

He shot up christians. Christians are a race?

He did, the absolute retard.

Expect the outside world is terrorized by sand nigs.

"We must call out Christiophobia!" hurr durr
"Say NO to racism!!" hurr Duur

Muslims blow up mosques constantly, what's your point?

So what? Niggers do not belong in this country. They are a cancer on America. A plague. An infestation. Dylan roof is a hero. Actually fighting for what's right


>black people

Being christian has absolutely nothing to do with his motives unless this sheboon wants to point out to everyone where the bible shows why niggers suck.

what the fuck was up with the hair though

He said in his deposition that he wasn't religious?

Why didn't he unload on the congregation while church was in service? Seems that would have more effective


I don't think it was a typical church service like you're imagining. Watch the video I posted. He explains in full detail of how he did it, how people were sitting, etc.

It's only christian terrorism if he used christianity as his reason for killing blacks. If you're going to say anyone that kills someone is automatically doing so because of faith then it would be a meaningless term as every killer would be a religious terrorist (or maybe an atheist terrorist if not religious).

>Christian terrorist
>Shoots up a church


Nope, he is a pure christian that is why he shot up the place that celebrates it.
For real though, didn't he just shoot it up 'cause of the nigs?

Is she seriously this dumb or is she just digging deep for responses?

He killed Christians. Not that I should have to say this but that doesn't make his beliefs match up with that of other Christians but instead according to the doctrine of the Bible makes him one of the many anti-Christs.

She's another retard who thinks Muslim = brown

Yes, I understand, but why not go there on Sunday morning, during a typical service? Assuming he wanted to kill niggers at church.

except (sp) the outside world is terrorized by Americans

FTFY, twice.

No, Dylan Roof admittedly wanted to start a race war. He was motivated by racial politics, not by religious dogma.

He wasn't doing it because his bible told him to kill Christians; muslim terrorists, however, DO kill people because their koran orders them to kill infidels.

Sup Forums is so stupid.

Im making the point that he can't be a Christian Terroist because he shot up a church idiots

This goy gets it

muslims shoot muslims for being slightly different muslims

Ignoring retards like the bitch OP is referring to for a moment, does Sup Forums take any responsibility for the Dylan roof incident?

There are daily calls on this board for violence against African Americans, and it's met with only agreement, enthusiastic, or tacit.

He wasn't a terrorist. He was just a lone wolf. Like all those angry brown men who have absolutely nothing in common at all.

Lone wolves all over the place.

Nah no shame at all.

Sup Forums is satire

my friends and i used to get drunk in college and play "subjective guess who"

questions like "Would your person prefer a blowjob from bernard for a handjob from maria?"

it was funny how on we were able to have fun, I imagine the game is full of shims and xirs now so it's much less fun and much more PC tolerant

We've already had muslim terrorists this year, if the only christian terrorist you can come up with a years old case then that's pretty fucking good.

m8, I haven't done shit.

He shot up 60-80 year olds

Those are not niggers. Niggers don't make it past 50

Why would we take responsibility? Regardless of whether we hate niggers you don't need an IQ of 170 to understand you take out the shit tier ones first.
He shot up a fucking church, if he shot up a fucking ghetto then we'd be proud. Get rid of the problem ones before the gud bois who dindu nuffin goin to church erry day.

If we preach nigger hatred then he misinterpreted pretty badly.

Sup Forums is the imageboard of peace.
A few radicals do not represent Sup Forumsslam.
Moot (pbuh) does not teach this behavior

Fuck off kid