"Hipsters Broke My Gaydar"


This made me irrationally angry

What the fuck is wrong with people?

"These people dress a certain way, now I can't molest them with my queer behavior because I don't know if they suck dick or not"

Other urls found in this thread:


kek will read thks

Nah, it's just more "muh cultural appropriation" shit

All of these things are the property of my people. We did this to society. We, who have always listened with one ear (pierced in multiple places) to the rhythmic heaves of Mother Earth’s lunar tides, have finally made y’all really, really gay.

If you’re a queer bristling at my generalizations of lesbians, tell me you don’t know any gays who look like what I’m describing. Look me in the eyes and tell me this, and if you can do it, I swear to you I will do something straight for a week: I’ll watch “The Bachelor” without irony, or wear Dockers, or buy a “Live, Laugh, Love” throw pillow and display it in my home.

Now you straight people carry your own reusable bags back to your Prius after comparing artisanal brands of sriracha mayonnaise. That is super gay. You voted for Hillary Clinton, you freak out if someone throws plastic in your compost bin and you’re considering a week without eating meat — would it be so bad?

You’re all lesbians now, America.

Thoughts on homonationalism?

God, I hate liberals.

>implying they don't deserve to be raped by faggots

OTP desu senpai

>Not queers in denial


gaydar has always been a meme. people only think they have gaydar because they can clock gay guys like rupaul, meanwhile if you saw gareth thomas on the street you would just assume he's straight.

Can someone dig up a study they did on this around 2012 I think? Showed gaydar was real. Don't know if the source was legit.


Best you're gonna get from me.

Who that fluff peice made me way more mad than I thought it would.
>it's ruining my life
Get over yourself you bloody fragile china doll
>lesbians invented artisan farming
Get bent, get out of your bubble.
>my male tears coffee mug
So you are just a sexist manager, got it.
>lesbians also invented all this other stuff, voting for Hillary is super gay.
How delusional can you get, meanwhile real people don't have jobs, okay?

It's fabulous

>no archive

kys op

what a fucking gay thread

Hipsters are just early nu-males. They'll basically suck your dick anyway as an apology if you tell them that something they said or did offended you.

please something not too gay

He should just buy one of these. They're much more reliable.


so instead of a man, i'm now a woman?

alright. gimme some (you)s so i can enjoy all of the attention that comes with it.

I really hate fags like this that think it's okay to hit on men they don't know. I've had at least 5 fags (maybe more, I try to forget about it) come onto me in extremely creepy ways. I am pretty feminine looking and used to dress like a hipster, so they assume I will be completely okay with them talking about wanting to suck my dick and shit. I've even had a fag feed me free drinks at a party until I passed out, then I awoke on the sofa with his hand up the leg of my shorts on my dick. I had to leave immediately or else I may have stabbed him to death.

> still has a hillary bag



That's your department faggot

>doesn't drink in moderation
>surprised when someone tries to take advantage of him
You seemed to be ok with the fag as long as you were milking him for free booze

I was an 18 year old college freshman. Sorry you've never had enough of a social life to go though a bad decision making stage.

I made bad decisions but never around gays. Even at 18 years old I was smart enough to realize that

>that palestine flag on the fag shirt
I swear, if you added every IQ point of every antifa member you wouldn't break the 3rd digit.

it means youre a someone who is neither the conceiver of the baby nor the fertilizer, but still contribute somehow to the baby

aka, youre the cuck


I'm pretty sure that majority of Sup Forums sexually identify as attack helicopters.


Hipsters ironically look like faggots/dykes. Dykes and faggots identify straight hipsters as parts of their deviant lifestyle, as result they get hit on by wrong gender and they try to hit on people that aren't interested in their degeneracy. This scares dykes and faggots.

>Tfw androgynous is considered a gender



Welcome to nu/pol/


reads like something from a manga

I sexually identify as an AH-64 Attack Helicopter but my race is Hill Dwarf (for the poison resist).

idiotic and impossible

>"These people dress a certain way, now I can't molest them with my queer behavior because I don't know if they suck dick or not"
Gay here. Actually it's enough to really piss me off. Why are you dressing like that much of a faggot if I can't beat your face with my dick?

Fuck faggy numales.


Of course the only male there is a nigger.

Fuck do any of these people actually live around niggers?

I have most my life, they fucking suck and will beat the breaks off of you with their main niggers if you look at them wrong

Just rape them. They'll have to tolerate you or they'll be homophobes.

>Palestinian flag

>implying they'd stand a chance against the gay Nazis

NYT has bizarre articles sometimes. Those people just live in a whole different world.

>"we want equality"
>"waah, everyone is the same color of bland and all the spice and bite of life is gone"

sounds like liberals got what they wanted.

I feel nothing for these fools, let them wallow in misery.

I always sucked them off first that way they wouldnt try any gay shit as the party went on

sigh, also, goddamn. author claims everything hipster that is manly was created by lesbos. like plaid.
apparently lesbos came up with plaid. not lumberjackes.
same with boots.
and food is now gay. you eat anything good? your gay. so i guess as a Chef i am the gayest gay around here, so someone make me my fucking award.

fuck. this is now a yryl thread because good food is now gay.

No problems in identifying targets when you have Longbow MMW-radar, Arrowhead MTADS, Link 16 datalink and Joint Tactical Information Distribution System at your disposal.

>Of course the only male there is a nigger.

I'm pretty sure there is two white males there, they just "identify" as something else.

>instead of harassing people I find attractive, at my leisure, I now have to treat them as human beings

When everyone's a faggot
No one will be

>Lesbians try to copy Cascadian country men.
>Think they came up with it.

Hipsterism is just Cascadia gone mainstream.

>And also: I’m sorry. But mostly for myself. Because it’s harder to tell who’s queer now. That means I’m going to have to just ask you at the farmers’ market, and that is going to be uncomfortable for everyone.

>slippery slope is not real everyone


>Against cops

So we beat them and they don't go to the cops? Or do they change their view?

Lesbians like to say they invented everything
Just like trannies like to say every gay rights achievement was because of trannies

>Has attack helicopter pointed at trannies

>Doesn't open fire.


i wasnt aware that was a thing, I'll look for that now.

>not recognizing attack helicopter as a gender

I sexually identify as a McDonnell Douglass F-4 Phantom. Specifically, I am an F-4G, and my favorite past time is Wild Weaseling SAM sites.

Intersex non-binary thing fits better into ethnic profile of things attack helicopters get intimate with.

Palestinians are some of the most redpilled people out there.

Attack Helicopters < Fighter Jets.

Prove me wrong, you rotor-wing fucker.


literally shaking


Come back when you have look down shoot down capability with digital signal processing to get rid of ground clutter. You failed against uncle Cobra, Phantom, he didn't even have air-to-air missiles or radar. Just 20mm gun that didn't have stabilized helmet mounted cueing system.

>they need a runway to take off

dont even bother talking to the scum. they need wheels lmao. they are the niggers of the air.

Talk to trannies about the history of the gay rights movement and all of a sudden they'll forget people like Harvey Milk or James Oberfell ever existed

>people dressing like faggots get molested like faggots.
Sounds like a plan to me.

>be dressed as pic-related
>get a beating