Millions of dollars in debt

>millions of dollars in debt
>doesn't pay taxes
>sexually assaults white women, brags about it
>has five children by three separate women
>proudly eats KFC
>goes on stage and brags that he could shoot people and get away with it (gangsta rap)
>gold-plated elevator (nigger rich)

Donald Trump won the presidency by embodying every negative black stereotype.

Donald Trump is the first nigger president.

Why did you vote for him?

Other urls found in this thread:

Are you Occupy Democrats?

for the butthurt, and he didn't disappoint. also he will give us warp drive


Just realized that white nationalists love Trump for the same reasons they hate blacks.

I came up with this awesome shitpost that will totally allow me to blend in on Sup Forums!

Fucking shills.

cut myself on that edge

You don't have a reply because you know it's true.

you got it the wrong way: black gangsters wanna be like trump. HE is the OG.


i don't think shitposts warrant a decent response, from anyone

I don't think you know what edge means. I just made an observation.

White nationalists love Trump because he's loud and reckless and white. They hate some blacks because they're loud and reckless and black.

>not getting based kfc coleslaw

what a pleb

>implying he is an absentee father

I don't know man that sounds like something Occupy Democrats would say

Causes eyes wantess uh bigga Checkusess.

>>millions of dollars in debt
>>doesn't pay taxes
>>sexually assaults white women, brags about it
>>has five children by three separate women
>>proudly eats KFC
>>goes on stage and brags that he could shoot people and get away with it (gangsta rap)
>>gold-plated elevator (nigger rich)
And still handily defeated the left. You fags are done, politically. Please keep doubling down.

>based user.

It's not really a shitpost though, is it?

If Obama made any of the stammering, incoherent speeches Trump made, he'd have been dismissed as an idiot immediately--and rightly so.

Obama had to actively avoid everything that Trump is to even have a chance at being president.

We get it, you're a liberal now stop bitching about Trump winning you salty ass

Doesn't matter who would say it. What matters is whether or not it's true. And it's true.

he didn't defeat the left. he defeated a false prop of the left.

He will be the greatest of presidents! You will not become tired of winning!

Say thank you Donald.


Don't be a fucking burger mate the dude has made a valid point though. If Obama presented himself like Trump you would have adsvocistrf that behavior with him being a nigga.

The point has nothing to do with me or the label that you've put on my political affiliation. That's just a label.

The point is that there's a pretty wild double standard at work here.

White nationalists that hate a group of people for certain behaviors love Trump BECAUSE OF (and not despite) a lot of those same behaviors.

you can't deny sanders would have crushed him (or at least won the rust belt)


>doesn't pay taxes
He does pay taxes. He just finds loopholes to pay less taxes than he should. Something which is perfectly legal and something any American with a tax agent can do.

Is this more ((((((fake news))))))?

I sincerely hope you don't hold this opinion and are just trolling.
Stupid people really know how to tug my heart strings.. why do so many shallow minded derps think they understand everything when they learn something?
I thought if Trump won people would take a chance to reflect and potentially see a cultural renaissance. But alas, y'all fucking doubled down on stupid.

Learn the difference between method and cause

It's my honest opinion.

What about it do you disagree with?




>would have

>please laugh

he's got four years unless he gets impeached (likely)

Not really all you did was regurgitate claims from occupy democrats, that doesn't prove anything you said about trump is true

>President Trump
>President Donald Trump
>President Donald J. Trump
>President Donald John Trump

Keep crying OP. Your tears and butt hurt are highly entertaining.

I can behave like a nigger and scream, shout and state inarticulate opinions (method). Most niggers do this while talking about dumb nigger stuff but Trump is using this method for right wing politics (a good cause).

Basically the same as killing someone (bad) to save more lifes (good).

Literally the argument they used to claim bill Clinton was the first black president.

>No argument?
>Try a meme.

Well played OP.

>Well played OP
>Not referring or replying to OP

We dont actually hate blacks irrationally.
We arent the strawmen you create in your mind.

We know trump is flawed but hes the only one that can overturn the sjw orwellian menace.

What is your fixation with occupy democrats?

>that doesn't prove anything you said about trump is true

>millions of dollars in debt

>doesn't pay taxes
He admitted to it during a debate




you know

>sexually assaults white women, brags about it

>has five children by three separate women

google it

>proudly eats KFC

see the OP photo

>goes on stage and brags that he could shoot people and get away with it (gangsta rap)

>gold-plated elevator (nigger rich)
Is it really gold plated? Who knows. But listen. Shit's still expensive as hell and needlessly gaudy.

I'm putting forward this effort because I care about you. I think you're probably young, and you can still be saved. Fuck Sup Forums. This place is killing your critical thinking skills.

Take a step back, evaluate arguments, and figure things out for yourself.

That's some terrible b8, OP, I really recommend you kill yourself today, do not hesitate!

I do find it amusing when liberals use the word "nigger" here thinking we'll believe they're one of us who use it appropriately and not as a gaslighting technique. Does it make your soft heart weep when you use such nasty words in an effort to sound like you MIGHT not be a faggy liberal, even though it's 100% obvious from the start?

Again, suicide is your best option, and please, make it amazing.

kek. I can't believe these guys are actually getting paid for such poor work.

What does it say about your politics that they can be furthered by someone inarticulately and loudly screaming their opinions?

Still this assmad over the election result and a minimum 4 more years of unlimited leftist asspain, served up hot and fresh every single day.

Leftist scum BTFO :^))

>sjw orwellian menace

Loose groupings of trans women and lesbians in gender studies departments and on twitter don't constitute an orwellian menace.

You're pretty dumb.

Not sure why you think this post is legit. This is an anonymous image board. I could pretend to be anyone.

im bored

Their butthurt sustains me.

Kill yourself trump shill

None of these prove anything, Trump took some loans out and is expected to pay them back in 2024. Still no proof on how he doesn't pay taxes. Bigly is a word and even if it wasn't that wouldn't make someone inarticulate. If you said Trump was ignorant for not knowing about the nuclear triad you would be right but thats not nigger behavior. Polygamy is not nigger behavior especially when the children know the father. The rest of your points aren't even worth discussing, they're literally "It's true because I said so" logic

Overall very weak, you're lucky im bored enough to reply occupy demoshittet

>maybe if I call someone who stands against my pro zionist view shill no one will know I'm a Jew

>Actually replying to this thread


Please save yourself from this. Get off Sup Forums. Find new interests. Talk to the people in your life. Expand your social circle. Go off to college. Make friends from different walks of life than you.

You still have a chance.

Pretty ironic thing to say huh occupy demoshits

No. It's not ironic.

Please, take my words to heart.

Did you know that you idol omar will block you from occupy democrats if you message his page telling him you like potato salad?

>Well played OP

lol, liberal IQ

>His initials are DJ Trump

Boineh Saundahs couldn't even beat shillary, who lost massively to the Trumpster.

They don't love him for those reasons though.