I knew this was going to happen

German police turned back 1000 drunken Muslims on NYE, which resulted in 150 arrests of "the usual suspects". Today's Lugenpresse is reporting that Islamic refugees were unfairly targeted due to their race.

How's the German government going to spin this story around after already taking credit for restoring order? It should be fun to watch (unless you are German)!

Last night I watched the 60 Minutes segment on Chicago's murder rate. The shitheads at CBS decided that it was the fault of the police:
>> Previous years average 20K stop and frisks
>>Current year 8500 stop and frisks
>>Increase in homicide=60%
"Civil rights" vs Homicide rate, Law enforcement blamed either way.

>Today's Lugenpresse is reporting that Islamic refugees were unfairly targeted due to their race.

Let them talk, acording to recent polls over 40% dont believe them anymore, this kind of talk will raise the number as there is outrage about it already

they're under attack by the people they successfully defended
should have just let them do what they were going to do

I feel so sorry for the police, this quite literally a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Fuck leftists.

"We stopped mass sexual assaults"


the backlash mostly came from the green party and even there you can hear voices saying that it was ok.
even an opinion article on spiegel online, a huge leftist newspaper...

and if you read the comments on social media, a lot of people approve of it.
maybe not all hope is lost

Pendulum theory mate

We just came from extreme left, it's time for extreme right

>it's time for extreme right
oh what glorious times we live in

Right wing death sqauds will soon be a thing

>tfw you WILL be part of the great leftist purge

They probably don't read fake news.

I've read something about the police calling them "nafri" for nord africans or some shit and everyone was bitching about it. How about calling them fucking niggers instead.

Fuck off mate, like any of us on here could actually kill anyone.

i'll be takin helicopter classes soon.
i will do my part

Give me a rifle and a train ticket to bradford and I'll give you a body for every bullet

Just because you're a faggot with a weak constitution don't expect the same of the rest of us. On the day of the rope you shall be doing office work

>Fuck off mate, like any of us on here could actually kill anyone.

we are probably one of the more deadly websites.

Wait till thais n pinoys do this to whites

If they can reach.

Dude and I'm in the military , you get your license and we'll team up with a few friends of mine

de KEK bestätecht!

An der Rei Brudder, ech misst an 9 Méint ferdech sin. D'Wieder ass leider ze Schrott fir elo Stonnen ze huelen.
Kanns du dann e bessen Ausrüstung vum Bierg matbrengen?

I hope a Muslim attacks Russia soon.

If Putin keeps his word about the world not having Muslims if one of them attacks Russia, then I would gladly want to see a Muslim bomb Russia.

Speak for yourself. I killed 3 taliban in Afghanistan with a 25mm.

Waat d'Ausrüstung ugeet kann een alles aus der chambre forte vergiessen , do misst de Mancinelli scho selwer mat vun der Partie sin .
D.h nemmen eegent Material a natierlech d'Wëssen wei een domat eemgeet

Catch 22

Problem is: Ignoring it would probably breed even more threats.

wei roud gepellt ass de generol dann?
ech duecht d leit um bierg wieren zimmlech baséiert?

Lets start detainNIG the press for qeustioning

Five years as an infantry, here. I have no problem killing. The hard part is to get over the initial kill. Sleeping and the nightmares suck. I still drink a lot to have dreamless sleep. After you kill a dozen, it's not so tough any more.

Offiziell dief heen do guer naischt soen och dei Aaner aus dem état major gin dem Thema Politik komplett aus dem wee . Praktesch alles vu Volontaire iwwer Corporal a Seargant ass awer politesch zimlech op der glaicher Linn

I'm glad it's now obvious to anyone that the press is just a bunch of stupid opinions from German-hating Shekelgrubbers.

Ajo, op d'Enneroffizéier ass verloss.
Dann muss ech emol een mat epuer Offizéier heppen goen an froen wat si vun enger lëtzebuergescher Helicopterstaffel haalen.
An wann net dann machen mer eben eng Miliz. Mir brauchen nach eng Basis fir den Helicopter... Ech mengen am éisleck ass platz

When will police and military become fed up with Merkel's bullshit and organize a coup?


Things aren't bad enough yet. The average German can still go to work, watch football, and have a beer while pretending that absolutely nothing is wrong.

Once the money to bribe the rapefugees runs out, then that fat and oblvious German's opinion will change.

>drunken muslims

My uncle said, "If you want to be called a hero, become a firefighter." Nowadays police are criticized for everything. Police used to be held to high regard in cities until the minorities ruined their public reception. Ethnically homogenous countries should be a thing. They seem to be the only ones that work.