That one time you said too much

Tfw you accidentally let it slip that you're a national socialist in public.


Fucking twenty normies jumped on my ass, I sat their and proved everyone of their non-arguments wrong for an hour, and when I finally depleted their shitty buzzwords, they just said I was wrong repeatedly.

How the ever loving fuck do you combat this?

Other urls found in this thread:

That's what gas chambers are for.

been there... often.

Checked and keked

Is their a legally viable way of dealing with this?

Even when I cite documentation as a source, they just say it's fake (of course they would, history belongs to the victor goy!).

>Is their a legally viable way of dealing with this?
"That's just the White Man in me talkin'."

on new years eve i got drunk and performed, verbatim, sam hyde's "10 things you dont wanna hear when you get to prison" routine. the white people hated it and the indian people loved it

My close friends are all Sup Forums tier. It's crazy, I didn't go seeking them out it just happened we're all Hitler Heilers and KEK Praisers.

Never, ever reveal your power level.

Nothing good comes of it and like yuri bezemov says about these people, you can shower then with information and give them proof but they will never believe that their ideals could be wrong until a boot stomps on their throat.

But yeah you fucked up.

do americans really stand there in the street "debating" politics with each other ? I've seen it in so many youtube videos

it always ends with violence or one side leaving after being shouted down

I've never seen it in real life.


This is when I realized liberalism/libertarianism/any form of egalitarianism cannot solve problems
You must meet strength with strength

Kek, Ive been there as well.

Was a edgy nazi teen and then changed to right leaning libertarianism from age 18-23 and now I am serious about national socialism.

When you grow older and realize how very different men and women are and that nature just dictates certain things its almost insanity to question this with ideologies. You are bound to fail if you do.

And in this case, only 10-15% of the population is really political, if you eliminate the opposing group the masses will follow you as they followed them.

Freedom is relative as is morals.

I still believe in freedom of the individual and am against collectivism however I also recognize the dangers that come with things such as unregulated democracy and the type of liberalism where are morals are thrown out the window. You need a balance in life, radical authoritarianism only worked because the fascists of Europe happened to be selfless and want the best for their people. There's no guarantee future autocrats will act the same.

Good lad

I agree, but it is an eternal law that you will only be as free as the collective you are part of is free.

There is no freedom for white men in a black world. No law can grant you this.

It has always been like this: Who has the most men under arms makes the laws. Thats how Germany got its new (((constitution))) not by free will but forced by the allies and yet normies think they live in a true democracy.

>let slip that I didn't believe the jews were gassed
>nickname on the hockey team for all of high school was Hitler

>libtards in class are talking about oppression and income inequality after trump wins
>someone brings up pandering to working class whites
>I say "doesn't it make more sense to address whites since more whites live in poverty? If you want to help the most amount of people and have to pander to one group to win elections it's the better option"
>everyone goes silent
>people are seething but noone can refute it from leftist viewpoint
>instructor says "well, that ignores the history of oppression blah blah"
>say that racial groups and historical groups are a social construct and the only people that matter are the ones living now
>instructor looks genuinely shocked and dismayed
>hear whispers from the back row where a bunch of spics and niggers sit
>she goes on with lecture like nothing happened
>nobody talks to me after that day

You have to remind yourself that leftists are not interested in honest discussions because they would lose them.

There whole power is based on:


I've gotten drunk and straight up told my friends I support National Socialism and Hitler, but they never think I'm totally serious.

>news come on saying a refugee has set himself on fire
>family has unironically taken in refugees

Why couldn't i be born in the countryside

>sam hyde's "10 things you dont wanna hear when you get to prison"

Yes, whenever I debate a liberal I'm reminded. The argument I mentioned is my new favorite because it stumps them without fail and forces them to scramble and move the goalposts.

Ive done it, we all have. What I have learned is to just drop other redpills and warmup to it. But be ready to play it off if non-receptive. I have found out that actually a lot of people agree, and some you would be surprised. Mexican friend of mine for example

starts at the 25 min mark

dont you guys only have like 500 brown people in the whole country?

>"You're wrong"

I tend to avoid discussing politics in person but if the topic shifts that way I have no qualms telling people I'm an ardent nationalist. Never had any real issues to speak of.

I'm not a national socialist though.

You also need to remind yourself that it is not the goal to convince your opponent but the audience.

Leftists will never admit that they are at fault because the foundation for their perceived moral superiority was build for almost 70 years now and more than 130 years if you count Karl Marx and muh poor proletariat.

We have to use emotion as well to move the masses.

I know to us its always important to look for what is logically right but this is basically irrelevant in public opinion

This unfortunately especially here in Austria, Its always "muh holocaust and muh constitution and muh verfassungsschutz"

I drank too much and denied the holocaust infront of 10 hippies and also told one of them that she should have been gassed by saddam

Only autists show their power level in public

stop mixing up their and there

fucking children

If you're going to present facts you have to present them forcefully and with confidence of your convictions or people will not hear it. talk over them if necessary, stick to a few points, repeat them. I'm increasingly trying to redpill my family and let them know where I stand. everyone but two agrees that illegals have to go now I just have to get them to agree that their fucking kids have to go too because their citizenship is based on a lie and they will never commit to america because their parents are illegal.

I'm getting my mom and stepfather into guns after they mentioned that dindus are invading their neighborhood and they were scared and were thinking about it.

redpilling people on dropping china for russia

eventually I will get them to support a white soc mentality. this is a test for me. my family is hopelessly broken and I am not popular within it. if i can get these people to become redpilled to any extent and save them from the disease that is liberalism I can do it for anyone and I will enter politics to attempt to usher in the uncuckening.

it's working and in fact it's becoming increasingly easy to turn people to the right. you have to engage these people, you have to find something that they find interesting that will lead to a right conclusion if you give them information to read or beat them in an argument and tell them "then research it and debate me when you know what the hell you're talking about" spite is a strong motivator as is competition. if they research out of spite and wanting to prove me wrong on a topic that gets conservatism in the door for them and cracks the conditioning, they can hate me all they want.

So you're saying to stomp on their throats?

My gf is getting extremely pissed off with me for my belief in natsoc, she's started calling my a racist bastard and blames Sup Forums for my views. We have been together for a year now and she is actually only getting to know the real me.

Thing is, she's pregnant. So I really don't know how the fuck to find common ground here. I don't want to hide what I am from her or anyone else, Im at a loss of how to approach this dilemma.

>Inb4 abortion
Im not going to murder a white baby, we need more of them for fuck sake

I got to the point where I can openly admire national socialism before my family and even name and blame the jew.

Feels good man.

>Thinks roads are a good thing
>Doesn't realize the merits of a libertarian utopia

Fuck you and your roads.

>she's started calling my a racist bastard

end the relationship immediately or you are a gigantomanic cuck

>you will only be as free as the collective you are part of is free

This and exactly this. And the litmus test - the way to know this is objectively true regardless of political leaning - is that this has been the cry of every people (white, black, left-wing, right-wing, fascist, antifa, libertarian, communist, populist, etc...) throughout history, regardless of cultural, social and historical differences.

Well-done, lad

Gas her after the child is born. You can't allow a child to be raised by a degenerate if it's within your power.

Here's an idea, don't talk politics


99999999999% chance it's white trash

I bet I can prove you wrong op. Try me. Give me your best pro-NatSoc argument.

This is mein kampf, literally
Pls help.

you don't ever go full nazi

Bahaha if my gf called me that I would tell her to fuck off and "whatever I do what I want"

also talk down to her because she's a female and will listen to your opinion. My gf is pretty redpilled though and she didn't start like that

Leben ist Kampf - life is struggle

I think the Führer said this.

And it is very true, we have to fight to make nature feed us, to keep us warm, to be safe.

The whole cultural marxist agenda runs on making us unable to fight, in the sense of making us weak.

A society so decadent where hunting is looked own upon as animal cruelty and farmers are regarded as stupid country folks deserves to die though. It has to die so we can live.

But that is longterm talk

on new years got drunk and started calling my girlfriend a goyim saying she's not one of the chosen ones. Everyone was confused and I got frustrated. Started talking about how kikes start every war and said started talking about how Hitler literally dindu nuffin. Got silent and the party ended shortly after. Still haven't heard anything yet about it so here's to hoping

>hunting is looked own upon as animal cruelty and farmers are regarded as stupid country folks
What do you do for a living, Kraut?

You just have to accept that most people aren't willing to accept new information unless it becomes absolutely necessary (i.e whites in south africa tier).

Just find some redpilled friends and hang out with them instead.

Yeah I had sex on new Years GG

None of these, I am a Hunter as a hobby though.

Gonna join the Army and become an officer this summer.

well, at least you are walking the walk

Become a panzer commander

>Didn't took the chance to fuck her while acting like a jew
Only no tip

Turned out civilian life wasnt for me, I need some order in my day or I end up dying on philosophy overdose and asking myself why I should do anything at all because we are just little ants on a ball out of earth magma and water that flies through a fucking endless space without oxygen inside.

Think of the borders of the universe now!

Why even live?

Unfortunately I cant really influence too much how they will assign me, I can name preferences though.

I would like to become an MP officer or manage the ammuntions and supply for the airforce as an officer, both is possible

Yeah, Im trying to redpill her, she has progressed a bit, she dislikes muslims and immigrants now, but if I say nigger she gets triggered like a tumblr spastic. Step by step I suppose

use this to uncuck her

Why is the Brownshirt on the left holding a douche nozzle?

She will start using it as well.

>New Years Eve:
>Driving Lyft in San Francisco.
>Shitbag libs in car.
>They bring up politics.
>I get triggered by the term "white washed red states"
>Respond with "this country is great again and those actors promising to move if Trump won were all moving to white washed countries."
>lib dogshit plebs get triggered.
>finally state that im not republican but natsoc.
>car goes dead silent.

I believe he said the "boot crushes thier balls" but I could be wrong

Same here dude. It does feel good.

then everyone else stood up and slow began applauding you and your huge dick

Go infantry kraut. If you're not some arrogant cunt the soldiers will respect you.

Nah, I'm just a cunt


>be in a pub in Tokyo
>stitting have many beers with my mates
>a group of yanks come in and sit down
>some good looking birds so go over and start flirting
>mates come over and it's going well
>one leftwing fuckhead brings up aborigines
>thinks he knows about them but has never been to Australia
>tell him they're useless niggers, full blown red pill them about abos
>everyone is shocked and in utter silence
>the pub is quiet
>look at the guy and see his nose
>call him out for being a kike
>deny holocaust and tell them about the jew
>girls are literally shocked and try calling me a racist
>"i don't give a fuck cunt, i am racist and i hate niggers and Jews"
>get up and leave
>later that night meet up with my mates
>they tell me what they all said behind my back when i left
>we laugh about it and carry on our holiday
Fucking jews

I would be okay with this.

kek lets have a drink

What city are you in mate?

Near Nürnberg

>i'd vote for Trump over Hillary

thats all it really takes here. at least i made my parents realize people say Trump will start WWIII but he's the one trying to renew ties with Russia while the left is blaming Putin for everything imaginable and only alienates Russia with petty bullshit like kicking out the 35 diplomats

you got negative two stars

>Call yourself a nationalist
>30 seconds later call yourself a socialist
>"Wait, user, didn't you just say you were socialist"
>Everyone stares

The usual answer from liberals is >muh shynnaaa

What the fuck else is there to talk about?

It's Current Year +2, everything has been made political/(((political)))

I've driven through the area, from Stuttgart to Rostock. Stopped off at little pubs on the way to try many regional beers. Beautiful country and will go back as soon as possible

Team player. Give your friends a chance to look good and you maintain your integrity.

Revealed my power level one day in a fit of autism to my Bernie supporting buddy when he was acting like a douche. This was during the primaries and he was mocking Trump. I went all the way and said that the Holocaust didn't happen as we were told and Hitler did nothing wrong (those words verbatim). He laughed and said "Oh my god, you're crazy." Two hours later he texted me "You were right..." because he looked into it on his own. He apologized to me on several occasions and has repeatedly said he felt brainwashed by the media to only see one side. He trusts me because I am a smart guy and he always comes to me for advice. Now he sends me articles on the invasion of Europe, black crimes, etc. Sometimes it works out better than expected

Literal combat. You can't change everyone's mind.
Next time start laying them out, it'll be more effective, and may help thin their numbers.

Jesus. Never seen anything that easy before. He must have been teetering right on the edge and you gave him that last little nudge he needed to take the red pill.

They learned it from us

>What the fuck else is there to talk about?

How drunk you got last weekend or what chick you are trying to bang. That's what normies talk about.



>I'm a lefty like you gais

>just also a nationalist

do you let menay people drive your nurmberg ring?

it is magnificent


>German becomes overwhelmed by weltschmerz
go to a nice beach and dig some entrenchments Hans, you need a break



>off by one

fuckin kill me


I have been praising putin and facism since 2013. Its hard, but facts have a way of winning on the long term.

When I woke up after election day there were a ton of butthurt SJW girls msging me like "omg you here right desu"

I had a habbit of sleeping with them and then telling them Im a trump supporter and that he would win and save western civilization.

And they were like "wut?!" and I was like "you have been lied to all your life by the powers that be, take the red pill"

But as we all know there are many red pills, theres only so much my dick can do.

>>How the ever loving fuck do you combat this?

With confidence and obscure historical knowledge. If they are religious Christian normies, impress them by enlightening them about the REAL Martin Luther.

just say you're a civic nationalist, and say it's different than national socialism. That's what I do.

Not white