I have a question about snowflakes

is there a way to save the qt ones
is it possible to turn them into wifey material (assuming they're virgins)

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They are probably not virgins. But if you are a Chad, it is possible.

The qt ones are bisexual leaning more toward lesbianism

I just came here to look at this degenerate painted whore.

No. Stop hoping betacuck and get a nice normal girl. Get the normal girl pregnant four times and save your race.

It's possible.
Die Cis Scum turned normal. Said it was a phase. She just got a good dicking.

> They are probably not virgins.
alot of them are social outcasts
they usually isolate themselves

Wasn't that what happened to Scary Black Lipstick Lady?

I think I can smell her Gina

what does she look like nao


>you can make other people change

The only way for someone to change is if they want to

this is why the vast majority of people don't change after they reach the age of 25

>assuming they're virgins
Tumblr actively encourages having sex with racial minorities. It's like a way into the sisterhood or some shit.

My rule is: Neon hair? Beware!


OP, first work on being able to talk to a woman without trembling uncontrollably. Then come back and ask.

but i thought that quirky girls think autism is cute

Fuck off you don't get your cake and to eat it too. Libcucks are born as libcucks because of their shit genes so there's no such thing as "turning them in to wifey material". They are born shit and they stay shit.

Plus why would you lower your standards that low? You sound weak and pathetic.

guarantee this chick can't even play an open g to c progression

Are there grills in real life who:
>look like pic related
>aren't SJWs
>at worst hold centrist political views
>don't drink
>enjoy anime and JRPGs
>are virgins
>consider cheating to be an unforgivable sin

And if so, where do I find them?

Did you miss the cigarette ?

Nothing makes me completely flacid like seeing a smoker. Fucking disgusting

Absolutely not, snowflakes are one of the worst type of women out there and there is either shit in her past, shit she WILL do now, or both. Speaking from experience here.

This sorta. Though most of them are sluts that hate everyone who does not want what they want.

Bump for interest


if she smokes, she pokes

> smoking

is it possible?
yeah, theoretically

is it reasonable to expect that outcome?

yeah, but they've all been wifed up by those dudes who used to play oasis and dashboard confessional on the acoustic guitar at the frat house parties

>assuming they're virgins

>Be Op
>be a really desperate faggot
>want to save social degenerates because they have a used up and maybe accessible vagina

Hair is blue, plays guitar to blend into bar/grunge to fuck artists. No you cannot save them, they're not (((qt))) either. Send them into the fires Op, also do us a solid and jump in there with them


We'd better hope or our species is doomed

> assuming they're virgins

Not being sound of mind is even more criminal than not being sound of body.

If they see the light themselves, good.
If not, they aren't worth your time. Move on.

Spread the word and see if it takes root. If not, you'll just be casting your pearls to swine at that point.



They are stubborn, even if jamal gives her a kid. It'll take 3 kids from different black daddies for them to finally come to their senses, and by then it's far too late.