sex they have move to the middle east where you belong
>he thinks he has to save the picture to view it
What happened to Sup Forums? Get the fuck out already normie.
>So instead of subverting and trying to repress, help them integrate and normalize.
It's not going away. Especially not now.
But thats the best way to get rid of them.
You sound like a nigger lover.
>guys we need to give niggers more of dem programs to make them fit in better with society
I'm sorry but you are a faggot. The same as being born retarded. You will always be a drain on society.
Well if you want to suck a dick. You have to choose to do so. If you want to get railed in the asshole you have to make the decision. Every action you make is a choice. Having gay relations is no different.
So pedophilia and zoophilia are not mental illnesses?
>Why is it only the straight people that say homosexuality is a choice?
That's not true. Gays also think it is a choice, because they have false hope that straight people will turn gay for them. Gays obviously fantasize about having sex with straight people, or turning straight people gay.
Gayness being biological = respect. Gayness being a choice = hope for more sexual partners, and an end to loneliness. They want both.
Gender dysphoria != Homosexuality
And whites are cucked by Jews.
It's fucking true though isn't it.
When was the last time you took a girl on a date, took her back to yours, made love and fell asleep in one another's arms?
And remember, don't lie on the internet, Jesus is watching.
No these are psychiatric disorders, specifically paraphilias, or what most people understand as fetishism.
>Pol posts a bunch of articles of mentally deranged people who happen to be homosexual
>ignores virtually infinite cases of mentally deranged heterosexual persons committing crimes, including pedo behavior
Haha fun thread, guys
He changed sexual preferences after cutting his dick off.
So you agree that homosexuality is a paraphilia too?
>heterosexual persons committing crimes, including pedo behavior
Pedo behavior is mostly gay though, i.e. men diddling boys.
He clearly has bigger issues than whatever is his orientation. Why anyone would think that being gay is choice is beyond my understanding, nobody likes to be shitty minority and having to deal with the whole process. Would you chose to be gay if you had th chance?
heterosexuals aren't 2% of the population
Gay guy here.
Wrongo bongo. Go outside.
The majority of child molesters are married "straight" men you idiot.
>inb4 edu and gov sites aren't reliable only breitbart!!
You're wrong though
Most pedos are women, cases that go unreported because society doesn't shy away from female closeness to infants
>Men are designed to like woman and try to fuck them
>The purpose of this basic mechanism is to ultimately spread your genes, an objective that almost all lifeforms follow and are designed to
>Men that naturally dislike women and want to fuck other men are not sick
Being born gay is as healthy as being born with a third arm in your neck