Fucking goyim

apparently having all the degenerate evil elites belong to my ethnicity automatically makes me personally evil
but all the degenerate white cucks in california doesn't make your white goy asses remotely bad, does it

you fags are hypocrites

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>you fags are hypocrites
you too

at least I don't claim to be better than anyone else

Some people actually understand the dynamic of elite Jews does not = Israel

>God's chosen kikes

Im a goy and i agree that most goys are hypocrites

did you hear me call myself chosen for anything?
ffs did you even read my OP

apparently being on Sup Forums makes you think all jews are the same

>and then mordecai was the hypocrite

Listen Herschel, I hate the Jewish cabal just as much as the next shitposter, but I'm having a jewish girl who I love dearly come eat leftovers with me after she sees a gay dance movie with her friends down the street from my apartment.

Just stop thinking that hating the tendencies of a group means you hate everyone in the group okay, (((friend)))?

and I agree that a lot of jews are perverse social cancer
but as I see it most israeli jews are not


well all jews are (((jews))) is certainly the trend I see

Wrong, there are good people from every race. Pic related. Just support politicians that don't want to take money from my countrymen and give it to yours and we're good.


>t all the degenerate white cucks in california

sure, judge us because of 4% of the population there

In my experience it tends to be knee jerk reaction to being a newfag to the Jewish problem. Then you understand Israelis are really just house to the elites as well. An inefficient proxy to stir up and control mudslimes.

If it was up to me you would be allowed to create a Greater Israel and go wild while doing so. But then you would need to keep that sphere under control without constantly needing help.

>little kikes first attempt at reverse psychology
no sympathy for you kike, i hope iran finishes up that nuke ahead of schedule


We can hate bourgeois liberal cosmopolitans and jews, and separate the latter from Israelis

how much do Soros and the Rotchilds make up of total jewish population


>how much do Soros and the Rotchilds make up of total jewish population

Don't act like you're the same as the goyim my fellow Jew, we are superior in every way. that's why we control the world and don't even need to hide it.

I love you leaf

It's a matter of statistics. There's not very many of you, so
A. you all get grouped together and
B. it's way more noticeable when a sizable chunk of your population are pieces of shit

Nothing you can really do other than become a self hating jew and constantly call out your own kind for their misdeeds.

Otherwise just live your life and don't give a fuck about what others think of you.

For the record, most people on Sup Forums have no problem with "based jews". There will always be "stormfags" who will then chime in and say "SPEAK FOR YOURSELF ALL YIDS NEED TO BE GASSED ASAP", but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if those were jews shilling. Some Zionist jews like to foster antisemitism because it gives impetus for diaspora jews to Aliyah their asses on to Israel. Remember that the guy who was trolling Ben Garrison and popularized the nazi edits of his work (which I still find hilarious, btw) was a JEW troll who also pretended to be ISIS terrorist and other crazy personas online. This goes back to Theodore Herzl, one of the philosophical founders of Zionism, who argued that antisemitic nations would be the surest allies to the nascent Hebrew state as they would force jews to leave europe to colonize the holy land. He advocated supporting antisemite movements for this reason.

If you want to know what brand of tinfoil I wear, let me just say that I think the Holocaust happened, indeed it did, but I think that Zionist jews helped engineer it for their own purposes, as the upper class of Jewish Elites was specifically allowed by Hitler to escape Germany while the poor underclasses where ghettoized, concentrated and exterminated.

I believe that the jews of the holocaust were "sacrificed" to give legitimacy and a rallying cry for the state of Israel and encourage postwar immigration of jews.

So think of that as you wish.

Its only the Socialists (including Natsoc) SJW and Muslims that think that.
Toto the rest of us there are Jewish SJW's and The Israelites (our guys)

The ultimate subversion was being tricked by the false Rabbi's pushing globalism.

It's just a trend. Don't forget that Sup Forums is a pleb-tier shithole for teenage edgelords to show off how brave they are by saying nigger on the internet. Not everyone here has learned to think abstractly about where certain cultural or power structure problems come from.

Those of us with a brain know that talmudic judaism and orthodoxy is a haven for ethnocentrism and that's why a lot of jews are a part of the elite, and their distant relatives end up being public-facing shills because they're morons who think they're fighting the good fight when they're really just pawns.

Being a jew just means you're white with funny holidays. Being a (((jew))) is something else entirely (and they have to go to the ovens).

khaybar khaybar ya YAHUUUUUD

how can you blame us when all of your jewish tactics involve dividing us against each other and playing both sides?

How do we know you arent just working with the communist jews that are trying to destroy white civilization?

Have you ever sttod up to them and defended white people? NO? Fuck off then.


explain you zionist vermin filth

California is communist because it is controlled by communist jews like Feinstein and Boxer.

only nu-males that dont get the joke actually hate all jews.

do you believe in jesus by chance OP?

>walter block
>good people

This is an obvious shill.

Although, orthodox Jews are almost never actually involved with the elite. Kikes are composed mostly of mega-secularized Jews, who really only cling onto identifying themselves as Jews because they want the Holocaust card or some other type of bait.

>thinking any jew is good
this is why the west is controlled by jews

based slant, epiru of nipponru when?

Instead of complaining to us, be a credit to your people.

>Someone will care about what Japan thinks
Your whole civilization is a meme, you may express your opinion when you've stopped jacking off to 2D girls, you disgusting 5 ft soy-eating fucking manlet.

what the fuck are you doing that far north


nipon wants nothing to do with western degenerates.

forgot pic


Literally straw man.

> wants nothing to do with western degenerates
why? too softcore for you?

my nation will not fall for the jew tricks

>Austrian economists
>Not rogue jews

Sure thing goyim.

>t. masturbates to comic pornography depicting underage children

nippon wont be around much longer unless you put those chopsticks down, pull up your pants and start making yellow baby slants nip

now where did I hear that before

>jew is trying to drive a wedge between the other races
now i truly have seen it all

dont you get it? you all already have. sorry japanon i thought your culture was pretty cool, even the anime DESU.

something eternal can not die.
nipon is eternal.

I think its time The Israelite's knock the crap out of the 'Jews'.
Bankrupt them , cut off their funds, Kick them out of the faith, Take away their power. etc

>wedge between the other races
well you know who to call.

Honestly that's cause asian jews are absolutely ruthless and you have a lot more to worry about.

Geoge go back to teaching english

based slant

just how the fuck are we supposed to do that
the rotchilds alone are sitting on a stockpile of resources that's worth about 30 years of Israel's total GDP

they could literally field a privately hired army bigger than the IDF if they want to, nevermind thwart any mosquito bite we can attempt to muster against them

>I wish jews were a little less tribal
obviously NEVER met a jew, have you?

>"hahaha look at all the damage our pozd multicilt sjw marxist feminist theory has wrought upon you goyim"

you kikes have 15 years max before the iranians have a nuke


cant wait

That guy farthest on the left, it can't be...

Russia, Comrade... They will be our greatest allies.

maybe if they didnt orchestrate some kind of genocide against those who wouldnt comply during the 1930's....

but keep blaming the germans/denying it goys

Israel has a long history of supporting terrorism, pardoning terrorists, and even electing them PM(Yitzhak Shamir).

I'm glad you're stuck with all the arabs. You're just a petty and tribal, you deserve each other.

OK research them, we already have exposed Soros, this year we expose the Rothchilds.
They are already fielding a militia ISIS and the 'Refugee invasion' and the world look what happened to that...Rise of Nationalists parties.
They rigged the UN vote...UN will be defunded soon. We have them at every turn. Because they have been exposed.

No as a mater of fact Im saying they need to be MORE tribal.

by level of hatred

muslims > jews > catholics

and i'm jewish

reason why jews are in the second place is because the fundementalist ypes are really annoying.

and catholics can go suck a dick of that nazi marxist pope