Exopolitics: Why Extra Terrestrials Have Not Paid Us A Visit

Thoughts styxers?

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Wtf it's when more obvious now he's a loon just trying to make money by shitposting on Sup Forums

literally every single e-celeb posted here


So all ecelebs are mining pol for book sales because pol can't Google a pdf?

Who is this degenerate wizard?

He's that one youtuber everyone called based because he agreed with Sup Forums he acts knowledgeable on the occult when he can't even distinguish it as a field involving multiple subjects and just sells books from x with a bit of editing to ignorant people on pol.

>People actually buy this retards books

Sup Forums truly isn't much better than the delusional left

They didn't visited us because it's pretty much impossible to travel so far.

They could even not exist

We call him based because his predictions were uncanny and he isn't a tard like most people commenting on things.

why does he have that typical "mouth-breather" mouth that most SJW have?

Because we still have a bunch of superstitious chimps who will literally butcher eachother for the dumbest reasons?

He made basic assumptions even pol made. He was called based because he agreed with pol. Anyone could have easily guessed the same with how the political theater had changed. All you needed to know where the sympathies of the state's and how they might take certain candidates messaging. Same if you looked at where he actually held rallys.

His election day stream was great

Never saw that, I watched jims stream instead.

Idk, I guess I'm ignorant, but i've learned more from Styx than some of you reactive dumbasses here. Not even a shill, he can articulate way better than most of the people here. The election season made this place tolerable, but soon divulged into a runoff of shitposters. I guess thats what makes you people happy, but I couldn't stomach it any more. I don't care about the occult, I just watch his political videos because they're convenient and he's not lazy like some of /yourguys/ meaning he's een posting videos daily. That's a lot better than getting info from the autists here.

He predicted Trump's victory before the general even began, back when Super Tuesday hadn't even happened.

He then predicted the results of 47 of the states.

That's "pretty damn good."

And these people whining about him making money editing and writing seem to always be the same people saying similar things about Varg (Myfarog) and every other alt right/ alt lite/ ancap/ whatever figure.

I sense shills.

Why has he shifted to Minecraft letsplays and food reviews despite acknowledging his target demographic.

He just admitted recently that he followed the money in 2016 making it the best year of his life, all because he exploited Sup Forums.

Now he wants to shit up his legacy by jumping on board with fads that died 6 years ago, also I only saw a bit of his first lets play to see if it was a joke, it wasn't, and it was toaster quality.

He's a malnourished pagan larping untermensch

>Exploited Sup Forums

Nice attempt at putting words in his mouth. (That flag though)

>quasi satanist

>only argument is he's more articulate then pol

Holy shit how fucking retarded are you that you come here for actual serious political discussion? Don't act like the fact you found someone who doesn't play in their shit all day is somehow an argument against anything, if anything it shows how fucking uneducated you are.
I've nothing against vargas or anyone else really so I don't see how that's relevent. Also the prediction of trumps win isn't hard to make. The Democratic party's candidates where lame ducks and Bernie was assured to lose given hillary influence and the Republicans didn't have anything to really offer beyond trump. Not that hard to make. As for predictions on states who gives a fuck? You can determine all of that by actually taking a look at demographic data for a fucking afternoon.

I commend him for taking advantage of others like him, tbqh

I hate this dipshit so much.

I want to hate him but I can't. I don't agree with some things he says, but at least he can articulate his arguments in a rational and concise manner. Mostly what I have a problem with are his thoughts on the occult, but those can be seen as subjective anyway.

>they didn't watch this stream



>his wife
Fucking top kek

>at least he can articulate his arguments in a rational and concise manner
Setting the bar real high there

This guy is a faggot who just says what pols wants to hear for money hence why he has a pateron now.

Also he is doing videos shirtless to buff up his meme status.

Half of you people here were shaking in your boots convinced despite hope that Shillary was going to make it, and he was one of the only people posting here or on Youtube who had a laugh and told you to cool your jets; now you look back and chuckle and pretend you weren't worried. Get out of here with that crap.

I am not going to sit there for hours and listen to him when hes barely entertaining.

Aliens haven't visited us because it's practically impossible for a living creature sentient and intelligent enough to create something that can transport one person from that planet to this planet without dying of old age or running out of resources.


top kek how pathetic. he also speaks like a fucking euphoric fedora. his manerism is also very fake and forced.

Why are you so disturbed that some user might find a youtube channel informative?

> Alright YouTube, some people are confused so I thought I'd reiterate: I'm not the one posting threads about me on Sup Forums (the sort of dark underbelly of Sup Forums). It's actually very funny, between writing, editing and making videos for my YouTube channel, I barely have time to talk to my own girlfriend, let alone shill for myself. Who do you think I am, some retarded Clintonian neocon from the lamestream, legacy media? You people ought to be ashamed of yourselves, insulting me as if I'm some tinhorn dictator from an Islamofascist state. I'm one of you! Doesn't anyone remember the election? I'm from the old guard of memetic warfare! So to hell with you people who think just because I don't wear a suit and tie or have a D or R after my name that somehow I don't have credibility. I am an occult master and anyone who challenges me will be annihilated.
> That's about. Peace out.

man he really should shave and have short hair like this, Then he wouldn't look like such an idiot

>there where people on pol that thought a thing
>this now means you are a bad person and that comparing a board about shitposting to a low tier analyst is actually a valid argument
You're fucking retarded if you think you can actually judge a thing on me or make a counter argument on the basis of pol thinking something at one point. Don't follow youtube and Sup Forums for political info you fucking dunce.

You forgot that you're OP didn't you?

Silly shill.

stop advertising your channel, nobody cares about your shit opinions

>G-goy... Youtube and Sup Forums aren't good places for political talk
>Watch CNN instead!

Why does everyone always assume aliens would be more advanced than us?

Do you go to enjoy yourself with someone who isnt entertaining to you? I only listened to styx because he read the news for me when i wanted to play video games. Never because he was entertaining.

I'm not against that, I'm against people attempting to tout him around as some top tier shithead because he said some basic perceivable shit. That's all my argument against anyone I'm responding to is about right now.

He's been known on Sup Forums for years, dating back to his gardening video days

>the only places to discuss things or get information is youtube Sup Forums and cnn
Holy shit how fucking retarded can one user get?

Yeah I'll never forget that

That's his sister.

>Y-yeah goy I meant the young turks or BBC!

What the fuck is this short hair meme?

>No other forums exist nowadays and you can't get information through any other means than the msm.
Just keep showing how fucking dumb you are.


Ditto. Amazing night following twitter with his commentary on audio.
Re:aliens -- maybe nobody gets past inventing VR. That would come before the ability to traverse the galaxy. That or AI wipes everyone out, as that must also come first.

I don't know about that.

>Holy shit how fucking retarded are you that you come here for actual serious political discussion?

I don't, I agree with certain things Sup Forums agrees on, but never fell for your group think, I said it was tolerable, doesn't mean I was involved or supporting your political discussion. Stay autistic friendo.

Not acting on anything either, I'm just telling you why someone would like his videos. I've been off Sup Forums for a couple weeks and its regressed immensely, beyond any reddit invansion. It's just meme posting at this point.

Also you'd be the type who'd probably argue that Sup Forums is always right anyway if involved in some HAPPENING or what not.

You're much better off getting your information from Styx than any news outlet to be honest.

Yeah, let's just ignore someone whose accuracy was greater than almost anyone else. He totally has no clue amirite? lel

Honestly I think Styx pissed some random cuck off and they're the ones making these threads and shitting them onto page 1 to try and make it look like he's the one posting them. You know, considering these same people have done it to Molyneux, Varg, and every other Youtuber who ever gets spoken of here.

They're already here, have been, will be, and we are now quarantine.

turned off at the "mathematically speaking live must exist elsewhere in the universe" Nope there is no basis for believing in extraterrestrial life. It most likely does not exist as far as we can tell.

Aliums are here watching us; UFOs are undeniable I've seen them with my own eyes. The fact they don't disclose has nothing to do with our governments, who are just a bunch of dumbass shitheels like the rest of us.

Either they're here to keep an eye on us for whatever reason, study or stopping us from destroying ourselves. I get a feeling they're here just to keep us contained because we're space niggers, and they're waiting for some future beings to invite to the club. But not us.

>for your group think
Sets me up as being apart of said group think. Nice touch.
>doesn't mean I was involved in your political discussion
Good thing I never said you where. I just said you came here for the discussion, not to be a part of it. Good langauge comprehension.
>just telling you why someone would like his videos
I know why they would like his videos but you're just saying he doest talk like he has cock in his mouth every second. Don't be surprised if I don't treat that with respect.

>also ur a poltards
I barely ever really agree with pol on its political stance. Seriously you are just showing yourself to be retarded.

>actually believes that the sum total of not just consciousness but actual in the entire cosmos only exists on Earth
>probably believes that evolution and climate change are hoaxes

wew kuk, absolutely horrifying.

I rate Styxx to the max, but I think you're right. I just had a thought -- if you use the infinity of space to bring the probability of alien civilization to a one, you can also 'prove' the existence of an alien civilisation being advanced enough to reach us, and also having gone well beyond that too.
I guess that's what you mean and I only just now realized.
That logic is flawed. Occam's razor says they're not out there and we are a fucking miracle.


Aliens have been coming here for thousands of years. They have interacted with our governments. They do abduct people occasionally, as well as animals. Those cattle mutilations in the 80's and 90's weren't done by our guys. Spirituality is real.

Msm outlets yeah but that doesn't mean all other sources are somehow bad or that you can't do the basic research to actually see the same thing. Someone that actually cares about politics would do rather than just watching someone on youtube and accepting it all as fact without ever backing up this new info yourself.
>let's ignore this guy who made basic assumptions many other citizens did
This was common fucking talk do you ever go outside? He's a fucking populist so he's of course going to change up a fair amount of things in the political discussion.
>I'm gonna build a massive strawman and claim it's you
Great except I don't care about varg or molyneux. I kind of like varg and think Stefan is a bit jumpy. That's as far as my thoughts go there.

I will remember this bout of smug pseudo intellectualism post-Disclosure. The irony of studying majyck but reflexively assuming that ETs haven't been here must be lost on him. Like most others, styx has almost certainly done zero research on the subject.

I come here for legit political discussion

what you gonna do about biatch

Nothing really I'll just kind of laugh.

>Basic assumptions many others did
Not even remotely. What average person was predicting Trump's rust belt move back at the dawn of the primaries? Who thought he seriously had a chance in Michigan?

I am insinuating that OP is probably some sort of CTR/Soros/leftypol shill and that these various groups have a vested interest in trying to quash the support of upstart figures that openly disdain globalism. I am not insinuating that you are the one shilling in this way; I just think you're fucking retarded.

What the hell does this neckbeard know about exopolitics? Ayyy lmao.

>who was predicting le rust belt
Anyone that knew he needed it.
>who thought he seriously had a chance in michigan
Michiganites obviously
>I'm insinuating op is a shill
But all op said on him was he likes him but just doesn't find him entertaining.
You're the only one here shilling for anybody, that being styx.

I've seen this guy before do video game videos on game trailers and easy allies.

Look back at some of the election map predictions posted in the days leading up to the election and then find one as accurate as the one Styx posted.

I don't need to shill for him; anyone with half a brain can look back at his material. If you lack that ability, oh well.

Can't discuss actual politics, talks about aliens.

>I just said you came here for the discussion

I came for the SJW bullying, which is low hanging fruit anyway. I leave cause its not very fun when everyone is homogeneous.

>but you're just saying he doest talk like he has cock in his mouth every second.
>cocks in mouth

Sounds like projections and jealousy on your part sperg.

>compare posts on pol to styx
Once again that's fucking retarded. You are comparing a baby with its pants filled with shit posting interracial porn to someone that may actually lightly look at information to be able to make a basic prediction.
>I came here for bullying
Yeah you came for the bullying discussion.
>ur insecure
And you're fucking retarded as observable here.

Are you autistic?

I am saying that anyone who can predict 47 out of 50 states made a "damn good" prediction. I am saying that his predictions were almost invariably correct for an entire year.

Unless you can show me that you were making predictions and they were more accurate, your opinion is worth very little to me.

actual reason: space is too big to traverse

>I'm saying someone that made a prediction that a lot of others made is a smart guy.
There are a shit ton of those maps out there and you can't act as if this was never a thing for many other people that actually looked at the situation without bias. Go make actually report for me on actually lll of those map calls made by everyone that ever used it and if we find that it's only 5 percent of people that predicted it than maybe that will mean something.
>i am saying this entire other thing now and not simply what my post actually said just before on the map callings.
It's not hard to predict a year. Don't be surprised.

*go make a report for me
*on all of those maps

Autocorrect fucked up.

TYT was where it was at on election night. They were bragging about cracking 100k viewers and the whole chat was wall to wall shitposts.

Watching them lose their fucking minds live on stream was glorious, one of the highlights of an already great year.

>captain sweden trying to strawman to took down on anyone


Eh, some of those /x/ guys are kind of on to something.

I actually downloaded several of their libraries and talk to some of them from there. Some can be on to something but the only one you can take to a scientific community is just talking on religion as being coded protoscience with rituals involving basic hypnosis to change the practitioners character either for the sake of self actualization or for the equivalent of spy work.





styx could be turbo chad if he lifted

Oh also and some talks on their actual protoscience like medicinal shit. Occultism isn't just magic.

Aliens don't exist

You're in over your depth Styx! Don't ask questions about ET's!