The madman does it again.
>it's real
Fucker needs to tone it down.
fuck off you limp dicked faggot i wanna see these gooks ass raped with their own intestines!
The Norks threaten us with annihilation on a regular basis, but we can't say anything about them?
top kek. btw why north koreans wants to nuke the fucking USA so badly ? Are they the biggest AW in the world?
>winning a war
pick one and only one
Why does trump tweet so autistic, I mean it's funny but you'd think he'd take the job of president more seriously
Maybe he's just stating this because it's a fact that the norks will never figure out how to build a decent ICBM with their shitass 1950s technology.
Dismantling of NK is not really of important interest to the ZOG. If anything it will just put stress onto China.
Good luck. You lose every time against changs so should be good.
And just like that with one tweet south korea is no more. Get your kpop qts while you still can boys.
The average burger is a retard, he needs to communicate at their level.
Trump Rocks!
pretty much this
They'll bitch and moan and beg/threaten other countries to join their (((coalition of the willing)))
America ain't shit anymore in terms of getting shit done by themselves. Their military is a very expensive paper tiger made in America.
As if america would ever risk a war with china, or vice-versa for that matter.
Say? You can say what ever you want just please don't go.
Those limp dicked gooks are just compensating for small dicks. We don't want 3rdWW over gooks they make good video games.
It is a point of leverage against the Chinese.
Best to make them bear the cost of picking up the pieces of a destroyed NK society (feeding millions).
Short man syndrome
USA sent a huge army to their country in the 50s and permanently cucked them
All of these doctators always need a boogeyman. Similar to the russian hate now by the democrats and the hate of jews by the krauts in the 30s and 40s.
>t. Wang and Chang
The idea that America is impervious will be their downfall, as it was ours.
China couldn't wage war here. No ships to bring their millions of soldiers. If America was retarded enough to invade China and engage in foot/hand-to-hand combat we'd get btfo by the sheer volume of disposable soldiers they can muster.
Is North Korea as evil as the media makes them out to be?
It seems to me NK is just trying to keep the Jew bankers out. Developing nuclear weapons is a good deterent to keep USA from bombkng them for their Jewish overlords.
It's because we're tied down by morality. We could level the planet of we wanted to.
The enemy of Canada/US is China.
Until the Chinese people grow some balls and overthrow their fascist government and replace it with democracy....China is the enemy.
Scores of Chinese are fleeing China as they hate the Government so much they move halfway across the world to escape it.
The Chinese in Canada fuckin hate China that's why they are here.
Remember....China is enemy...
It makes no sense anyway because you're each other best business partners. Your economies are so intertwined you'd both enter unimaginable recessions before boots could even dream of hitting the ground.
>you're each other best business partners.
I'm not a ching chang and I don't care, America keeps pushing their invincible shit and they will get fucked.
>t. highest defense budget
Speaking of short, what grade of magnifying glass you gooks use to check your pee pees?
How to fix the problem....impose huge tariffs on China or boycott their goods.
China has mobile execution vans for organ harvesting....
Until their society changes to the point where they overthrow their government China is a danger.
Keep eating up that propoganda you faggot. They are here for the money, it's that simple. They dont give a fuck about either country.
Also China isn't facist you fucking moron.
Probably. They could just send wave after wave of poorly armed Chinks at us until we eventually lost. Although, how much damage can a bunch of gooks with knives and pitchforks really do? I guess they would probably be fighting alongside soldiers who were actually equipped to fight a war.
Is conducting your presidency in soundbites via twitter a good idea?
Red-pilled and manly af. NK isn't going to know what hit it.
It's just a little bit of harmless shitposting. As long as he doesn't start announcing classified information or shit talking about people who are actually relevant, we should be fine.
You tried, in your own colony, look what happened. America is impervious to penetration the way "Red Dawn" depicts.
Future wars will be waged with drones and robots anyway.
China is dependent on foreign countries to survive. They can't even feed their growing babies without American and Australian baby formula. Farmers are so backordered on milk powder products they're going to make millions, each, selling nothing but dehydrated milk to Chinese people.
They're a country of parasites with absolutely no originality or ingenuity. They don't have the Naval force necessary to both wage ware internationally or defend 100% of their own country.
We have Commonwealths and bases in every single important strategic country across the planet. No one has ever had this advantage, nor will we allow them to.
I DO hope China annexes Japan and restores itself back to its former glory. I support that.
Digits confirm.
Putin will protect the USA from North Korea's aggression anyway. The Don has already won this war.
Seriously. What is North Korea's problem? Does anyone take them seriously at this point
>I DO hope China annexes Japan and restores itself back to its former glory. I support that.
>t. Xao Bao Ping Ling
>You tried, in your own colony, look what happened. America is impervious to penetration the way "Red Dawn" depicts.
Like I said, good luck.
Nothing lasts forever.
It;s the norks, they don't make shit.
Now the south gooks, they seems like good people.
It would be worse than Vietnam, look at the emotional quality of men here aged 18-30. The warrior was stamped out of the average western male a century ago.
that'd work if there was someone else would could meet western demand for cheap manufactured products. Who you gonna go to? The fucking poo-in-loos? We tried to trust them with electronics and look how they fucking that up.
They're not fascist in the early 1900s sense, but they're running a crypto-fascist economy. The corporations are all accountable to the state, it's a bit like dirigism in france during the post war era. Only more a bit hardcore on civil liberties. They don't really have a choice to start opening up more anyway since there's a surging middle class and their economy will need to shift away from cheap manufacturing anyway as they develop.
I'm white, I simply don't enjoy things left undone. China and Japan need to finish what they started in WW2 without Daddy Murica splitting up the fight.
The Canadian Chinese hate China that's why they are fleeing China in droves and moving to countries that have democracy...and becoming citizens of their new Canada/US/Australia etc.
Canada/US recognize that until the Chinese people overthrow their government and install democracy China is the enemy of Canada / US.
For now Canada/US need to impose huge tariffs on China until the peope overthrow the Chinese government.
Say no to mobile execution vans....say no to China....
The only thing taking America down anytime soon is nuclear war, in which case the entire world goes down with it. Stay mad Ahmed.
America will go irreversibly bankrupt before being invaded by foreign people. Economic collapse and defunding of the military would be the ONLY way America could be penetrated by a foreign legion. Then you have all the gun owners willing to fight that will, and I cannot stress that point enough, WILL blow away invaders without penalty or mercy.
What did he mean by this?
Where do you live? Our soldiers are still the best in the world, dude. The faggotry is limited to major cities and the internet.
The leaders of the Norks are rightly described as deranged lunatics. Literally no one takes them seriously. If you continue to defend Trump at outbursts like this do not be surprised when people start referring to him and by default America in that manner too.
Yeah you're the big invincible man, we get it.
Learn from our mistakes or fail, your choice queers.
Specialist soldiers, sure, the average grunt; not so much.
>he bought the "chinese foreigners are freedom lovers" meme
the poor chinks that fled to the west before 1976 might fit that bill, the rich chinks coming over now are the relatives of the oligarchs that made their fortunes early when china started opening its economic free zones under xiaoping. they are not our friends in the slightest.
We "lost" against Nam because we couldn't use nukes and had to follow Geneva convention protocols....
If Nam had happened pre geneva, they would've been wiped out
It's already done drumpf
Tweeting about it won't solve anything
Outbursts like what? He said that their threat won't happen. He didn't say "try it and we'll wipe you out" or anything that could be described as aggression. The leaders of NK are not taken seriously because they're constantly threatening to go to war with someone.
Proxy nigger.
Thinga have changed in the modern world and the same circumstances that led to Britain's downfall won't influence the demise of America. Like I said, modern warfare is going to be drones and robots. Not ships with cannons and single shot muskets.
How long before Trump legitimately starts a war via Twitter?
Hey remember when Sup Forums meme'd "HILLARY IS WW3"?
Simple times man, simple times.
Not an argument
Picture and timestamp.
It's 8:20am in your shithole nation.
Daylight = good pictures.
you fucker you've ruined my eye holes for the last time
Anf you think you can beat us all?
You struggled against a few farmers and you think the Eurasia won't push your shit in?
You're fucking delusional.
The best way to make them change their government would be to stop them from coming here. Force them to stay there so they can start something instead of running away.
But i disagree with your notion that the Chinese that leave China because they hate it and fear it. I live in Toronto and went to school here. I talked with lots of Chinese and many of them dont hate their country at all and only came here because we actually have very good secondary education. A lot of them didnt seem to care about Canada at all and knew nothing about it.
This guy gets it.
Fuck no he shouldn't. North Korea needs to be wiped off the map.
Settle down Dad, your senility is off the charts if you think you could even slap America let alone destroy something of mention or merit. The American Air Force is the second largest Naval fleet on the planet, the first is the US Navy. Combined we have more war machines than all other developed nations combined.
It's just a fact. Think of it like Stratego, we hold the most important military outposts and bases on the planet.
The leader of North Korea and Donald Trump are important social statements about questioning how far people will (ir)"rationally" follow authority outside the self (whom should have true authority/agency) and genuine consensus of people instead of the sometimes humorous arbitrary demands of leaders such as Kim Jong Un or Donald Trump
>muh dad
You literally lost against Chang before, after napalming them, you think real people wouldn't knock your shit in?
Stop watching movies.
Why would we invade Eurasia? Are you stupid? You're talking about the US's downfall, and then cite a war in which the US was the invading party as any kind of evidence to the US being beatable. Invading a country and defending an invasion are two different stories. If you faggots tried to invade the US, you'd get put down swiftly.
south coreans are no different from subhuman cockroaches.
what's he gonna do?
North Korea will nuke another country (japan) causing a chain reaction in which China nukes america
I wonder if trump knows how dangerous this is
Give South Korea and Japan some nukes and let them fight it out against NK and China. It's gonna be YUUGE.
Based gif of death
why can't best korea have nukes?
because it scares some ppl?
Vietnam and China wouldn't ally together, ever. A bunch of degenerate alcoholic and drug addict hippie losets getting btfo in unfamiliar lands means nothing. China could absolutely never defeat America unless war was waged in their country...even then it's improbable.
Germany autism at its finest.
>bunch of degenerate alcoholic and drug addict hippie losets getting btfo in unfamiliar lands means nothing
Nice respect there, better men than you, fat little cunt.
>better men
Drafted warriors were there by force, not're defending the baby boomer generation now?
NK usually starts spouting threats when it just needs money or didnt harvest enough rice to feed its own people. That's been so since Kim Il Sung died and left that country to the spoilt kids. Why Trump would even care to react to something like that?
>killing civilians
>agent orange
>Geneva convention
I'm defending warriors. You scummy little scrote.
I see swastikas
It's very simple.
China is the enemy of the West.
China has mobile execution vans where they harvest organs and suicide nets for their workers....that society is fucked.
Canada/US need to put massive terriff on Chinese goods or boycott China.
>the US lost
>they killed 1,100,000 gooks and only lost 58,315 Americans
The US only lost in the sense that they couldn't accomplish the occupation of that jungle hellhole. They still killed way more men than they lost. So please, tell me more about how your shitty little country would invade the United States.
They were the bottom rung of dirty hippie STD infested society and most refused to fight, deserting their entire platoons and leaving them to die.
usa could never bomb nk.
nk is china's pet.
don't be an asshole, dude,
we can't just kill china's fucking pet.
You lost.
I look forward to seeing you on the fields of Europe.
>North Korea
>Having anything
>rëddit spacing
Not an argument, retard. The US "lost" because they couldn't occupy Vietnam. The US still killed way more than they lost because of how superior their army was, even with it being comprised of draftee sacks of shit who didn't even want to be there. And you think the US would lose in their home country? You're an idiot. Just because your country is a joke, and a shell of what it was before, doesn't mean it's going to happen to us.
North Korea doesn't poses any threat to US yet since they have 1-3 missiles.
Trump should destroy NK first
you guys also didn't have a missile defense system worth more than some entire countries
>Not an argument, retard.
Except it is, you fucking lost.
>we killed more
and still lost
I stand with North Korea
It wasn't a loss, it wasn't a win. It was just a stupid war that had none of the objectives accomplished.