Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

In the vast majority of states the only segregation was
and literally nothing else
none of the cityfuckers who whine about it and consistently underperform compared to southern blacks actually had real segregation either
social climate is different but 'the system' ended slavery long ago

>slavery started in 1625
top fucking joke, lad

>implying i give a shit about niggers blaming slavery for ___________

Who cares? Let them be enslaved some more, or send to Africa instead, they didn't brought anything useful to America.

It still hasn't ended.

Blacks need to stop living off the products of white labor without their consent.

aside from a recipe for whisky, apparently

they were just making worse and worse slaves

Just because it existed for a long time doesn't mean it was less time ago. I know this is bait but I swear people having this kind of reasoning should honestly be castrated or burned alive

>slavery didnt start until 1625



I didn't know that africans knew how to distill during that time period, I guess you learn something new everyday

>51 years ago isn't a long time ago
>implying segregation isn't what blacks are asking for

And peanut butter.

There's more slaves in Africa now then there ever were in the US

>Papal bull sanctioning a king's claim to your land in the 1100s and ensuing conquests
>Financial bonuses for beheading members of your race and shipping the heads to your homeland
>Colonization of your homeland
>Indentured Servitude
>Kidnapping and forced emigration of children to act as workers
>Act of neglect and implementation of policies which could ultimately be considered an act of indirect genocide
>political movements to ban the immigration of said peoples into America
>characterization as an inferior race well through the 1800s
>job discrimination based on said race
>a call for a ban for said race from sporting events in the 1990s
>Prominent journalist and feminist exclaiming hatred for the ethnicity and characterizing them as misogynistic, nazi sympathizers who molest children as late as 2002 and facing no blowback
>An order roughly analogous to the KKK existing and even being as brazen enough to burn flags of said race's country of origin in the open in 2013 and facing no issues

Blacks need to get over themselves. Irish have had it much worse.

Slavery abolished in philly in 1786

i swear if i ever find the faggot who water marks their shit, im gonna rape his usb drives

Well what. It should be reinstated.

even if this was true it still says free? Isnt that the whole point. This graph just shows how greedy they are and they will always use the same old tactic to get reperations. If you are free then there is nothing else you could want right? Unless if you want more than a regular person.

Except America didnt exist before 1776. Slavery ended in 1830, so there was only ever 50 years of slavery in the U.S.

As for segregation, that only became policy in the 1910s when racist Democrats passed segregation laws. Those laws officially ended when Republicans repealed them 40 years later.

>50 years of slavery
>30 years of segregation

Tell them they can go back to Africa if they don't like it. I hear Saudi princes will pay $5k for a healthy, neutered African male slave

Segregation is not slavery.
If they don't watch it they're going to get segregation brought back.

BLM literally wants segregation back.

> we waz slaves and shiet

>Well, Sup Forums?

The United States was a country in 1625?

>Dad's side were dirt poor Canadians that apparently fugged an Irish after moving to the midwest. Grandpa was an officer that took 11 Japanese bullets and fought in every front in WW2
>Mom's side were Germans that moved because Germany got fucked over in WW1.

>People blame me for slavery.

[citation needed]

Muh black only safe spaces

Not good enough faggot

It was so long ago, what's the big deal?

If it's really so bad for them to live in the best country on earth as a "minority", why don't they go live in Africa (where they'll be the majority)?


If segregation was so bad, why do they always advocate safe-spaces?

who gives a fuck, Africans would be starving and getting their arms chopped off if they hadn't been brought over here

>1625: slavery started

That's what I wanna know!

Yup and you can still say anything about the Irish, there's literally a show called "the mick" about a drunk pos and theres just deafening silence from the sjws

>blacks today are born into a system that provides them virtually infinite welfare payments provided to them for free and almost exclusively by white people
How many of these privileged retards actually lived through slavery? Oh right..


This reminds me of a climate change graph for some reason.

1865 - 1625 = 265?

Nigger math

this is why I hate protestants

By this logic Turks should send boatloads of money to every Balkin state.

Unless you lived as a slave you don't get to complain. It is that simple.

We didn't have to free your ass after all.

Pro-tip The $7,700 figure is calculated based on assigning 100% of military spending as a drain on what whites provide in taxes. If the military spending was proportional Blacks would be a net loss of over $10k per capita.