Let's see 'em

Let's see 'em.

Also, if you are a first or second generation American, are you in touch with your ethnic background (speak the language. follow customs, etc.)?

Template here.


looks good you greasy greek


All Swedish at least 200 years back. Don't know further than that.

get on my lvl


sent dna to ancestry.com
curious to see how much i am.

Fuck, I should find out what my great grandparents were up to. They were probably farmers, though. Finland was a really agrarian society back in the day.

You have some based great grandfathers.

More strong maritimers on Sup Forums

Still 100% Aryan.

Cower in fear, Anglo-Jews.


> Mongrels in the ITT living in Babylon

Am I white Sup Forums?


No, but give me your mom's number so I can bless you with a couple Aryan half-siblings.






tfw you're a true aryan

t. subhuman slav

Why did you make your Indian side so white user

are there any white americans on this board?

Me desu.
After summer, of course.
Never said or claimed to be white.

That's how they actually look irl.


>he fell for the vidya jew
No they don't show me a pic of a white indian


>What are Kashmir Indians/North Indians

Also, it is a great pastime when you're in Greece and looking for work, something which you're not going to get of course, because you live in Greece.

Fug it, im going to make mine

that is a north indian, show me a picture of your family

Ya dun good ruskiebro. Now keep up the good work


My dad is North Indian and why would I post a pic of my family?

My grandma is kashmiri and still dark as shit, that gene was so prevalent that even though the rest of the afghans on my dad's side were extremely light skinned even today I am somewhat dark

I meant great grandma

Might just be your case famalama.


LOL and the truth comes out. Sup fellow Indian.

This is contrary to popular opinion what I'm about to say; mixing more = more timid features that look more acceptable to Europeans.

The Indians began inbreeding about 2000 years ago, hence the now have a smaller sample set of features which makes them look uglier.

This why the Jews look weird, because they have delimited their variety by inbreeding within their group.

Negroes were probably inbred for about 40,000 years, hence it is all but impossible to mix with them.

East Asians are also inbred.

Caucasian peoples are the most mixed, which gives them tamer features which are more aesthetic.

How pure am I Sup Forums?

She was probably paki idiot fuck you

Czesc em'

can i get a template of this one?



Here. The price is 1 rare Pepe and a green card.

fuck that
Shit! Spelling error!

Am i white Sup Forums?


No green cards fekh off we're full

Thanks tho' breh

you have to go back

(1) Deutscher im Sinne dieses Grundgesetzes ist vorbehaltlich anderweitiger gesetzlicher Regelung, wer die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit besitzt oder als Flüchtling oder Vertriebener deutscher Volkszugehörigkeit oder als dessen Ehegatte oder Abkömmling in dem Gebiete des Deutschen Reiches nach dem Stande vom 31. Dezember 1937 Aufnahme gefunden hat.

>tfw mom's dad bailed and mom's mom was blanda'd before registries became a thing
>tfw my mom is considered 100% aboriginal
>tfw when I'm considered Treaty status and get hella gibs

Thank god blue eye alleles were hiding somewhere in there... my older brother wasn't as lucky.

i don't care what mr goldstein and ms merkel say is german or not

Yes, I'm still in touch with all Iranian customs and we're very close with the Iranian population of the state

>died as a civilian in WWII

Do you know what the circumstances were?


thats because your older brother has more testosterone

fill this whole thing out


>Both parents are men

Not everyone has fag parents, faggot.

>tfw euromutt

I only speak Spanish.

Way to do the 14 words.

Is It OK to be a quarter Greek? I'm Italian and British but I'm also quarter Greek.

mines old but still applies

Seems to be true since he looks more Neanderthal than me, and has 2 inches height on me.
Too bad I'm on gear and can hold him down and spit on his face :D

No you are a nigger




nice one ruskie

Just flush my heritage down the fucking TOILET senpai.

My family decided to breed with a bunch of Americans rather than keep their heritage pure but okay


Post pic of hand
Tajik Afghan here, I want to figure out why I'm so dark

goddamnit, that's like dumping a fucking truck of nuclear waste down a pristine forest spring


Gypsies don't count.

>second generation American
I speak English and hate everyone but the Eternal Anglo, so I guess you could say I'm in touch with my ancestors' culture.

Only if you are a Greek Orthodox Christian. If you aren't, it doesn't matter.

Here you are, I'd say we're somewhat similar?


Yeah, you may be a smidge lighter but it wouldn't normally be noticeable in the same lighting

Also cut your fingernails

pro tip: you cant

I cut them three days ago, they grow back fast

I guess Iranians need it to fight off those filthy Israelis

>once beat a man to death
>sons a pig farmer

lol I spent too much time on this

> tfw Igbo

>100% pure
What flag is that, my Kangly friend?


It's the Igbo ethnic flag.

We want to separate form Nigeria and create our own ethno-state, since my tribe is generally successful I could see it becoming like Singapore.

I'm Italian French Czech and Irish

R8 me


Rate please! Am I Sup Forums approved?

how'd I due?

looks good man!