How does Sup Forums feel about Gavin McInnes/Rebal Media

Tell me what ya think about him and their news

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degenerate faggot


Lauren Southern Is My waifu

Filtered for shilling.

Pretty terrible

Lawn Suffern is the only bearable one there

>Gavin makes a thread to see what the Internet thinks about him

Fuck off faggot.

Daily reminder to sage and report spam threads

im not gavin my dude

isnt sherrod the fat whore that ruined ED for a while

Would say anything to get a reaction out of people, I'm pretty sure that's the only reason he does what he does. Once in a blue moon he hits a bullseye but it's not enough for me.

That fat bloke with the glasses on Rebel Media is much better.

Gavin is Level 1-1 tier.

>taking the piss out of based victoria
gavin is 1/64th pajeet, isn't he?

Google who owns Rebel. You're in for a surprise.

Attention seeking gen X faggot
If I ever see him in Ottawa I will go up to him and call him out
Hopefully it will degenerate into a fist fight
I've been itching to bash some anglo heads in

Kek wills it

Controlled opposition, "muh civic nationalism"

t. gavin

Good at debating low hanging fruit, not really great at anything else. He's semi-important in propagating the newer generations. He has credentials being a founder of Vice which draws in the left centrists, and he guts the idea of SJW ideas.

Basically baby's first redpill.

Prefer Jim Goad.

someone please post that picture of him putting a dildo in his ass


Gavin, stop shoving things up your arse.

I like him and he's pretty funny but he's a terrible interviewer.

>what do you guys think?

I particularly liked when he hosted a debate between a afrocentrist wigger and Jared Taylor on his show.

Based guy,

More basic bitch cuckservative shit to rake in shekels through making fun of low-level sjw fags, instead of discussing real issues like race or jews

he is youtube tier

I used to like him, now I see he is a fucking degenerate and find him repulsive.

Love Jim. Have bought all ANSWER Me! issues on eBay. First three is easy to find online but the rape issue is very hard to find.

He's a worthless faggot looking for money.


Just as fanciful as gommunism. No one has ever explained just how the fuck you're supposed to maintain western civilization with non-westerners.

It's clearly NOT their natural order - at best, it's an enormous struggle to get them to emulate western behavior. And that only works when they are too small a minority to resist the pressure to conform.

>rebel media

more like Kike media.

German flag. How surprising.

He annoys me and he promotes the no-fap Jew but other than that he's alright. I'm a subscribed to his Jewtube channel.