I'm going to Germany next semester, protip ?

Hello german Sup Forumsacks,

during next semester, I shall study at TU Berlin,

any protip ?

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Stay safe

Learn about islamic culture

Stop being French

I have some skills in German burgerbaka, I will try to be the more German I can. u_u

It's Germany, not Brazil. But thanks.

Watch out for trucks

Avoid roads that can facilitate trucks

this, and stay out of big crowds

get your blackface on and go get yourself some ficki ficki

you're 100% black, I'm sure of it. Stay out of Germany you nigger!


Befriend me desu senpai

Yes, and because of the diversity exchange program I have a free flat and 400€ per month for the food. And of course I shall receive the TU Berlin formation.

Here you go

Thread over guys, it's a fucking parasite,
Damn and I was trying to be nice'n shit

Your in for some good time, german women prefer 10 BBCs to one small AFD dick

yeah, dont.

you only come to meet YOUR death.

You have no brain n' shiet if you believe everything you read on 4 chinks, especially obvious taunts.


Turks do not speak arab.

Have fun and enjoy living in and learning about a new country :)

Most kind post I seen in this thread. Australian are really the nicest, no wonder why everyone are jealous about them. u_u

You'll be fine. Behave yourself, don't give us a bad name.

nigger, kill yourself

why do you imply that he is an infidel?

If you are a nigger, you will feel right at home ^_^

Hot and crispy

Go eat there, at least once.


Cheap, hearty stuff.

Take that free money, and find a way to kill yourself.

Beware of white trucks.

>because of the diversity exchange program I have a free flat and 400€ per month for the food

I hope it isn't true. I'm sick of pampered little shits getting a free ride while the rest of us pay for everything.

>"when death message is received"
The fact that this is a common enough occurrence in Arab lands to need mentioning in a quick-reference guide really tells you something about their culture.

fickificki grabschigrabschi du kleine weiße schlampe

t. magomed

Fuck off, we're full.

This DOES NOT exist anywhere you baka.