Happy new year, everyone.

Everyone is welcome.
Discuss news, ask question, give answers, be kind to one another, and above all assist one another in living the virtuous life. As usual, I will be assisting with answering questions and helping people out. I recommend you do the same.

List of recommended Christian movies, music, and books in the following posts. Feel free to add to the lists.

>Catholic Encyclopedia

Today is the feast day of St. Basil the Great. His patronage is Russia, hospital administration, reformers, exorcists, liturgists, and education
Here is more on his life:

Here are your daily readings.

Major topics from last thread:

>If you were a hotdog and you were hungry would it be a mortal sin to eat yourself?
>Why is atheism the easiest religion to troll?
>Can the pope's funny hat shit in the woods as well?

Other urls found in this thread:

Christian music list here. Pic is movies list.

>Marvin Gaye's "God is Love"
>Woven Hand's "My Russia"
>Om's Pilgrimage Album
>Sufjan Steven's "No Shade in the Shadow of the Cross"
>mewithoutyou - Sun and Moon
>Young Oceans - ONLY YOU
>Bobby McFerrin's Joshua
>Psalter's Lord's Prayer
>Janelle Monae's Victory
>Johnny Cash's God's Gonna Cut You Down
>Nick Drake - Pink Moon
>Mary Lou Williams - Anima Christi
>Dr. C.J. Johnson's "You Better Run"
>Judee Sill's Heart Food
>Dave Bixby's "Free Indeed"
>The Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus' "Beauty After the Fall"


>A nice Latin hymn
>Nice Orthodox hymn
>A nice Coptic hymn
>18th century English hymn
>The Lord's Prayer in Swahili, done in song.
>A nice collection of South Pacific Island hymns from the movie The Thin Red Line
>Hail Mary in Latin, done in song.
>Hallelujah Chorus done suddenly in the public
>Quality Icelandic hymn

Reposting my Apostolic Christianity recommended books:


The Bible (Ignatius Study Bible Recommended)
The catechism of your denomination

>accepted English versions of Bible

Douay Rheims



Introduction to Christianity by Joseph Ratzinger
Scholastic Metaphysics by Edward Feser
The Last Superstition by Edward Feser
The Everlasting Man by G.K. Chesterton
Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton
Mere Christianity
CATHOLICISM by Robert Barron
The Orthodox Way by Kallistos Ware
Outlines of Moral Theology by Francis J. Connell


God: His Existence and His Nature by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange
Natural Theology by Bernard Boedder
The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy by Etienne Gilson
Against Heresies
City of God
Christianity for Modern Pagans
The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church


Apologia Pro Vita Sua
Summa Contra Gentiles
Summa Theologiae
On the Incarnation
The Didache
Divine Names by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite

Part 1/2

What do you do when every catholic around you is cucked?

Part 2/2


The Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales
Story of a Soul by St. Therese
The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton
Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future by Fr Seraphim Rose
Nihilism - Fr Seraphim Rose


The Interior Castle
Spiritual Exercises by St. Ignatius
Dialogues by St. Catherine of Sienna
True Devotion to Mary
True Devotion to the Holy Spirit


The Cloud of Unknowing
The Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross
The Desert Fathers
The Philokalia
The Ladder of Divine Ascent
New Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas Kempis


Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World by Rene Girard
I See Satan Fall Like Lightning by Rene Girard


Rome Sweet Home
The Long Loneliness by Dorothy Day
After Virtue
Christendom I: Founding of Christendom
Theology and Social Theory by John Millbank
Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy by Bernard Williams
Life of St.Anthony by Saint Athanasius
Life of St Francis of Assisi by Saint Bonaventure
Silouan the Athonite by Archimandrite Sophrony
The Autobiography of St. Ignatius Loyol


Don Quixote
The Divine Comedy
Paradise Lost
Silence by Shusaku Endo
A Canticle for Leibowitz
Les Miserables
The Canterbury Tales
The Man Who Was Thursday
The Brothers Karamazov
A Man for All Seasons
The Pillars of the Earth
The Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
Lord of the World
Joseph of Arimathea: A Romance of the Grail
The Arthurian Cycle
Quo Vadis

Do what you should always be doing - pursue sainthood. This is effect how you act to yourself and how you act to them. If they are showing a failing in character, be strong for them so they may come to rise as well.

Is there still hope for man my dudes?



Raised "nondenominational" protestant here (baptist really). I have some questions.

#1 - Do Catholics think protestants are going to hell? From experience the reverse completely depends on the individual among protestants, there's no consensus. Some of my family members believe Catholics worship Mary and are going straight to the lake of fire, others believe they can be true believers with some backwards traditions.

#2 - What makes catholicism less cucked than protestantism? In other words, what makes it more capable of justifying and condoning the actual defence, by violence if necessary, of Europe and western civilization?


we need a religion board

That what /his/ was kinda for.

Oh Lord have mercy on my soul, for I am a weak sinning soul and only your grace can save me from the bottomless pit that I fully deserve

>Do Catholics think protestants are going to hell?

The Catholic Church says nothing about the fate of others authoritatively and Catholics are to adhere to the teachings of the church, but regardless I cannot say what some random Catholics try to say. However, from what the church does teach, the answer should be a "not necessarily".

There is only one path of salvation and that is through the church. Regardless, the church is not simply an institution but the sum of its parts and so denominations have much to gain from what of the true church that they have but what differences they have mean their communion is always a limited one. Regardless, just as with the virtuous pagans (people who found God's will and lived it, knowing God in essence without knowing anything of God or Christianity from the religion itself) people can find virtue and receive grace. The issue with saying virtuous pagans would be saved would be that they are unbaptized (which is a hotly debated issue still today) but the Catholic Church holds that many Protestant baptists are still valid so it would not be an issue.

>What makes catholicism less cucked than protestantism?

Just War Doctrine.

No, that's a horrendous idea.

kys faggot

1) It's a tricky question. We cannot know. But just like those who reject Christ will be judged by Him, so will those who reject the fullness of the faith (as passed down by the Church) be judged by Him. In the latter case we can speculate the judgement will be less severe perhaps, and God knowing everything about you will be decide if you rejected the fullness of truth culpably or not.

2) It's night here so I am not going to write all that. A short answer would be: because the Church has done so in the past, and if Europe returned to it, then it would have the might to do it again. As it stands, the Church has no political or even ideological power on the masses of Europe. All governments are ridden with communists, atheists, freemasons, jews, and every other sort of reprobate filth.

Wolfshiem I remember when you were cool and made good Sup Forums threads


I will say, though, that much of Protestant teaching can be very dangerous towards the path of salvation and so I would be hotly against leaving someone in such a position.

Thanks for the bump, user.

btw that quote sounds like the story of my life. Downloaded that book and i'll read it on my train travel in a couple of days (will be 7 nice hours)

I would die for the catholic faith but fuck going to the church.


>enslaving oneself under religion
My little property can't be this spooked.

What's your opinion on the current Pope and the Vatican II Wolfy?


I feel so out of touch with God. I feel like my prayers are not being heard, but I genuinely think that God exists.

What should I do?

You need to build a relationship with God, which can take a long time
But you have to keep at it no matter what

reminder that protestants voted more for trump in % than Catholics.

iktf bro, it's tough.

not an argument

Daily reminder that Mexican shitskins are Catholic too

All the catholics I know love Trump.

I saw that 30% of all US hispanics voted for Trump as well, which is insane.

I truly believe Clinton would have won the election if only she just shut up about abortion.

What have we forgotten?

/his/ was supposed to be for talking about history. The "humanities" bullshit got tacked onto it and ruined the whole thing.

I was never cool and have a Sup Forums thread up now.

If you don't even understand what you're criticizing I'd recommend you post less and lurk moar.

I have mixed opinions on the pope. I support and respect much of what he says and them other things I feel he's just highly mixed up on or are complete misinformation from media. I find the biggest issues to be around political things but much of that extends to our difference in how we understand the situation than our application of morality to it.


I have little problem with V2 and haven't seen much substantial criticism that isn't easily dismissed and more people worrying than anything. My main concern is the acknowledgement of the loss of Christendom though. If an area is not known as a Christian then it cannot teach defense of its Christianity. There is no protection of regional culture.

This read would be valuable to you.

And the link attached to it.

Glad they did something right.

wrong board newnigger

You shouldn't judge people based on how much they love Trump, but on how much they love Christ

I want to watch this tv series but I'm afraid it will try to insert subversive elements in it? Is it good?
>what have we forgotten
God, and humility. I put myself in that category too, I am a weak filthy sinner

Christ is the axis upon which human history is built, he is the turning point of human history. Talking about religion would have been inevitable

Nah m8, we chill here

This is a far better answer to the Prot and I was mistaken to make my point. Good post, man.

>I want to watch this tv series but I'm afraid it will try to insert subversive elements in it? Is it good?

I like it. It really doesn't have much subversion. It's basically a "muh mean traditional pope" show for normies but a wet dream for traditionalists.

>being this new

allright, I will watch it

thx m8






Not to say that religion is bad or that "the humanities" are different from religion, but the inclusion of "the humanities" objectively ruined /his/.

every board on Sup Forums turns to shit sooner or later, no exception. Without humanities, a different culprit would have been found in its place

What happened with /his/ anyway? I didn't follow after a while.
Last I heard, religion was the big thing and people didn't like seeing religious stuff and got upset.

Fill me in, m8.

Join the Theology Discord m80s


is for religious dicussion, Sup Forums is for politics.

Fuck off back to plebbit


pic related chink

Fuck off



stop being so insecure user, it's not healthy

of course a tripfag would admit to being from plebbit.



Join the Theology Discord Faggots
It's fun as shit.

Daily reminder Christianity is a Semitic religion.


You really do sound new to Sup Forums.

oooh a massive pastebin edition.
Im starting to like these generals more and more

BTW, did anybody go to mass Jan 1st? Its a holy day of obligation. I did.


I never kept up with /his/, even though I was one of the people who lamented the lack of a history board prior to its creation. I've only ever seen terrible things from /his/. Pretentious posting about things nobody, not even the posters themselves, really care about. No learning or questioning allowed since that implies that the posters don't already know everything about everything. It's always just been a rebbit-tier wasteland with overly-niche content.

Of course!

I'm sorry but I'm very out of it all of sudden and will have to call it quits, if only for a while. I'm sorry, guys.

Very disappointing.

>Haven't fapped for a month
>get nocturnal emission
if I wake up first thing in the morning, I need to stay awake. Six to eight hours is enough. Don't know why my mind lingers to having sex.


should i become a catholic Sup Forums?
my grandparents are all catholics

What are your thoughts on the pope? It seems to me that he is just a way for the left to turn Catholic Christians into degenerates.
I'm not sure how I feel about him, also, what are your thoughts on the immigration? Should we be holding our ground as Catholics? Should we be pointing out how Muslims have a doctrine which promotes the killing of Catholics?

Yes, what are you waiting for, user?

/his/ is a relatively new board. Catholic generals were always a Sup Forums staple since it was here since the very birth of this board

stop being so new user its humiliating

>Don't know why my mind lingers to having sex.

Its has been suggested, though not proven, that dreams are the brain simulating what you experienced in real life in order to better deal with the situation should it happen again.

For example, if a caveman encountered a bear, and ran away, the brain would simulate fights with the bear just in case you ran into it again.

Naturally, the brain has to recreate the whole scenario by itself which is why dreams are often weird or far from reality. But this fake simulation is good enough for survival and is better than nothing.

Fast forward to the current new year.

You previously jacked off, probably quite a bit. The INSTINCTUAL part of the brain sees this as having actual sex. So now that you're in a "dry spell" lacking sex, the brain is simulating sex or courting a spouse again should that occasion happen in the future. Thus come the wet dreams.

Fun fact/side note, most children who don't have sexual desires don't get wet dreams during puberty. I never did. They say its "normal" during sex ed for the few that do but its actually not a very common occurance. It only occurs when you dream about sex, for whatever reason.

nothing i guess, i am lurking to gather up as much info as possible so i can be a good catholic

You should just ignore them. They were invading the board

I would love to see Japan's take on the Gospel in anime form.

I'd even accept a slice of life version where everyone is a young girl.

I'm considering becoming Catholic but I have some concerns
>Veneration of Mary
it seems like she's a subject of worship, and extra-biblical things are believed about her
>the pope
the current pope is a heretic

Mary punching a demon = awsome

I made a thread about this earlier but I didn't get an answer: If Christ suffered and died for our sins so that we could be saved, then are the people who rendered His torture currently suffering in Hell? If so, then aren't we basically harvesting karma points from them? Didn't God basically create these people for the express purpose of burning in Hell so that He could make his system work?

>1. Do Catholics think protestants are going to hell?
It doesn't matter what Catholics think. It is your relationship with Jesus Christ and your connection with your flock that matters. Your salvation is your own to achieve.

>2. What makes catholicism less cucked than protestantism
There is nothing in either that justifies violence. Defending ones family is well discussed in the Old Testament. There are possibly more flaws with a centralized flock like the Catholic Church who seem to be able to push for surrender to a larger population. I feel that would give the edge to Protestants who's specific denomination wouldn't be held back by Rome which is a world away. You being american, should know it was the strong Protestant work ethic that built this great land.
If anything, Catholics/Protestants/Orthodox should be working together - in a world with fewer and fewer Christians.

"In the ranks of the movement [National Socialist movement], the most devout Protestant could sit beside the most devout Catholic, without coming into the slightest conflict with his religious convictions. The mighty common struggle which both carried on against the destroyer of Aryan humanity had, on the contrary, taught them mutually to respect and esteem one another."

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

>and extra-biblical things are believed about her

Define "extra-biblical"
Some things are based off logic. The bible doesn't need to say it outright for it to obviously imply it. The fact that mary was without original sin is one of these examples.

>the current pope is a heretic
There have been shitty popes in the past too. Changes nothing about the catholic church itself. And he has not made any doctrinal changes so far.

>It doesn't matter what Catholics think.
Then you didn't answer his question.
The answer is usually Yes. However, there are odd exceptions for protestants who are still capable of giving holy orders properly through apostolic succession. 99% of protestant groups lost this and therefore the people are both not receiving the Eucharist and probably not understanding Christ the way he was meant to be and thus are, albiet accidentally, worshiping incorrectly.

>she was a perpetual virgin
>assumption of Mary
>born free of original sin

I-if I wanted to join a local church, how should I go about it? Just walk in on Sunday and sit? I'm a total Jesus/bible noob btw.

Protestants are just LARPers in the end. They are disconnected from the living faith. They are like archeologists studying ancient sumer. No wonder their critique of catholicism sounds like a bad copy of the atheist critique of religion in general

>she was a perpetual virgin
She was. Unless you believe she either:
A) Had sex with God himself, demanding that a limitation be put on God in order to impregnate mary through conventional means.
B) Had children, making christ have siblings, which is Gnostic heresy and not even protestant
or C) Had casual sex with Joseph, which is fucking retarded

>assumption of Mary
The logic is if you have zero sin assumption happens to you. This is why rapture theory of everybody getting raised into heaven is wrong, because everybody else had sin.

If you accept she was free from original sin than this is normal to accept afterwards. And so to your main issue.

>born free of original sin
This is all you are having trouble with really, everything else would fall into place if you were shown this to be true.
Hope these articles answer this:

If Mary was free of sin why didn't she just die for us?

>not receiving the Eucharist
I receive communion at every meal when i humble myself and offer a gracious prayer to bless the bread and wine as his body and blood.

>the answer is usually yes. I think Christian Protestants are going to hell.
so you're an atheist troll? There are always at least one of you in a thread like this that have no other motive than to stir up trouble between catholics/protestants. At least you were obvious about it.

>probably not understanding Christ the way he was meant to be and thus are, albiet accidentally, worshiping incorrectly
Yep, totally a troll. I'll pray for you tonight, that you actually find the Lord (catholic or protestant). Atheism is a destructive thing, it will ruin you user.

>Just walk in on Sunday and sit?
Pretty much

But you would need to get baptized eventually through however that particular church does it. For catholics its the RCIA or the Right of Christian Initiation for Adults., and learn to pray at home at least once a day and then start moving your life away from vices.

Pope Francis should lift the ban on marriage and sex for the clergy.

>why didn't she just die for us?

Because she wouldn't span the entirety of time and space and forgive even people afterwards like literally GOD can.

"Joining" a church would take a bit of effort. If you're just talking about participating, then just walk in and sit down. They don't take names.

these things have been explained many times. The third one is actually biblical. The first one is obvious and you think otherwise because of prottie mistranslations and misinterpretations. There's no reason to believe Mary didn't stay a virgin. Monks and nuns stay celibate for their love of God, and you think she that has birthed Christ into the world wouldn't? Protties are so delusional.
The assumption is tradition, but it's not really important. It doesn't elevate her in any particular way as there are other cases in the Bible of people being brought into heaven and protties don't go on a crusade about them.

Also, from your flag I'm pretty sure you are the Italian atheist who is a regular troll in these threads.

Why don't you guys go back to r/atheism and just let us discuss our Christian faith?

t. Mormon

she was free of sin thanks to Jesus. Her role and relationship with him and the plan of salvation demanded it, so God made it happen.

She shares so much in Christ reward because she shared so much in his suffering. Imagine watching your child be crucified before your eyes. Imagining knowing sense your child is little he was destined to a sacrifice.

Do you understand theology at all?

Protestants are theologically extremely likely to be going to hell regardless of whether Hitler wanted unity or not. Also regardless of people becoming atheist or not.

Even if we work together to achieve some sort of goal like banning abortions the theological differences are still there and your heresy will still be brought to god and you will be punished for it.

Just like how protestants think the same will happen to me.

That is not how communion works. In fact by reading the Bible Alone one can easily see a picture of Christianity that runs contrary to the individualism you are promoting here

Catholic priests weren't not always abstention and single.

I see no reason for them to be in this age. Since the papal states no longer exist.

catholic and voted trump also spic, kill yourself

We have superbook.