Christianity General

ITT we hang out with fellow Christbros and discuss the life and the rewards that come from following the LORD above!

How many of us all were born Christian or converted later in life? I know there's a ton of each on this board, just from the few other /CG/ threads Ive seen

>tfw returned to the holy spirit after 10+ years as an atheist
>feels good mane

Other urls found in this thread:!5YgWWYyS!4umLTWetmEafAnoWgo6-Dw 53&version=KJV

God doesn't exist. /thread.

Is this accurate?

the british empire doesn't exist... anymore



At least there some people with IQ higher than 60 on pol.

You can read the entire bible, here, for free:

Highly recommended for ALL, back in the day (~1300s, IIRC) it was illegal for peasants and commoners to possess this book, its so good that (((they))) dont want it to be read anymore!

is over there, friendo

I'm not here to argue with Atheists, I lived that life for more than a decade myself.

>tfw have felt the presence of the holy spirit while praying and in church
>tfw my life has gotten infinitely better since I began reading the bible 3-4 months ago
>tfw happier and calmer than I've ever been

I'll say a prayer for you tho, it sounds like you really need Jesus.

I was born Hispanic Catholic, drifted, dabbled in protestantism, dipped into meme religions and agnosticism, then gradually became a more and more devout Christian. I'm nondenominational since, but I might convert to Orthodoxy. I suggest every user watch Marching to Zion and read from the link at the bottom.

>Marching to Zion

>Yuri Bezmenov - Why we need God

>Father Coughlin: Jews & Communism


>Cultural (((Marxism))): The Corruption of America

>Christianity is Not Jewish

>/christian/ books!5YgWWYyS!4umLTWetmEafAnoWgo6-Dw

>For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, “Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them.”
(Galatians 3:10 ESV)

>Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the Scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes? Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them.
(Matthew 21:42-43, 45 KJVA)

>But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel,
(Romans 9:6 ESV)

>And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise.
(Galatians 3:29 ESV)

>For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:
(Romans 4:13-14 KJVA)

My biggest fear is that Christianity is true but God is actually evil and sadistic. I started getting into Christianity looking for love, self improvement and fullfilment, but then my dad fucked my shit up with calvinism

Ah yes, the "nice jesus" image. I'll check out your links famalam

A little hesitant later in life but still going strong since birth!

>my dad fucked my shit up with Calvinism
"American Protestantism" is very bad, user. I wonder if Europeans have it worse off with such little care for Christianity at all though. I suggest reading the New Testament and something like "The Way of a Pilgrim" from the books link I posted. Just remember God himself is incarnate in Jesus. All the care, self-sacrifice, love, etc. Jesus had in willingly dying for can also be attributed to the Father we think about when we say God.

Lets discuss this, user, if you'd like to. Will you give any details?

Itd be better if you didnt pretend to believe that lie.

There is no way to prove or disprove the existence of God.

That said, I think Christianity is good for our society and ok with it being here.

Prophecy which has come true proves the legitimacy of the Bible and of Gods truthfulness. So yes God can be proved.

Uncucked Christianity, contd:

They call it "having faith" for a reason, famalam... The LORD above gave us the gift of free will along with his other blessings - so that we could choose to follow him or not.

In this way, we could enjoy a much more meaningful, genuine relationship with the creator than if he had made us as little more than mindless drones built to worship him.

We can choose to wander and turn our back on him, although he will never turn his back on us.

God did not leave us stranded and we are to be able to prove others for the reasons for our faith. This whole faith without reason is a modern meme that needs to be disregarded and we need to return to the facts and the facts are that God is true and so is his Word and it proves itself through archeology, prophecy, and results.

>rejecting the Lord
>/thread-ing your own post
How embarrassing.

I never said I lacked a reason. Maybe you can post some of your prophecies and results for us all.

Written long before Christ. 53&version=KJV

>some prophecies and results
>return to facts

Read The Case For Christ by Lee Strobbel and Monologion in The Major Works by St Anselm.!5YgWWYyS!4umLTWetmEafAnoWgo6-Dw


What am I looking at here? Theres no explanation for the implied similarities.

Say that to the muslim. I dare you.
Posting for the brothers

Perhaps this would be more your speed.

That prophecy was written about the Messiah at the earliest about 300 years before he existed. However its not the first prophecy. Genesis has the first. The seed of the woman shall bruise the snakes head. A figure of speech telling us that one day the Messiah would come and redeem us from this evil world and our sins and one day kill the evil one.


Bump for the Lord
Anybody go to good bible studies?

Well a lot of the Bible studies by Chuck Missler are great.

However the ones at my Church are very informative too.

This guy is really good too.

I'd like to, most churches offer them, usually during the week sometime :/

Ive been looking into going, my introverted autism makes it hard though.

Where do you think Kate Marsh belongs on this graph?

Ill have to look him up, been listening to Wesley Swift, thats pretty interesting

He focuses mostly on prophecy and the structure of the Bible.

A Mormon friend of mine has recently asked me to read the Book of Mormon with them while they are on their mission.

They don't want to convert me ( as if I'd buy that crap ) but want some perspective on Mormonism from an outsider ( catholic here ).

They are losing faith in the church themselves and may either take a break from god or switch denominations.

I'm currently encouraging them to just simply explore what faith means to them and disregard labels right now, but the more I learn about Mormonism, the more I feel like I should encourage them to leave the church.

Does anyone have any perspectives on Mormonism that they'd like to share?


I think they need to accept that they have the Bible and they should read it. Specially that part where it talks about man becoming gods part and how its a lie from Satan.

Its not Christian, just an offshoot. Polygamy is a sin


Tell me about Christ chan. Why does she wear the cross?


I don't think they promote polygamy any more

It's not that simple. Mormons are raised from birth to be incredibly faith driven, and they have workarounds for practically anything the Bible says against them

If I crucify Jesus, will he die?

She's a catholic (so I'm told) character. This will tell you a little about its significance:

Isnt she cute?

I went on a date with a Mormon girl once, she said it was never actually very common in their religion, yet its what everyone associates with them. They dont take part in it at her church.

Thats all I know about it. I dont think there are many mormons in the US except in certain areas..

What if God created Earth and humanity simply as a means to preoccupy Lucifer with a trivial distraction, so that the dark lord would fail to regroup his forces and challenge Him directly, as he did in the beginning? And what if blind hope was gifted to man so that we might not discover this fate and despair?

Revelation 16:13-16
13. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
14. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
15. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
16. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

Some folks love to play what if - but unless its in the bible, I dont think we'll ever know about some things. I hope we all get the chance to ask him ourselves one day...

God doesn't want cucks, you need to be very assertive, look Jesus

>meme strobel

you're gonna be disappointed. spoiler: he doesn't prove that god exists, just gives a bunch of anecdotes and encourages the reader to have faith

this is a pornography website bro, and an occasion to sin.

you should cut it out of your life.

My speculation comes from ideas laid out by John Milton, who technically invoked the Muses and even the celestial light to proceed with his Paradise Lost, with the purpose to "justify the ways of man to man". Would such revelations not count as holy, if not canonical?

To be honest, I have no issue with Christianity a means of control. Anything to push back the invaders and unite the people. Said that, I can't just pretend I believe in a mystical sky fairy which defies all logic and reason. Religion is a massive blue pill and you're lucky enough to have it, I often wonder if you genuinely believe or if you're just playing along with it.

God doesn't even bother with satan, even Jesus isn't going to defeat satan, it's going to be michael the archangel


This just seems like a lot of contradictory nonsense. Is there a way to pare this down into something that isn't hypocritical? Did all of these books in the Bible really need to be there? Does it need a Version 2.0 not to be a logical nightmare?

look into Catholicism. Bible worship is a Protestant/born-again thing.

how catholics teach about God? they dont use the Bible?

meh. God is the almighty One but most of Christianity is bullshit. You can't study it and not reach this conclusion, it simply cannot be done without living in ignorance

of course they use the Bible, but they consider the context, intention, and nuance of the text, and they don't try to claim that everything is literal or meant for this exact moment in time.

>Never really believed as a child
>around the age of 16 17 decided there can be no God, science is the answer to everything.
>tfw at mid twenties, this degenerate cesspool known as Sup Forums brought me back into Gods path/light.
>What did God mean by this.

Me too. Not sure what to make of it

>michael the archangel
Unless if you're Jehovah's Witness, then Jesus is Michael.

Also, God deals with Satan if the point of humanity and Earth is to preoccupy Satan, for the dark lord elects to brave the void be between hell and earth so he can corrupt man and deal a supposed blow to God, who at first argues not to intervene, as He has bestowed man with the intellect and free will to resist if he so chooses. His hidden intention might be simply that we are to distract Satan, who believes that tainting us deals a blow to the Almighty.

Maybe but to be Christian does not mean following the church blindly. Many churches are liberal indoctrination centers.

>being a slave to the kike king

God works in mysterious ways user, only time will tell.

Jews killed Jesus, for calling them out and exposing their filth/lies to the goyim. A mortal sin to the Jews.

how can michael be Jesus, Jesus comes to rule the earth, the names are pretty well distinct

and satan has no power, Jesus in the desert showed us that, we give him power by accepting his deals, i believe God made satan revealed cos we needed a dark side to see God's grace

I'm curious, do you genuinely believe in God or do you just go along with it because fuck degeneracy?

I hate them as much as the next man, I also agree that Christianity is a much pure way of living. I certainly can't fool myself into believing in something on the same level as the Easter bunny or Santa.

I look forward to studying that when I get thus far - I'm sure there's some interesting commentary on it!

I stopped watching porn last summer sometime, and its been very good for me. That stuff is toxic - and its meant to destroy relationships and weaken the family unit. Avoid it as if it were cursed, I wish I'd stopped watching it sooner tbqh famalam

Christianity has been (mis)used as a means of control, as a means of oppression almost as long as its existed. I used to be a non-believer myself, in my experience if you open your eyes to it, study the bible, pray regularly and find a good church, that you'd open your heart to the holy spirit genuinely, and receive the lord's blessings as well. I've felt his presence while praying and in worship, and my life has gotten exponentially better since I've started to follow the path of Jesus.

Christianity is accepted by choice, whereas the kebabs for instance kill those who attempt to leave their faith.

Christians on the other hand refuse to deny our/their lord even when it means certain death:

We're also welcome to "leave" at any time, I did for about a decade when I was younger. I'm back now.

Am studying it, have not reached this conclusion. This sounds like atheist drivel to me.

More or less the same here, but I'm back now too. Glad we're all together again, my brothers. As society continues to degrade around us, I have a deep suspicion that there will sooner be many more like us

This, find a good one, and study the bible yourself. Its a large undertaking, I'm only partway through it yet, but I enjoy it greatly and recommend it highly. Many strange and bad things have been done in the misused name of Christianity. Many more good things have been done in its true name, however.

This, the guy was more based

Okay. Shit, I have to get this off my chest.
The Lord God may or may not be leading me to a particular leadership position within this nation.

Yes i now genuinely believe, this happened all on its own, I wasn't actively searching for God. I went from a non believer to agnostic, to full blown believer. You equate God to Santa or the Easter bunny because it is something you do not understand or maybe denial, not wanting to accept that their us something out their much bigger than us. Everyone has his own path, hopefully one day God will find his way into your heart user.

>how can michael be Jesus, Jesus comes to rule the earth, the names are pretty well distinct
Jehovah's Witnesses believe Michael to be another name for Jesus Christ in heaven, in his pre-human and post-resurrection existence.[60] They say the definite article at Jude 9—referring to "Michael the archangel"—identifies Michael as the only archangel. They consider Michael to be synonymous with Jesus, described at 1 Thessalonians 4:16 as descending "with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet".

jehovah witnesses dont think Jesus is Christ right?

I think the long prophesied, "Great awakening" will start very soon.

Wait, what?

Christianity is a nigger religion, niggers holding their hands in the air begging to feel the lord, they feel the lord more than anyone else. When you pray you are acting like a nigger.

i dont know! he says michael is Jesus
michael, raphael and gabriel are 3 well known archangls, that are not Jesus

But Hebrews says:
after all, when did God ever say to any of the angels:
You are my Son.Today I have become your Father?
Or, even, I will be his Father, and he will be my Son?
6 But then, when he brought his firstborn into the world, he said, All of God’s angels must worship him. Hebrews 1:5

Didn't Christianity start by Joseph being cucked?

I feel bad you havent felt the presence of Christ

Yahweh is a jew god, christianity is a cuck religion, only the power of Kek can save us from this nightmare.

That's quite strange, I'm not sure how to deal with it.
Jesus is Jesus.
Michael is Michael.

christianity was invented by the flavian dynasty of caesars to crush the judean revolts inspired by messianic literature...

literally the most cucked religion in the world.

What did Jesus look like?


>I feel bad you're not schizophrenic like me

Most religious people are just stupid or weak-minded. But those who claim to have actually had contact with whatever deities they follow are simply mentally ill.

Someone I know got interned in a mental hospital with severe delusions and hallucinations, and it started out with them believing they heard Jesus talking to them, until it later developed into full-on "I am actually an alien and I have magic powers".

>norway paganist still butt hurt about God destroying their fake gods temples

I was like this.
Science helped me understand the nature of God a little bit better, I almost find it impossible for there not to believe in God if you look at how infinitely big and infinitely small all things are.

>Destruction and cultural genocide in the name of Jesus is fine
>Destruction and cultural genocide in the name of Allah is not

Christfag logic.

Jesus was a jew.
>nuff was said

frog post; best post

I hear no voices.
The Lord God is real, and you need to search for him. Your answers in life start there

No boast, I've signed my name on your petition Christbro. What good did you do today? I picked up a wounded dog from the vet to foster until I find it's owners. Remember, many men would worry more about lost wallets.

So you agree with the opposite viewpoint?

if allah is the moon god moloch as people point out, they are going down, God doesnt want people worshiping in fake gods

kekist watch out