What did CNN mean by this?

What did CNN mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

That they are puppets of the shadow government

It means they bought Fallout 4: Collector's edition. And you should too!

damn straight

It means North Korea's trying to blow us up and we should stop focusing on petty liberal propaganda.

>inb4 muh russian haxxing

People still watch CNN? Watch fox it's more better
Tucker brings best bantz

It means those gosh-darned Russian hackers should have worn digital gloves.

They still haven't offered a lick of evidence that suggests this was a Kremlin hacking as opposed to just some guy in Russia doing it.


Another CNN conspiracy theory. Who honestly believes this trash?

Man, I've left Sup Forums months ago due to the somehow worse than Sup Forums shitposting, but some days i miss good ole toddposting,

Thanks man

Government propaganda ceases to matter when it is instantly recognizable.

Damn straight! Now whos paying for this pizza bundle? That will be $79.99 plus tip.

You know, I was wondering if my eye was becoming keen to their work, or if it's increasingly shoddy due to panic.




the code was written in Russian, that's how they know it was Russia that did it.

I shit you not that is the story they're going with.

What did CNN mean by this?

the news is broken, let me tell you about the news. I love the new, it's terrific, in a certain way, but lately it's broken, and I mean-lots of people are saying the news is broken-you've seen it yourself. but we're goona bring it back, better and fixed than ever before. your gonna get so tired of winning with your news, and I'll say NO! fuck you CNN you slimey dishonest snakes, any such cases. folks your gonna be very happy

Wasn't that the reasoning behind the sony hack too?

wow, this guy really knows his stuff!

Don't forget to pick up skyrim remastered too!

The Clinton News Network (CNN) has turned into a propaganda outlet.

He looks completely soulless

I just fucking got informed they used FUCKING FALLOUT 4 HACKING SCREEN.


aids kills the soul before the body

How the fuck can these people do this? We go on a huge tirade about "fake news" and then they straight up start reporting conspiracy theories with no evidence other than appeal to authority (all vague ones at that, many of them being having put out false or misinterpreted information in the past).

The hack was written in cryllic. Little did they know that the hack was really written by the Chineese Mafia. Who weren't really the Chineese Mafia. They were greys who were advertising their services for ad words on multiple sites at the same time. Called the Tri-ads

little do they know its actually the well known german mafia restoring the reich overseas

>What did CNN mean by this?

Already stopped giving a shit about anything CNN has to say.

OP you should too.

They're hoping to drown people in misinformation.

We haven't had an ounce of proof yet on this story. We likely won't get any, but that's not the point.

The point is the DNC colluded with the MSM to push Hillary, committed voter fraud, and operated like a mob throughout the election.

Every story about this that gains traction, in either direction, helps people forget about that fraud and helps keep the current DNC power structure in place.

The code was written in a style only big organizations that are writing the software for long term do.
All metadata collected from the hacks show that they were carried out by people in Moscow's and St. Petersburg's timezones. The hacks & phishing links were done by IPs that were also used to attack NATO personnel, other US government people, ex-Soviet state politicians and anti-Russian journalists.
Metadata also showed that the hacks were done from computers that were in Cyrillic.
Someone also forgot to erase a known KGB spy's name from the metadata.
Guccifer 2.0, the "person" behind the leaks, claimed to be Romanian, yet was unable to speak Romanian coherently when being interviewed by a journalist.

For people who hate CNN so much you guys sure can't stop watching it.

>For people who hate CNN so much you guys sure can't stop watching it.
people love to hate

have you never seen the thousands of hateful comments from libs under each of trump's tweets?

Hate-watching. It's like hate-fucking. Pretty sure that's the only reason the young turks are still even a thing.


there has been no confirmation of this by the intelligence community at all.

wheres the goddamn proof?

It means that they don't have anything with an actual name in computer science.


wow, what a handsome guy!

I'd vote for him
>and his game for GOTY

Congratulations on narrowing down the list of suspects to 100 million people. Dumbass.

Who even cares if its proven that "Russia did it"?

The "leaks" only revealed how heinously corrupt one of the candidates was - the candidate that had been in political office for years already.

What's wrong with the knowing the truth? Liberals like to call us ignorant. Yet here they are condemning the exposure of the truth.

>digital fingerprint

Its a macguffin, like when you're watching Star Trek and they fix everything with an "inverse tachyon beam" or what not. You don't know what it is; but it sounds scientific so you roll with the premise.

Same thing here, the media spout off a term like "digital fingerprint" and don't bother to explain what it is, how it works, or what makes it seem like it could be Russian; but they assure you that its evidence and if you're dumb enough to still trust them or if you're a pouting liberal desperate for an excuse then you roll with the premise.


>no confirmation of this by the intelligence community
Many individual cyber security analysts also agree, as do private security companies

Yes and I've also seen the thousands of hate comments under every Hillary related youtube video, tweet, and ig or fb post too.

Exactly. All I have heard is muh 17 agencies. And when you ask for specifics you get crickets.

Its just a big circlejerk at this point. WaPo writes the original story and then the rest of the media writes an article about it quoting the WaPo story as the source. Before you know it there's a "consensus" in the MSM that's entirely fabricated from one WaPo source and one supposed informant. No proof required.

This is a major media machine that very obviously pushed for one candidate from the very beginning. That did everything they could to downplay her faults and up play up the faults of her opponents. Is it so hard for people to understand that they might have some skin in the game if people realize how corrupt they are?

oh dear

>100 million people

Let me restate all the points simpler so you understand
>The organization is very sophisticated and most likely state sponsored
>The organization resides in Moscow and St. Petersburg
>The organization uses Cyrillic
>The organization has ties to the KGB
>The organization has targeted NATO
>The organization has targeted the Ukrainian army
>The organization has targeted ex Soviet states
>The organization has targeted EU politicians

gee, I wonder who the organization is

> proof: WaPos original article


And yet no GOVERNMENT intelligence agencies have collaborated

i don't give a fuck what a private company says, they all have their own agendas/funders and are not under supervision/surveillance/review

Sources: none other than MSM circlejerk


Oh look it's the butthurt baltic blyat

What happened to moot?

Hey look, it's the guy who pretends to know what he's talking about.

I really don't care if Russia was behind any shred of it. I care far more about what the leaked emails said, not where they came from.

I'm also willing to accept Assange's word about it not coming from Russia over anything the MSM says about it.

any of your claims that couldn't be done deliberately by someone else to falsely implicate?

>The code was written in a style only big organizations that are writing the software for long term do.
>All metadata collected from the hacks show that they were carried out by people in Moscow's and St. Petersburg's timezones. The hacks & phishing links were done by IPs that were also used to attack NATO personnel, other US government people, ex-Soviet state politicians and anti-Russian journalists.
>Metadata also showed that the hacks were done from computers that were in Cyrillic.
>Someone also forgot to erase a known KGB spy's name from the metadata.
>Guccifer 2.0, the "person" behind the leaks, claimed to be Romanian, yet was unable to speak Romanian coherently when being interviewed by a journalist.

Where did you get all this information from, Latvia? I haven't seen these things reported

nice pasta faggot

google ruined him

Those digits don't lie.

what even are the 17?

it sounds like such a bullshit claim "oh yeah, well SEVENTEEN agencies confirmed it"

Leaving false artifacts in forensics is literally covering tracks 101. It's trivial to change compilation times/time zones, proxying addresses, compilation folder structure, etc...

>FBI and DHS report
us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

>In an official statement today, the Director of National Intelligence and Department of Homeland Security officially blamed Russia for stealing and publishing archived emails from the Democratic National Committee this summer.
>“The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks.com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts,” the statement reads. “We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.”

Have these professionals come to a consensus on global warming as well?

don't they even thank the hackers for exposing the corruption in the DNC?

Those are some crappy hackers if this is true. Not really the super spies that they're claiming they are.

us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf
The DHS, the director of the NSA, the FBI and the CIA all have confirmed it is most likely Russia.
Multiple private cyber security companies have confirmed it is most likely Russia.

us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

>looking at facts = butthurt

I'm using information provided by US intelligence agencies and confirmed by private cyber security analysts

why should we trust the DHS if they dont even fully believe it themselves?

>DISCLAIMER: :This report is provided “as is” for informational purposes only. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within. DHS does not endorse any commercial product or service referenced in this advisory or otherwise.
>not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within

Goddamnit, this is just embarrassing at this point. I work in the IT industry and have some background with security - there is absolutely nothing in what has been revealed that proved that Russia """"hacked the election"""". Just some dumbassses at the DNC and Podesta perhaps didn't take very simple security precautions and fell for phishing attacks.
I would like them to explain what their concept of a "digital fingerprint" is - CNN is just making it up on the spot.
I can tell you all that China as far as defense secrets and national security are concerned is the real threat and never gets reported on.
Is anyone falling for this crap anymore? Wow...I could go on an Alex Jones-tier rant about this, but it's no wonder why low-level intelligence analysts turned against the Democrat propaganda machine.

Yeah it means they're making up bullshit, flinging and seeing what sticks with the public's imagination. The whole goal is to headline-drop so people won't view Trump, the political outsider, as legitimately elected.

Keep in mind this is same group of people who were saying this very thing was impossible when Trump was saying it could happen against him. That sudden 180 in opinion seems suspicious enough.

check putins fingernails for feces

Researchers at Fidelis, CrowdStrike, Dell SecureWorks

>While the individual claimed to be Romanian, documents in the initial dump from the DNC by Guccifer 2.0 were found to have been edited using a Russian-language version of Word and by someone using a computer named for Felix Dzerzhinsky, founder of the Soviet secret police

>Tucker brings best bantz
enlarged to show texture

because the old fucks that have held office for decades might have their dirt revealed to the public, and we can't have that.

Thank you for confirming that you're a delusional paranoid schizophrenic

>The organization uses Cyrillic
Gee, how convenient that they would use their own language and alphabet instead of literally any other language that would throw them off the track,

You can't cuck the tuck

It was done by an organization most likely sponsored by the government, but not the government itself

> search term: Russia
> resukts: none except for the title, a blurb about how phishing is Russian (lol) and a chart with alphabet soup agencies

Yeah that's not proof of anything.

Yeah that's not proof.

the signature used in the phishing program/site or w.e is identical to one they have observed a russian intelligence agency use

>Researchers at Fidelis, CrowdStrike, Dell SecureWorks
So you personally talked to them? Or have these details been published somewhere? I am intrigued.

Anderson Cooper is admitted CIA.
Believe nothing he says.

Fake news.

>most likely
doesn't mean shit

there is no smoking gun or "electronic fingerprints"

Half that report is speculation and the rest is prevention for future "attacks"

things like
>believe to be

are not proof.

Not too mention, unless you've forgotten the DHS is headed by a nigger obama appointee who he brought with him from term one to two

and there has not been a collaborating statement from the nsa or cia or fbi separate from dhs report

tldr; you'll need to do better than that

On their websites



I really want that ron paul poster.

When will they learn to stop damage controlling jfc kill me

>doesn't even read the article
>instead searches it hoping there would be some direct proof saying IT WAS DONE BY RUSSIA
nigga, that ain't how intelligence works
You have pieces of evidence, and while all the evidence combined points to Russia, there is no single piece of evidence that says "It was the Russians!"

read the actual article

Actually what you described would be "circumstantial evidence", which would not hold up in a court of law


>The code was written in a style only big organizations that are writing the software for long term do.

The code is a Ukranian malware toolkit that has been publicly available for years. Anyone can download it and it has no connection with Russian intelligence.

See the open source study by wordfence.com wordfence.com/blog/2016/12/russia-malware-ip-hack/

>All metadata collected from the hacks show that they were carried out by people in Moscow's and St. Petersburg's timezones.

This is meaningless. Only shows that the attacks occurred when it was daytime in St. Petersbug and/or Moscow. That means it could be people in those cities doing this during the day or alternatively it could have been people on the other side of the world working at night.

>The hacks & phishing links were done by IPs that were also used to attack NATO personnel, other US government people, ex-Soviet state politicians and anti-Russian journalists.

Shocking. So hackers use the same TOR outlets? Again, using the same IPs is meaningless.

See again wordfence's analysis for in depth analysis the wordfence.com wordfence.com/blog/2016/12/russia-malware-ip-hack/

>Metadata also showed that the hacks were done from computers that were in Cyrillic.
Someone also forgot to erase a known KGB spy's name from the metadata.

This is not true. Metadata in a file leaked by “Guccifer 2.0″ shows it was modified by a user called, in cyrillic, “Felix Edmundovich,” a reference to the founder of a Soviet-era secret police force. Another document contained cyrillic metadata indicating it had been edited on a document with Russian language settings.

>Guccifer 2.0, the "person" behind the leaks, claimed to be Romanian, yet was unable to speak Romanian coherently when being interviewed by a journalist.

Again, meaningless. All this could possibly show is that he is not Romanian.

Why was all this evidence so easily available? IPs, usernames, timezones ect. Crowdstrike claimed APT28 and APT29 were among the best.

>cant read something 13 pages long

fucking hell nigga

>there will never be a frisky dingo season 3


might screencap for posterity


>Brennan wrote in part:
>"Earlier this week, I met separately with (Director) FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election."

That's because we don't have all the evidence. The CIA and NSA aren't going to release their evidence, becauase that would endanger their sources

>Literally every intelligence agency has confirmed that it believes it was Russia
>Private cyber security analysts also confirm
>Private cyber security companies also confirm and release evidence they collected, which also points to Russia

>The Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within. DHS
does not endorse any commercial product or service referenced in this advisory or otherwise.

Into the trash it goes.

This. It baffles me when a lot of people are wowed by shiny template and flowery graphs that means jack shit.

>What did CNN mean by this?

>second hand account of "strong consenses" with no actually statement made

are you even trying nigger?

>confirmed that it believes it was russia

once again, no, there have not been official statements put out by individual directors of each department and secondhand information is trash tier

Saying there is a strong consensus that it was the Russians doesn't show fucking proof that the Russians did it.

>releasing the evidence would endanger their sources

So what you're saying is, we're at a juxtaposition on whether or not we should trust the CIA or Wikileaks, since both sides don't need proof since proof would "endanger their sources"?

>The code is a Ukranian malware toolkit that has been publicly available for years. Anyone can download it and it has no connection with Russian intelligence.
>See the open source study by wordfence.com wordfence.com/blog/2016/12/russia-malware-ip-hack/
Where exactly did they pull out that PHP code from? Can you link me the official government source where this PHP code is?

>This is meaningless. Only shows that the attacks occurred when it was daytime in St. Petersbug and/or Moscow. That means it could be people in those cities doing this during the day or alternatively it could have been people on the other side of the world working at night.
No, it was done by people who had computers in the Moscow and St. Petersburg timezone. The metadata showed that the timezones were set to Moscow and St. Petersburg timezones.

>Shocking. So hackers use the same TOR outlets? Again, using the same IPs is meaningless.
No. It wasn't tor, because you can't host phishing websites on tor.

>CTU™ researchers assess with moderate confidence that the group is operating from the Russian Federation and is gathering intelligence on behalf of the Russian government.

What does CTU mean by this?