What does Sup Forums think of

what does Sup Forums think of this cuck

My wife loves him.

He makes me laugh from time to time. Honestly, I don't mind him.

I don't agree with him or his views but appreciate a good joke when I hear one.

first post worst post

He's actually lucky Trump won. gives him years of material to twist and distort to further his agenda. He should thank Donald for winning.

He's not even remotely funny. If this guy has ever made you even think of laughing you should just kill yourself.


That he probably gets way more pussy than OP.

He's a foreigner and blatant propagandist, just like everyone else spawned from that show.

His job is supposed to be report the news and be funny, he does neither of these things and he shamelessly pushes a biased agenda.

The sooner this smug piece of trash is cancelled and sent back to South Africa to get hate crimed by his fellow blacks the better

>appreciate a good joke
>anything from don lemon

Pick exactly one

he panders to a sense of embarrassment that many americans feel about being "unsophisticated". you hear this kind of shit all the time. "that's so european" and "in europe they..." i think it might be partly to do with the accents, which for whatever reason appeal to an american desire to be snarky and clever. south africa isn't europe obviously but in the american mind trevor noah registers as "le diverse, modern european-ish guy". the funny thing is that those americans who consider america to be unsophisticated are usually the unsophisticated ones themselves, totally ignorant of the rich and excellent history of american intellectual achievement

he's a total fucking faggot and i hope he dies though

he's a self entitled douche bag that talks about privilege but was given WAY too much way too quickly and he got it all BECAUSE HE'S A FUCKING MINORITY.

>My wife loves him.

sounds about right

Just waiting.

How does your wife's boyfriend feel about him?

What about your wife's boyfriend

>My wife loves him.
And what does her son think?

be the first ""reporter"" to get detained by ICE on camera

one of the norwegian networks licensed the daily show or something
so I get to see little excerpts of the show in ads every time I watch that particular set of channels
every single time, every SINGLE time it is some unfunny little quip about something Trump said presented in the snarkiest way possible

1. One of the most unfunny people to ever appear on television.

2. Got his job based on his skin color.

3. Thankfully, he won't last.



>trevor noah

I get my fake news niggers mixed up

jon stewart was better

I despise baby faced black guys like him and Don Glover more than others. They appeal to the lowest of the low reddit shitlibs who need an unthreatening negro in their life to feel good about themselves.

for example, my old college roommate came from a shitty rural town in middle pennsylvania. he was very self conscious about this fact and did everything in his power to appear urban and sophisticated, which in his mind meant watching Vice documentaries and that faggot "munchies" show where you watch retards in fruity clothes eat expensive food while saying clever things. he actively talks about himself as an "international person", shudders if you call him an american, his gf wears a "refugees welcome" tee shirt that he bought her while studying abroad in berlin (kek), and he once asked me if the american flag i hung over my window was "a joke". but deep down, he knows he's a poser from pennsyl-tucky whose pedantic posturing is fooling only those who are themselves simpletons.

i'm from a very rich suburb of philadelphia, and i'm the 5th generation in my family to graduate college here in the US. i have a philosophy degree from a top institution, a good job straight out of school and yet i still find myself relating with rural, decent americans more than his ilk

If there's one thing I fucking hate it's foreigners coming to this country, getting a TV show, and then shitting on the USA. Also fucking nigger

Implying anyone on pol is married

I think you have your niggers mixed up good sir.

virtue signalling leftist nigger who has an egregious accent

he's a pretentious, neutered little bitch who stumbled his way into a position as a professional joke reader/joke memorizer.

thankfully, he's easily ignored.

>My wife loves him.




Gee, I wonder what Sup Forums thinks of this liberal person..
Hmmm...I bet this will lead to super interesting conversation...not boring or repetitive to see another fucking thread like this....if only there were a sticky with rules for posting that would encourage posting new threads designed to encourage productive dialogue...but, no; I'm sure it's better this way...just looking at the same lame-ass echo chamber thread ragging on someone who gives zero fucks what the users of a Tibetan Stamp collecting forum think. Come up with a decent starter for your threads or fuck off. Sage.