I want to see how hetro this place really is with it's daily anti-gay rhetoric.
I want to see how hetro this place really is with it's daily anti-gay rhetoric
take your dick out mate so i can cum
Have you ever masterbated and thought about kangaroos?
I'm reporting this Russian hacker for bigotry and racism
Aren't you suppose to be at school, little cuck?
ahaha I knew it
At least we have schools, Romania.
At least we have a manly accent that doesn't sound retarded.
I do because it's tolerant
shame you don't put them to use
Still kids for circus is wrong
Homophobes are all just gays that can't deal with it
Are most traps gay?
Like that's going to get a you a job and proper housing
We don't need that since we have a pretty cool welfare here, and also welfares in western Europe.
any of my aussie cunts remember watching Round the Twist when you had to stay in for recess
>not having demi-queer-bipolar-semi-attractionality as an option
have you ever masturbated and thought about burgers?
this boards gay as shit wtf
faggots are ok but day of the rope is comming you tranny motherfuckers
10/10 i'd fuck
Sup Forums made me gay