Is there anything wrong with breeding with people with physical disabilities?

Is there anything wrong with breeding with people with physical disabilities?

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Nothing if you don't mind burning for an eternity in the lake of fire.

Would you, Sup Forums?

I don't see a problem. The child will probably be normal.

>Propagating debilitating, damning, life destroying genes
Eugenics is an inevitable necessity for human civilization.
We may as well start now.

If they are capable of working and providing for the child with out any help from the state of drain on society. Why does it matter? I have an autistic son. I pay for all services on my own. His condition employees many therapist's.

fuck yes, breed no

Literally undoing generations of natural selection.

>Is there anything wrong with breeding with people with physical disabilities?
Depends on the physical disability and if it can be passed down.

hah found that sexy dwarf

only if they're hereditary

>Depends on the physical disability and if it can be passed down.
As a male and having muscular dystrophy, I can't pass down the disease but I feel like a man needs to be able to protect his family and I can't.

Don't get down on yourself. You can protect your family just need some firearms.

Are you fucking serious nigger? Why the fuck would you even want to chance reproducing with someone that has a high chance of crapping out a thing.. That from the time it is born, until it dies, that will add NOTHING to society, other than expense, headache and misery. If a kid is born a tard, it should be euthanized on the spot, period. This is coming from someone that already has kids. I couldn't EVER deal with a tard child. Absolutely not, ever.

>try to open image
>your connection is not private

>Don't get down on yourself
It's the way it should be desu. I believe the father needs to be a strong presence in the household for the kids.

I'm no geneticist, but shouldn't natural selection and darwinism pruned all the genes that have a propensity for defects? Is all of this shit just genetic mutations?

You can be strong in other ways though. Their are a lot of manginas that are weak mentally and emotionally I don't consider men.

only if the disabilities are due to genetic causes

and does being repulsively ugly count as a physical disability?

Because those people could be doing better things if they didn't have to take care of your defective child.

That midget in the background basically jacking off lmao. I would totally fuck that degenerate elf tho. Would not want to breed, don't want to roll the dice on my kids like that. There are definitely some hot ass midgets and they come naturally THICC

Natural selection cannot run its course in modern society

Dillion Harper looks really short on those pics

Not true, I enjoy my son and I'm successful.

No, it is literally true that is you didn't have a defective son or were a better parent people wouldn't be tied up fixing your mistakes.

By tied up you mean employing multiple speech and occupation therapist with college degrees.

Is there anything right with it?

It's just broken window fallacy mate.

Thanks to technology and civilization, humans are above natural selection for the most part.

As long as they are in sound mind and the disables are not genetic or congenital, I see no problem with it.

If they were born that way, it's best for them to adopt.

If they suffered injury, it doesn't matter.


It's dysgenic.