I really fucking hate Russia for rigging the elections.

Mike the magic negro

it's not happening. she has not interest. if she does, president trump will crush her as easily as he beat evil hillary.

fuck off.



Tell that to the bulge in her dress.


nah, she ugly

I'm just here to check out this upset primate.




I see a benis.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Shouldn't that be MISTER?

Shes litterally unqualified for the job, plus its been proven that liberals lost and America Will Be Great Again

More like nobody voted for Trump and Russian hackers tampered the votes.


Where is the proof

Really peppers my angus

>Russian hackers
kookiest fake news ever
>nobody voted for Trump
who were the tens of thousands at his rallys?

literally go outside and ask who voted for trump. nobody voted for trump

1st debate

>My husband broke new ground and now it's my turn I'm going the first African American WOMEN preisident-
>Trump leans into the mic with his finger up in the air
>The men in the arena all get hard
>The women get flushed for them sheer power Trump unleashes with a single word
>Trump walks over to her holding the mic
>to be the first women president
>reaches down and grabs him by the dick
>you have to be a woman
>goes back to the stand Micheal is a big fat mess

>she has not interest.
Thats what she said. They always say this.
but jokes aside, they really say this shit all the time and then change their mind in the last moment.

>who were the tens of thousands at his rallys?
Paid people and KKK members

what color is the sky in your world?

It's true. America is now officially a Russian colony. Or that's what I told my boss to justify the vodka in my coffee cup.

I like her better without the weave


>a black woman with the shoulders of a man as president

See >trips
>America is now officially a Russian colony
I told you



Silverback Gorilla.

Das Vidanya Comrade!




>First female president is a man

>City people all voted for Hillary.
SUPER wrong! But that's why you lose elections...and everything else in life too.


deus vult

Jesus Christ its this fucking leaf again. Shilled the other day, earlier today, and now.


I hope she runs. Guaranteeing trump another 4 years will be useful for ensuring his brand of politics takes hold in the world psyche

I seriously want them to try this in 2020. The level of chimp out that occurs when she loses will make the LA riots look a 100% white town from the 50s.


wtf i love this thread now

