Is Michael Moore right?

Is Michael Moore right?

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>michael moore

Salty is the word you are looking for. Not right.

>Why do you keep doing A? Is it because you're actually doing B?

No, he's gay.

Oh, I thought you asked is Michael Moore fat.

>Brexit was unfair because of tyranny of majority
>US Election was unfair because Hillary had the popular vote and lost

Liberals should choose one.

Probably from all the sweating he does

>big guy

Kek works in mysterious ways

>Predicts Trump will win
>Claims he didn't win after he won

If I wanted to know how to develop heart disease, I'll ask Michael Moore, but in the meantime he can fuck right off.

Micheal Moore is a sad little man. Sad.

Trump would have to be an idiot to think he lost, he's gonna be in charge in a couple weeks.

It's just the standard no-name libshits attacking Trump because he won.

Is Michael Moore controlled opposition?

it is a weird tweet from trump...


>didn't win
They are so delusional, so BTFO.
Donald trump won by -3 million illegal votes.

>Hey big guy
What did he meme by this?

No I actually did win

i just want us to see each other as americans again

enough of this liberal divisive crap

Literally who?

Has this fat lesbian been living under a rock?



>still denying he won

get over it, you fucking dinocuck

>big guy
>2 + 2 = 4

jesus christ

Michael Moore is a fatass loser trying to make himself relevant again after not doing anything for the past 8 years because he didn't want to shame King Nigger.

>Michael Moore predicts he will win
>He wins
>Michael Moore says he didn't win


Is he, dare I say it, /OurGuy/?

Why is Moore upset?

He did more to help Trump than most.

its ironic people disbelieve the intelligence agencies claim of Russian hacking because they were not correct about WMDs, and micheal moore agreed with them on that assessment

and now micheal moore is siding with the intel agencies and against the 9/11 and iraq war truthers who believe russia did not hack the election

please help me guys, WTF is happening?


Wow I never knew that the dinosaurs were so smart that they knew about the meteor coming. Thank you Michael Moore for letting me know about this fact.

>Faggot Leftists: Trump didn't win!
>Trump: But I did win.
>Faggot Leftists: Geeze why do you keep saying you won, awfully defensive of you!

Feelings on Moore aside, any grown man who writes like that, other than Prince (who is already dead anyway), should die in fire.

waz gunna post this, mikey moore fails to realize he is not very good at this whole 'liberal irony' thing. It often comes out as truth and sincere.

inb4 he says jokes on you i was pretending to be retarded

Michael Moore is just salty that he was right when he said Trump would win, and one of his pre-election speeches certainly contributed too it.


He's a big guy for Donald

>michael "for god's sake feed me" moore

>whats your secret question?
>favorite food
>Login attempt
>enter pizza

im a leet haxors now brah watch out for my net skillz

Is he trying to convince us that Trump didn't win? Because he did.

>For you

One day I will see the full photo..... One day. But not yet, not yet.

Sup Forums told me you had sum big guys over here tonight

Which caprice video is this from?

y u need 2 b doing that 2 us if u 1 already. y?

Maybe because the lugenpresse keeps insisting that he cheated, based on little-to-no evidence.


>faggot pol tards: they were wrong about iraq so they are wrong about russia
>faggot libs: they were wrong about iraq but they are right about russia
>cuckservatives: they were right about iraq, the libs ignoire the facts about it, 9/11 was not an inside job , and they are right about russia hacking but hillary is also a traitor ad we don't know what the fuck to do anymore because we are surrounded by faggots

>He's a big guy

Little Caprice . Enjoy

Michael "Don't eat" Moore can fuck off back to baiting teens with his """"documentaries""""

The fat-lesbian Walter White strikes again


The left tried everything and still failed. OG-OB even flirted with provoking Russia to react with hostility (I can´t say flirted with WW3 but we all know what Globalists wants in the end).

Plus they have always been inherently insane. This is just the final spiral of madness and death throes. Be warned though, these death throes will likely involve race war, WW3 and Agenda 2030-tier shitshows.

tl;dr: the NWO just got their plans pushed 14 years ahead in time and they are scrambling.

Is Michael Moore relevant? That's a better question.

Yeah, it's at OCD territory, Wish he'd shut the fuck up about it. Try talking about white issues trump instead of sucking kike dick and bitching about a contest you won.

Seeing that video might have been the tipping point for me in choosing to vote for Trump.



>if u won already, why do u need 2 keep trying 2 convince us u won?
Because the left keeps trying to convince themselves that they didn't lose fair and square

The irony of all this is that Trump's domestic economic policy based on nationalism and tearing up free trade deals is EXACTLY what Michael Moore wanted In Roger and Me (his first movie about GM in flint).

Moore was also anti NAFTA a lot in his tv show 'the awful truth'.

Trump is literally everything Michael Moore was asking for since the 90s. Why is he complaining?

All in California.

Because Hillary has a vagina. It's literally the only reason he voted for her.

the weren't instantly massacred from the meteor bud

He is probably correct in this instance OP.

woah he was there when the event happen? he saw all of them acting like that? holy shit he is so old and wise!

because bitching and moaning about the people in power is his job

Who's this fat fuck calling "big guy"? Fucking lardmaniac.

Yep. This guy is arguing like a pre teen.

it was a hidden shout out to all his meme bro's on Sup Forums silly!

This plus
For the past six years or so lefties like Rachel Maddow have been calling for an end to the F-35 fighter program. Trump said pretty much everything Maddow said and strongly implied he would kill it. He was immediately and condesendingly attacked for not knowing what he was talking about.

>Michael moore
>calling anyone "big guy"

Hey Trump I know you won, but you lost, am I right guys?

>Hey big guy
What did he mean by this?

If these threads weren't posted everyday I wouldn't know Michael Moore was alive


I hope that fat fuck gets hit by a meteor with the rest of LA. Sorry normal people in LA, but you have to die so the Libshit corruption can go.


Its a masterbation vid because when she pulled that face i cracked up laughing and had to stop wanking.

Think it will be on xvideos though.

I think it's time for a heart attack.


He only bitches about Republicans.

We never heard a peep from him during the Bill or Obama's presidencies.

fucking savage


>Krauthammer was born on March 13, 1950, in New York City.[2] His father was from Ukraine and his mother from Belgium.[4] His brother, Marcel, was four years older. The family spoke French in the home. When he was 5, the Krauthammers moved to Montreal. Through the school year they resided in Montreal, but spent the summers in Long Beach, New York.[5][6] Both parents were Orthodox Jews and he and his brother were educated at a Hebrew school.

>Trump is the Übermensch
what did he mean by this