Why did trump cheat his wife?

You all realize that in the infamous "grab em by the pussy", before making that comment, he was talking about making sexual advances with a married woman while he himself was married to someone Melania?

Trump was caught on tape admitting he committed infidelity. are you cool with that? i'm not.

Other urls found in this thread:


CIA Cooper, is that you?

He's a sleazebag. He raised his kids right, though.
That doesn't matter in politics.

It's pretty fucking immoral. i think it matters, shows his character

RNG manipulation to get into the White House

At least use a proxy, you stupid kike.

>Sees flag
>Already know the kike is full of shit
>Reads attempt at shitpost
>Full of shit kike confirmed

Yes lets ignore the fact he destroyed PC, roasted the media and destroyed everyone all because he said some mean things. fuck off. this was what they were trying to push when this dropped. THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING. MEAN THINGS WERE SAID. EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT NOW. pathetic pussified cucks

Saying mean things is bad
Cheating on your wife is bad.

Why do you think a meaner society is better? i think it's worse. i would rather be in a society where most people at least try to be nice towards one another

It's not nearly as bad as a woman committing infidelity

Wrong, it's exactly equally bad.

Why the fuck do you think men get a special pardon for fidelity that women don't get?

>jews being nice to people
How long exactly have you lived in or around Jews?

Soft resetting for shiny presidency

You are missing the point. Of course a meaner society isn't better. Trump won because of how he appealed to people. The fact he said something mean 20 years ago is small fries. No one cares. Theres much more important shit to deal with.

My parents are jewish and they are not nice to me.

However the guy at the local supermarket allows me sometimes to take things and pay few days later. that's pretty nice, they don't allow that in all supermarkets

That's not nice, dude. That's called roping you in to Jewish tricks. You're their mark to be called in when the time comes.

I didn't vote for him because he's a great husband. I'm not a history expert, but I'd wager that many of our most successful presidents were guilty of infidelity at some point.

>20 years ago
Hmmm. he said alot of mean things this year, why do you go 20 years back?

I mean, saying megyn kelly bleeds from wherever was really unnecessary and mean.

>it's exactly equally bad.

Exactly what a Jew would say.

once again, saying mean things does not matter to most people. and thats because they are more concerned with the bigger picture. like making america great again. that is why the media's campaign of painting him as a big meany didnt work. people genuinely did not care how much nasty shit he said, they cared about his message of MAGA

Most women bleed out of their whatevers. If she was bleeding out of her eyes or something then somebody should alert her to the authorities.

Kindly explain to me why the fuck do you think men get a special pardon for fidelity that women don't get.

If a wife cheats her husband, that's terrible.
If an husband cheats his wife, it's also terrible.

It's exactly the same act. it doesn't matter if a male or a female are doing it it's equally bad

Nice spooks you got there friend

MAGA is a vague slogan that does not actually mean anything. everyone can interpret it differently.

What makes america "great" for one person is bad in the eyes of another person.

And btw trump wanting to do bush tax cuts v2 is not a good idea. just my personal opinion

What I don't understand is how Evangelics could vote for him.

Funniest part with Iowa was when all the media Jews threw fits about him winning over the evangelicals. This in spite of the leaked tapes where he fucked up the part where he was supposed to put money on the plate or whatever.

Non issue. That's a problem between Trump and Melania

The election is over dummy, and hillary was worse. There is literally no point in kvetching over his infidelity.

I mean, it just shows he is a bad person though.

I don't like Hillary and i disagree with your claim that she i worse.

I'm aware the election is over - does this mean we should now ignore politics completely? i disagree

you don't have to be cool with it. that's the thing.

he's a billionaire. you're just a piece of crap.

Watch it, with the penis biting.

It's not politics. It's concern shilling

No not really.

IIRC he never mentioned a time frame for when he was grabbing pussies.
He might be referring to a time prior to Melania.
Maybe he just made the whole thing up, men tend to do that.
Or maybe He and Melania have a deal where she allows him to grab pussy.

>I don't like Hillary and i disagree with your claim that she i worse.
that's where you're wrong kiddo. You don't know how bad she really is

Or what if Melania gets mad wet when grabbed by the alleged "pussy?"

It does to the same degree, more or less, as the stupid shit Clinton supposedly did.

So, yeah -really.

Nah i'm perfectly aware how bad she is. she was really bad.

However, Trump was even worse because he is fundamentally unintelligent and he spreads disinfo and false statistics like it's nothing (granted, hillary lied too. but not nearly as much as trump.)

Furthermore, the fact trump does not believe global warming is terrible. the fact trump wants to do bush tax cuts v2 is terrible. the fact trump believes in deregulation is terrible.

I'm just scratching the surface here, there is alot more that could be said about this two candidates. alot of negatives. however, i think trump was significantly worse than hillary at the end of the day.

Case in point, i never saw Hillary doing something like this:



Cheating doesn't turn you into a bad person famm.

>does not believe in the carbon jew
The global jew is a lie and a conspiracy theory

He cheated and then bragged to his friends about how he cheats :\ right behind melania's back.

saw image
guessed flag
opened thread
was correct

Why do you think 97% of climatologists are lying?

Do you also think the statistics which show that 16 out of the 17 hottest years were in this millennium are false?

Jerry Falwell Jr or some other pastor came out and said they were voting for Trump because they felt they couldn't practice whether else or something like that.
He was alluding to the fact that the culture in America is rotten and would get worse if the US went down the same path.
If liberals can be openly racist, then they'd eventually start targeting religious people.

No she didn't. He wanted to. Still doesn't make him a bad person.

Jew money tricks. You think they get paid to say otherwise?

no he didn't*

Jesus Christ dude.

How do you determine he didn't tho.
Plenty of women testified that trump sexually harassed them. i mean, you could say their claims are not proven, however you cannot determine whether they are lying or not.

Trump might be a sexual assaulter, and if you think it's an impossible claim you are being intellectually dishonest

Testified like in court?

>he still actually believes we are moral right wingers
Trump supporters were never the "die degenerate" posters. We are supporting a clever, viscious businessman who barely pays lip service to religion. I've been pushing for Trump since the beginning and I'd consider myself deeply tied to Satanism. I'm also a mixed-race Jewish mutt.

>the 97% meme
If you bothered to research where that statistic came from you would know it's bullshit.
Also, science isn't a democracy.
>16 out of the 17 hottest years were in this millennium
Doesn't mean is it caused by man.

hey faggot, did you never learn about MLK being a known adulterer?

And if he did, they would have liked it too. Still doesn't make him a bad erson.

Some of them went to court actually, yes, but not all. the cases ended up getting closed, the lawyers of the girls said the girls received so many death threats they decided to just close the case.


Idk about you, but in the testimonies i've seen they clearly stated they hated being sexually harassed by trump (again, i'm not dismissing or confirming their claims though. i think it is unknowable whether trump actually sexually assaulted or not)

How convenient for them and their lawyers that they didn't have to embarrass themselves in court with false claims. They made the right move to back down with the "death threats" stories.

>How do you determine he didn't tho.
Innocent until proven guilty.
Hasn't been proven guilty? Therefore he's innocent.
>(person) might be a sexual assaulter, and if you think it's an impossible claim you are being intellectually dishonest
You can say this about literally everyone on earth.
That's why we have innocent until proven guilty.

I voted for him to lead the country, not date my daughter. pretty stark difference bro

Because that is what alpha men do...stop being a cuck...

And no lawyers made a buck off of that one? Oy vey, what schlemiels. That's all they could hire?

Oh my god you guys I just realized Trump misspelled a word!

They probably did not have any proofs.

How do you prove someone grabbed your pussy without consent 10 years ago? that's an incredibly hard thing to prove.

We wasn't married when he was hitting on her

A lot of the false statistics is "truthful hyperbole" getting people to investigate the claims and seeing it might not be as bad as he claims, but yes there is a problem, getting the problem into discussion.

I don't think he has the intellectual capacity to produce good policy.

I wish i was wrong, but i'm not.

If Trump is so smart, why can't he produce a coherent paragraph?

turned a $1 Million loan into a Billion dollar empire and is one of the richest men in the world

doesn't have proper mental capacity to come up with good policies

lmao alright pal

Again, just watch this video. its just trump talking and some music in the background;


That's not a truthful hyperbole. that's trump deceiving americans

Then what's the issue

Trump got more than a million dollar. it was 14 million:

and btw, then trump inherited a portion of his daddies 200 million dollars. he did not start from nothing.

Finally, trump is not one of the richest men on earth unless you make the list really really long to include him

But he's right that unemployment rate is higher than the government says, because their definition for unemployment only counts people that are actively looking for work.
The unemployed that have given up, are looked after by others, or are on welfare are not counted.
I wouldn't know that if he didn't say this, I wouldn't have looked into it. i would just take the government at their word like a gullible jew.
In that sense it is truthful hyperbole, he never gave an accurate figure, he wasn't trying to, he was getting people to question shit.

Let's be more accurate about his wealth.
We know he got a loan of 14 million, we also know he inherited an unknown sum of money from 200 million which his dad inherited to his children.

Forbes ranked him as the #324 richest man.

I mean, that's rich as fuck, but a list of more than 300 people is a pretty long list imo

The unemployment rate is not higher than what the government says if you take into account they make their methodology public.

If you use a different methology, you will get different unemployment numbers. however it does not mean what the government said is false

What's worse than the false numbers the Jewish government puts out is that the Jewish media reports them like good little German soldiers that din do nuffin and were just following orders. What ever happened to the U6?

You know the 14million was just for one particular venture in the mid eighties right?
You know a loan has to be paid back with interest right?
Are you seriously implying that being the 324th richest person out of 7 billion people is insignificant?

Hey man, the statics about the unemployment are provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which is supposed to be non-partisan.

I never saw any of their statistics being debunked. if you prove to me they are not a reliable source i will listen to you, but you have to show it first.

You make no fucking sense.
Unemployed people are people who are not unemployed.
They're being deceitful, there is no argument.

You also have to remember that most of his wealth (even pointed out by Forbes) is his name.

Most of his wealth is due to his celebrity status with TV shows and the like.

There's a reason that he filed for bankruptcy so many times until he started doing the apprentice

shadow stats dot org my man

*Who are unemployed

I think his point is on the site is defines unemployed as people between ages of 16-66 that are actively looking for work (something like this anyway) so they're not being deceitful when they say 6% of the pop is unemployed because they tell you how they define unemployed

Why did Bill Clinton fuck interns in the oval office? You motherfuckers never gave a hot shit about his not so personal life when he was pres. Now you're so concerned with Trump grabbing some pussy. Fuck off.

>A loan has to be paid back with interest

How will trump pay back the loan he owns to soros and deutsche bank then?


The article includes references to other sources to support the claim. he seems to own soros 312 million dollars and he also seems to own deutsche bank 650 million dollars.

A worrying thing would be paying back with policy instead of with money, now that he has power.

You don't understand psychological warfare, my friend.

First, how does that make it ok just because someone else did it?

And 2nd, he was impeached, largely voted for by liberals

I don't see how this affects my understanding of psycological warfare. I understand that by defining it that way it makes it look much better than it actually is because it doesn't include those given up on looking for work, but that wasn't the point of my post, or the one I responded to

The denbts can't be repaid. That's baked into the cake with the Federal Reserve Jew.

>filed for bankruptcy so many times
4 failures out of 500+ ventures = 99.2% success rate.
You people need to stop deluding yourselves into thinking a billionaire is not successful.

I don't get your reasoning

It doesn't matter if they explain their lie in the fine print, it's still a lie. No one reads that shit anyway.
They change the definition of "unemployed" to make themselves look better.

>being a billionaire alpha male
>not trying to grab nancy o'dell's pussy

Fuck you, kike. Go jump in an oven and pull a few of your family in with you. Your race of parasites must be removed to the end of all bloodlines.

You're defining failures and ventures on different scales.

And we're not talking about if he's successful or not, we're talking about where this "billionaire" gets a lot of his worth which is his name, regardless of how many successes or failures he's had.

You really should look up the definition of a lie, and everybody reads it. It's the only official and actually used employment metric across not only federal and academic groups, but also the private industry as well.

It's very simple. The """money""" is loaned out at interest. A child with a simple grasp of mathematics knows, therefore, that there isn't enough """money""" to pay back the interest.

But a """special""" class of people get to loan the money and collect the interest rather than having to worry about paying it. It's a rigged system. It's worse than going to Las Vegas and getting ripped off because at least there is entertainment value in Las Vegas when you're throwing your """money""" away.

I don't get.

So soros loaned trump money, and trump does not owe him money back? makes little sense