A happening happened in Brazil, midnight of New Year

A happening happened in Brazil, midnight of New Year.

A crazy maniac killed his wife (41) and his 8 yo son, and then killed the rest of her family. 12 deaths in total. He wrote a letter blaming the feminists.

The story:

His letter (in brazilian portuguese):

Other urls found in this thread:




>According to the son’s teacher, the boy confessed that he did not like his father during a conversation about Father’s Day. ‘He said he did not like his father and that when he grew up he wanted to kill his father.’
What the actual fuck


Just another day in BR? land

he used to fuck his son and share his little ass with his friends

Plugged this into Google Translate, and all I have to say is that he did nothing wrong.

What the fuck is wrong with you Brazilians?


>According to the son’s teacher, the boy confessed that he did not like his father during a conversation about Father’s Day. ‘He said he did not like his father and that when he grew up he wanted to kill his father.’

His mother turned him against his father. She was trying to sissify him and turn him into a faggot. His son was dead before he even shot him.

Feminism truly is a cancer.

The risks of abusing the system to your selfish benefit and brainwashing kid against the other parent...

only women do something so destructive. There is a reason Shiva is not a man.

Why it sounds like thrse people were just generally fucked up.
Fucking Brazil, huh?

Imagine if Florida was your entire country, that's Brazil

did they turn the son into a faggot little numale tranny wannabe?

>toddler wants to kill his own father when he grows up
>father kills him first
So brazil confirmed white?

Never take a man's child.
Kids raised by their mother turns into a weak boy.
She had what she deserved.
The world will never be feminist, that's what you get when woman try to impose themselfs, they get wacked.
The world is ruled by the men.Even Hitler believed that. Enough said.

An interesting story.

Sounds pretty dope desu

For Sup Forums's benefit

>kid is brainwashed and conditioned by his poisonous toxic mother to hate his father for no better reason than the father wanting to take part in the life of his son

It happens more than often, this dad was just desperate and couldn't stand being away from his child.

His letter contained some tropes associated with the Brazilian equivalent of "angry white males", or Trump voters. Criticism of feminism, of high taxes, of human rights activists etc.

That was enough for leftists to jump in and say that this was a hate crime and that we must enact some kind of legislation baning hate speech because conservatism leads to such mass killings.

The same people who say that when a Muslim commits a terrorist attack, you can't blame all Muslims because that would be islamophobia.


>What the fuck is wrong with you Brazilians?

This is what I keep saying here on Sup Forums

That country is a sewer.

It's unfortunate, but this is what the system is doing to men all over the western world. They alienate them from their children, and when the men see what their children are becoming, they'd rather just end it all than let the perversion and perdition continue.

That was never proven and the son denied it. That's the mother version of the facts.

>going by the mother's lies


I felt specially bad that the kid was murdered in his dad's rampage, but then again, his mind would've been fucked beyond repair after seeing such carnage, he'd probably become a murderer himself

what a shitty fucked up situation

70% of those child sex abuses charges levied by women against their ex-husbands after divorce are false and just a mean to justify parental alienation.

No, fuck you... Your disgusting shithole is nothing like Florida, huenigger

This stupidity only proves to me that one retarded capable to do it have great chance to be a child's molester. May be the accusations were true.

Not talking about the structure, I'm talking about the rate of crazy people.

Pentecostals really fucked up Brazilian society,they are all nutjobs now.

>non southern people
Nothing of value was lost

He specifically says he is not a believer.

The mother and family were

True, argiebro

damn, that hit me right in the feels

I think more guys should murder their shitty families too.

He was a hero.

>>toddler wants to kill his own father when he grows up
>>father kills him first

This is some Old Testament shit.


sup Stefan

He killed them to death


I am 95% sure that his ex-wife lied about him abusing his son, otherwise he would've been jailed. So she got his son with her + monthly NEETbux from him, she pretty much got what was coming for her


>He wrote a letter blaming the feminists.

But you doesn't have the balls to do it, right Hanz?

Redpill me on Pentecostals

tldr what an autist

More Obama stuttering quotes please

He just proved that the people who kept him away from his son were right all the time. Sorry, the guy was nut and what he did was wrong. There is no other way to look at it.

Young earth creationists
Evolution deniers
Bible literalist
They spend all their free time in church
They are shamed into donating 10% of their income PLUS DONATIONS
The church leaders usually use those donations to live luxurius lives
They take advantage of poor people and addicts, they never build a temple in a rich neighborhood
They hate everything fun and good in life

Who gives a fuck if it's hypocritical. Removing Islam and feminism makes the world a better place, that's all that matters in the end.

average Sup Forumsack

>He just proved that the people who kept him away from his son were right all the time.
So you're saying since he killed his enemies they won?

Brazil is a cancer that rewards the corrupt and punishes the good

He should have at least tried to kill a couple of politicians rather then his gay little son

No, I'm saying that the kid was NOT his enemy. Even if he was false accused, and this is a big if, misdirect angry blinds you. Kill your own children is wrong. That's what I said.

If he had killed some corrupt congressman, it would not be so bad...

ps: definitly not a feminist here, and not female (there is no females in Sup Forums).

Just redpilling you. Defending the guy who kill a kid will only give amunition to feminists and alike.

I know, but this is not school or work, I can be sincere here, and I genuinely believe he did nothing wrong, has died as a hero and is right now drinking with other Einherjar in Valhalla.

Killing his son was wrong. I never said it wasn't, but that wasn't the sentence I quoted. Lets try this again, you said:
>He just proved that the people who kept him away from his son were right all the time
> the people who kept him away from his son
This obviously doesn't include his son. I highly doubt he kills his son if he got to see him on the daily and didn't have to pay that bitch money.

I want to add that I am in no way defending killing your own child. I'm focusing on you saying that the mother was right and that is false logic. That is like if I went around telling everybody that you are violent and then I start slapping your mom around and you try to punch me and then I start yelling "See I was right, you're violent".

Fuckin' Brazil, man. Mad Max goes jungle.

The women and her family alone doesn't have power to keep him away from his son. The congressman who make the laws, the judges, the police, have this power.

And in this scenario we are assuming he did not abused his son. I believe he commited the abuse. If he is a monster to kill a kid, he is amonster to abuse a kid.

Yeah, you can troll here.

>I believe he commited the abuse. If he is a monster to kill a kid, he is amonster to abuse a kid.
How does that logic work?

Damn feminists!

Where will it end!

That's false equivalence.

they should ban assault feminists. i'm pretty sure guns are already banned in brazil



>The women and her family alone doesn't have power to keep him away from his son.
The court wouldn't get involved in the first place if the woman didn't initiate the hearings and levy abuse accusations.
> If he is a monster to kill a kid, he is amonster to abuse a kid.

>killed to death


Let's assume he was falsely acussed for argumentation purpose only

I'll make an analogy. Member when you say that women should be cautious to not drink till blackout, that they should not travel to kebab countries or India and should not walk alone like a slut in desert dark places? Well, yeah, you were not victim blaming, but saying that people should be reasonable

That's it, man should be reasonable too. You should not be stupid to have kids with the kind of angry mom who would do anything to keep you away from the kids, even accuse you falsely of rape. This is even worst when you already know that the system is misandric and rigged against you (everybody knows that).

Men need to man up. If you are the kind who is marrying and having children with this kind of slut, YOU DESERVE TO BE SCREWED!

I tried to put my self in his shoe. Try to imagine what I would do in his situation (let's assume he did not abused the kid). It's easy to say now, but I would not have lost my reason. If you have lost your reason... well. you are wrong. I'll not have any empathy for this bastard.

Brazil > Florida

mfw lived in both places

Oh, ok. Sometimes he gets angry and like to kill his own kids, but otherwise he is a really nice guy.

That doesn't answer my question, how does that logic work? So if someone kills someone else they were capable of molesting them too?

That kid was definitely diddled

Jesus Christ.

My ex just claimed "verbal" abuse. Havent seen my kids in 6 months.

Fuck women.
Fuck courts.
Fuck this gay earth.

The shill has lost an argument, now he's taking it back a notch, in order to seem more reasonable.

What exactly are you trying to do?

>Try to imagine what I would do in his situation (let's assume he did not abused the kid)

Leave the country, or live innawoods.

How do you know he was not reasonable, how do you know you are reasonable?

WTF I love Trudeau now

In the first place, you should not have kids with women who will use the courts to keep you away from your kids.

This is the first place.

Oh bullshit. Fucking coward. That's not what this was about.

Killing your own flesh and blood who you could have redeemed if not for your own weakness?! Fuck off.

>He doesn't know how good women are at putting up an act.

How old are you?

>he also killed the rest of her family

You have to be an idiot to believe this what about feminism.

We all know feminism is pure cancer, but there is definitely more than meets the eye here.

That it, man. Live innawoods. My grandfather, 50 years ago, said "women from the city" are disgusting. And they are, and men too, but he was not interested in men. If you marry a girl (or a guy) from the city, you should not complain. The people of the city are the descendents of Cain.

If you marry a traditional women from countryside and live a simple life in countryside, you will not have this problem. But if you want to hang out with sluts, go to hipster restaurant, stay in fancy hotels to impress your slut, you deserve what you get.


>divorce courts are so fucked up they drive a man to kill his ex-wife and as much of her family as he can

He was probably a beta.

Betas with mental breakdowns are very dangerous

F for based Brazilian.

Bury me head down to get the bitch in hell.

You're an honorary white now cunt.

I don't know if you're dumb, trolling, or just a Brazilian.

>ps: definitly not a feminist here, and not female (there is no females in Sup Forums).

Found the roastie

Oooooooooooh, she was the sociopath actress who trapped him into this situation. He was a poor little victim.

It's like the situation in the picture, just the opposite.

Let's say I'm old enough to know stuffs like "no hymen, no diamond". Don't trust in anybody, man, women, white, whatever from the city.

your one white kid was killed, Brazil you suck

>In the first place, you should not have kids with women who will use the courts to keep you away from your kids.

Just for fun, let's use your logic:

In the first place, you should not have kids with men who will kill you and your entire family.

This is the first place.

Yes they are.

He should have went after the Judge and Legislators tho. When those fuckers start feeling the pain, then things might change.

Thats it.

he wasn't wrong in what he said, can't agree with his actions.


That's it, I could not say it better. If he raped the kid, the woman who has a kid with a child molestor is guilt too. They deserved each other, but the kid is innocent.

Everybody in the city carries the mark of Cain. This kind of neocorporativism is so dumb as Flamengo vs Corínthians. (((They))) made this up in order to atomize us. Everybody in the city is individualist, hedonist and a potencial child murderer.

You need to GTFO of cities now!

If you want to marry, you should not only focus on her, but also in her family.

Marriage is not only about marrying a woman, you're marrying into a family too.
Broken families rarely give good fruits