If you hate refugees so much, why don't you help develop these places so people will stay...

If you hate refugees so much, why don't you help develop these places so people will stay? All you do is throw money at it and you know that all that money only goes into the pocket of corrupt politicians and NGOs. Then you sperg out when they ask you to do more; right now you are doing nothing and you know it. You need people on the ground. You need to build accountable instituitions.

Let's be honest. The Marshall Plan put more into Japan/Germany than any colonial empire did into Africa for hundreds of years. America owed less than nothing to either nation. Euros owe a lot to Africa

there was so much logic in this post that the drumpftards on Sup Forums didn't reply even once for 10 whole minutes because you intruded into their echochamber.

Facts and sanity are like a bacterial infection to the ultra-clean fact-free echochamber these retards have set up for themselves.

Because the only way to even attempt that would be to invade, forcibly remove the corrupt politicians, and have whites running everything with an iron grip for years until the natives are sufficiently trained, educated, and conditioned to maintain the higher standard of living.

Its culturally impossible to develop africa.

>marshall plan
>more money than poured into africa
You're dreaming.
also they weren't massively bombarded.

>i declare myself totally right before hearing any argument therefore i am right no matter what
Nice one.

They do have a responsibility to develope themselves. Or is charity now considered an obligatory thing no matter what? It's a virtue i'd agree. Also remember the northern half of that tried to invade europe for 1400 years so us being charitable is quite a feat. Many of them would not do the same for us.

>refugees now include all of africa and all of middle east
Seems legit
>you're not trying
Really? Europe has done more for these people than the 57 majority muslim nations in the world and their 1.6 billion people have. Very few of them have participated in improving the conflict and quite a few have actually done the opposite or nothing at all, many have not even accepted any refugees at all inspite being fellow muslims to the ones in conflict.

>includes subsaharan africa
What's going on there exactly?


You're right, we need to develop virus bombs for this forsaken region

That's marine le pen's idea

I have a better idea: we cut aid completely, turn back everyone at the border, and shoot anyone who attempts to get past said border.

>just develop a continent with an average IQ of 70

>you are doing nothing and you know it. You need people on the ground. You need to build accountable instituitions.

I'm sorry, why exactly do we need to endlessly try to bring these lower races up to our standards again?

If we are all equal.. maybe we could try to just let them raise themselves up? Hmm? maybe 1000 years late but you know, whatever.

From personal experience i'll say this; yes sometimes it sucks. Sometimes even i feel like skipping my workouts. Like Leg day is really intense and exhausting for me; While doing dumbbell lunges i ask myself why the f*** did i join the gym. But then i tell myself to be Trans and go about the work. I'll tell you this small story- The reason i joined the gym was because i lost in arm wrestling to someone i hated and not only did he break my arm, i was ridiculed upon by the guy I was trying to win over. One more reason was that most guys I want to hook up with only want to only hook up with the "good looking girls" I'm not implying that i'm ugly but not drop dead gorgeous.These two reasons made me realize that i needed to work out,so that i could avenge myself in that arm-wrestling loss and so that i'll have a muscular and ripped body. Make yourself realize why you joined that gym,Visualize the benefits you'll have overtime. Try to focus while working out on your exercise and your form.And one reason you could be losing focus maybe that your over-trained/did not get adequate rest and hence were fatigued.That's all i can say kiddo

Also, Japan/Germany had already proven themselves capable of maintaining advanced societies. Whatever you think about their ideologies at the time, it can't be denied that they ran their shit effectively enough to give their much larger enemies a serious fight. They were a safe investment. And that's not even considering the political situation at the time where the west wanted buffers against the soviets.

Africa has always been a dysfunctional punching bag. The middle east had some good runs in the past, but it was back-and-forth and now they only get away with so much because buying their oil with money we print is marginally easier and far more socially acceptable than burning their nations to the ground. Investing in the people is a big gamble.

And the west doesn't owe them anything on moral grounds. Africans enslave their own people to this day, and the Islamic world has always been hostile. They don't get to bitch just because whites were better at their game.

Good idea leaf, we'll ship you guys over there once we annex Canada.

Kennedy tried to develope Africa and Asia so Soekarno present him Gold about 14 ton.
Jews killed Kennedy for shit bank slave system.

Glorious Asian gold was stolen by shit Jew banks.

>If you hate refugees so much, why don't you help develop these places so people will stay?
We will when they'll fucking stop coming here in droves and force us (along with the EU) to spend a shitton of money on taking care of them.

imagine lighting dump trucks full of $100 dollar bills on fire and driving them off a bridge into the ocean. Giving money to africa is the equivalent. any country would completely bankrupt itself trying. remember niggers are not satisfied with anything less than everything and even then they would fuck it all up.

We did, you fucking Chink up North. My country made better most of the planet, it's only the niggers and sand rats that have gone backwards.

>American Western Colonies (Now USA)

>SUCCESS (Fucking debatable)


>New Zealand

>Hong Kong
>SUCCESS (Currently being destroyed by China)


>African Colonies

>Middle Easter Colonies

>American Easter Colonies



ever heard of a place called rhoadasia?

>what is south africa

Rhodesia and South Africa (during apartheid) had a chance.

Also, Biafra a secessionist state could've made something of itself, but muh oil.

Right now it's just as bad as its neighbors


The germans were already a very industious people and contine to be to this day.

the japanese as well. were very indstrious people and it is incredible that a small island was able to do battle with the USA and mainland asia at the same time for so long.

the negro does not share these attributes whatsoever.

I suggest you watch "empire of dust" the documentary.

these people cannot be helped.

"wah why don't you be a pussy like me and be full of luuuuv i'm so altruistic aren't i so special and grand?!"

If we did people would just complain about "muh colonization", infrastructure would be destroyed within a few years, or it wouldn't be good enough. There would always be some excuse. That's why they should do it themselves.

Plus it's simply not our job. We should cut of any and all aid as well.

>le epik uncontrolled breeding nigger meme

British settlers in Canada and Australia weren't systematically denied opportunity or autonomy on the basis of race or nationality.


Disprove it kike

sane posts on pol
what is the world coming to

>muh kikes
Not an argument.
Uncontrolled breeding isn't a nigger phenomenon. It was a common feature of human societies until relatively recently.

They have had the span of all of human history to becone developed.

Africa has an abundance of natural materials and was developed up by the Europeans and as soon as they were given their lands back they destroyed everything that had been built that could help them.

I highly recommend you watch Empire of Dust and see how shitty the people are. It is the people that are the problem.

Why cant they develop themselves?

Maybe it's because the people there are mentally incapable of doing that?

this might be my favorite webm

if they don't set themselves up, they'll never maintain whatever will be set up for them. africa is a good example, most british/french roads and railways fell apart from lack of maintenance after they left.

sending food to countries just makes their population grow, doesn't get rid of starving people.

any attempt to help countries beyond sharing technological knowledge hinders their development. they need to build their own knowledge of infrastructure and resource management. That means they'll need people in charge who actually care about the well being of their citizens.

carrying capacity is an extremely simple ecological concept that's been understood for 200 years. you can't just introduce food resources and hope the population sorts itself out. I think libshits could do with reading about some basic ecology. it's very simple to grasp and explains a lot.

I would rather declare independence from Canada and then build a wall

Could you translate that?

I don't speak chink chong or read their stupid runes

Rangeban for Canada 2017


BC would have been a success if you hadn't turned your backs on us and forced us to join this shitty confederation

You forgot the part where the white people go home and 1 generation later It's a corrupt 3rd world shithole again.


We have been nigger (with the exception of the middle east, they don't need help developing they're smart enough to do it themselves if left alone without islam), but africans are fucking niggers so that continent is fucked.

It's cheaper to buy bullets as opposed to uplifting competition.

I built a garage for a liberal professor family. The husband has been going to Africa teaching livestock husbandry for over thirty years. His wife will come right out and tell you we need to quit wasting money feeding them and giving them medicine. The husband said the men are lazy as shit and just drink all day. The women do all the work.
No they do for Africa. We help us by cutting them off and quarantining them.

For once a chink speaks truth

Africa would be better off even if they just kept the old ass European Technology running and developed nothing new

>why don't people just improve africa
humanitarians have tried that already. it didn't work.

Liberals hate science especially natural science because it's racist and doesn't have a rainbow and unicorns explaination of life

The problem with making plans for Africa is assuming they are as smart capable of planing for the future as Whites or Asians are. They are not.

Planning for Africa as if their IQ was going to trend towards the global 100 average is planning for failure because it's not it's 80.

This goy gets it

Because if we develop the fucking countries and then leave, the dumb motherfuckers that are still there won't have any idea of what the fuck to do.

Fixing their problems PREVENTS them from learning allowing retarded bastards to survive, preventing the small advances that brought modern society to its current state.

It's literally evolution. If they can't figure out how to live, it isn't my fucking responsibility to do it for them. I'm busy doing what I can for MY society, MY country and MY family.


Yeah man I guess those SSA fertility statistics are just right wing lies

>imagine lighting dump trucks full of $100 dollar bills on fire and driving them off a bridge into the ocean.

Doing this to the 1%'s money would improve the relative spending power of more people, improving the economy.

exactly this
also cheked

its funny when libs realize darwin and god were both hitlers bros

My sister's boyfriend worked down in Mocambique for a few short stints(hydro plant). You can't give them anything and expect it not to be wasted. He talked about how the people down there all played around in soccer shoes with the front part cut off.

You can't even give them fucking kid's toys without them being repurposed by the adult niggers and taken by them. The only thing help we should offer africans is the pill and sterilization.

>Uncontrolled breeding isn't a nigger phenomenon. It was a common feature of human societies until relatively recently.

You aren't smart for watching a youtube video from a German propaganda channel and regurgitating their talking points LaQwanTavious

the biggest problem is the unsustainable growth of africa's population even if its developed. there is just too many mouths to feed.

blacks in the US have a birth rate of 1.88 currently, the highest they ever were was 2.55.

the average birth rate in africa is almost double that: 4.85

this is why there is such a big contraception meme going on and why they haven't cured AIDs yet. (((they))) know that Africa and the rest of the world are fucked if this growth continues and they become more modernized

>British settlers in Canada and Australia weren't systematically denied opportunity or autonomy on the basis of race or nationality.

Massive oppression and slavery didn't stop European peoples from becoming empires almost instantly: take the liberation of Grenada leading Spain to become a worldwide empire just as soon as the Moor's bootstrap was off the Spanish neck.

The same thing happened again and again: as soon as whitey stopped being killed and enslaved, he sprang right up into empire: everything from the Eastern European knight kingdoms springing up to Poland and Russia and Austro-Hungarians...

...so there was no whining about how "the evil Empire be keepin us down", they just sprang right back up and kicked ass.

But blacks are whining about an oppression that was 100 years less time than the Moors in Grenada. What, are white people getting magic Oppression Badges that gives them discounts in Medieval Walmart or something???

The cause of white people kicking ass after getting out of slavery was their whiteness. The reason blacks are still mired in shitty backwater hick mentality is that they're black.

Blacks can't succeed because THEY ARE INFERIOR PEOPLES.

Say what you want, but the evidence is clear. Very, very clear.

Lazy translation incoming

The unseen poor

Those seen by chance

For some reason we ain't dying but lets just take the money, food and aid of those praiseworthy JAPANESE people. We can live in surplus. Ain't we lucky?

*ball slappin sound effects*

Wha?! How the hell are there more of you now, when our population is decreasing? (You don't don't have the money for all these kids...)

Starting the loop all over again (forever)

How Long do we have to suport this? When will this end?!

Anyone got that screen cap of that aid worker leftist that went to Africa to work for the peacecorps or something for like a year and a half and turned out completely redpilled?

Uh, why do you assume I want to save them? I would have no problem if every shitskin died literally right this moment.

Africa can't be helped, They would have done so already

The last time whites helped and Made that shithole called África somewhat liveable the fucking niggers cried Freedom and shitted on everything they had.

And now they want more help?
So they can ruin it again?
No thanks, let them die

The Marshall Plan was a huge strain. The United States has to focus on her own infrastructure, we don't have the funds to spend fixing shitholes up for savages.

Not our problem. Enjoy the hordes of baboons, Europeans. Hopefully Merkel gets the boot later this year and you pricks can get your identities back.

Today is a good day, many good threads with sane posters.

I have no problem keeping charities that help those poverty ridden areas of the world as tax free as possible and if we were to end immigration and focus on our own people- a time would come when the wealth of our society would just be so apparent that people would take the initiative themselves to donate to said charities.

we did already it was called colonialism

then they kicked us out and ruined everything europeans built in like a decade and a half T+ colonial expulsion

it's a hell of their own making and they deserve it

People did damn it, and every body bitched about it was oppressive it was until people said "fine do what you want! We'll leave."

Turns out what they want is to murder each other, let their meager infrastructure rot, and move to the nice countries that they fought to escape the influence of.

Euros owe nothing to no one. Without Euros the rest of the world would still be trying to figure out how to make fire.

Haven't you heard? They're "economic" refugees. All 1.9 billion of them.

Do yourself a favor and study Estonian history.

Whats the source for this? Seeing based Japs makes me happy.

>uncontrolled breeding
If by "uncontrolled" you mean a population expansion well within carrying capacity then sure. Now what happens when you take the resources of the developed world and use it to increase the carrying capacity of the never was, can not and never will be developed world?
It grows.