12 year old girl committing suicide by hanging

She livestreamed it using the Liveme app.
Her name was “Kaitlyn”, and she was a 12 year old living in Georgia.


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well, if I had that name...

Poor girl. Hope she found peace.

parents should go to prison for child abuse

>Suicide begins at 10:00

i think ill pass this time

Apparently she was related to Donald trump.

pic from her instagram

having her first blood before even having her first blood

this is a little too far Sup Forums


and why didnt someone stop her?

Fucking leaf. Delete this you pedophile fuckface.

This video was a lot more boring than i imagined.

Also the prevention for suicide is spending unconditional time with your child and making them feel loved.

People who neglect their children deserve to watch them die.

Lmaoooo yoo this shit is lit im about to watch that whole video

Drank too much unfiltered water.

Man why can I watch things like this without even being phased.

>roastie gets btfo

I'm glad this happened, bitches like her need to put in their fucking places.

insta of the spic girl


Kids and animals cross the line for me Sup Forumsro. When you are a parent you will feel somewhat similar.

Whoa, it's almost like little kids shouldn't use social media.

Attention whore.





So much for muh white race... Yet these supposed american nationalists can't save a single life of a young girl, while shitposting about getting ready for the next race war and waiting for the day of rope. PATHETIC, what a bunch of betas.

That's why the United States will become a spic/black country in the next 50 years from now, and it's going to be beautiful.

>3rd great uncle

That makes her about as related to Donald Trump as he is to everyone else on this image board.






Watched this last night on Bestgore. Pretty sad desu
Pic related from her instagram

i dont think Kaitlyn would like to be called she, you insensitive fuck

don't forget to keep buying those filters or you may meet the same fate as this poor little girl

You can hear the mother calling her name at the end. It was alright but was kind of dangling towards the end. 6.5/10 for me entertainment wise.

Saw this on best gore hours ago. Old news.

Fake and gay. Also 12 my arse.

We 2009 stickam now.

She had a youtube channel as well.



Good one less Stacy to reject me.

>This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

That guy cutting his wrist on Sup Forums the other day was worse than this. Does anyone know if he is dead?

Seemed like a cutie. Too bad.

She looks 16 at minimum.

It was over a boy

So yah i dont care


Just cleaning out the population of incapables

Not even being edgy, if she decides to die over cock at 12 then so be it



Almost as if she's got histrionic personality disorder stamped in her forehead. These nutjobs are willing to die for a single second of attention.


looks like a tranny

Lucky her

If you got the guys, then do it up. Nothing here worth staying for
Wish I had the courage.

Nigger, do you even think before you typer stupid shit? She died because she was raised bad probably by liberals.


Shit, hanging wasn't on there, disappointing.

>all those edgelords in the comments

damn she was cute
really sad now


Chemicals in the water



Degeneracy of western youth and social media is a political topic. Fuck off janitor.


All the shit food in America makes the girls here have periods in 5th grade.my whole family teaches elementary school. I've heard the horror stories. And they are like 9-10 in fifth grade.

Yeah she'd be good looking when she got older

forgot how good diet sandwiches look

>dat ringtone at the end

21:30 for the good part, saved you all the time

Just off some fb food page i liked, try reverse image search xx

proof or you is a liar

I usually dont give a fuck if people kill themselves.

But if it's a 12 year old kid, that's just sad.

No one with any self respect browses Sup Forums.

nvm seems like her instagram states it

Post webm instead

theync injects malware

Don't think I can watch this. I'm at the part where she keeps saying sorry to everyone. You realize this is just a 12 year old girl, her pain is real but the shit causing it is stupid bullshit, and she killed herself over it.

I don't and never have. i saw it elsewhere

what the fuck are you going on about?
Puberty is largely effected by nutrition but not hormones. If you're well fed you start developing sooner.


wait, she livestreamed for over 40 minutes before doing it? Why didnt anybody call the cops?

The webm is ready when?

>If you're well fed you start developing sooner.

go back to redtit

Fake a as fuck. Didn't do it right with no fall to snap a neck so she would have strangled her hwrself which takes a lot longer and is a loud and violent way to go.

What a waste of some white poonanie.
There are a bunch of rapefugees that could have got some before she dumped her life.
What a lil selfish girl !

fuck does a roastie hanging herself have to do with politics ?

This is why you keep your kids off the internet and phone as long as possible.

Narcissistic cunts who are miserable. While this is sad it was also the biggest attention whore moment ever except there is no coming back.

She was 12 and already had a rack. The other bitches probably called her a slut relentlessly. Girls are fucking awful to each other.......

Yeah same you srsly expect me to watch something for 10 mins? I'll wait for the compilation

Oh, i just seen that she mutters about "luke sorry i wasnt good enough" numours times

Holy fucking shit. Her mom calling her name at the end was chilling.

I hope she starts a new trend. I miss fapping to dead white girls.

hmm not sure...
oh that explains it. she was a white trash coalburner to be.

People kill themselves all the time. How is this special?

So you're not gonna hang around? Even she did

>shitty quality
>shit lighting
>no mic attached to her so we can her the death sounds more closely
>no aftermath where the police come
2/10 suicide


yeah i just watched it. Dunno if she actually dead though. Seems like it, but we had a girl in high school do this.


Probably some asshole five years older than her, they will make younger girls do stupid shit, I've seen it too many times.

Jesus Christ, how does a 12 year old have tits that big?

because you're an edgy autistic retard?


wew what a faggot
abloo abloo life is hard

You Ustaters are getting pretty crazy...really, all your mcdonalls, your superman, your "freedom", your jesus, is a way dangerous mix that turn you fucking mad.

Liberalism is just a a reaction for all that bullshit...but you cant fight bullshit with bullshit.

Poor girl, hope she found peace now.