House GOP votes to gut independent ethics office

D-d-drain the swamp?

>house Republicans on Monday voted to eviscerate the Office of Congressional Ethics, the independent body created in 2008 to investigate allegations of misconduct by lawmakers after several bribery and corruption scandals sent members to prison.

>The ethics change, which prompted an outcry from Democrats and government watchdog groups, is part of a rules package that the full House will vote on Tuesday. The package also includes a means for Republican leaders to punish lawmakers if there is a repeat of the Democratic sit-in last summer over gun control.

>Under the ethics change pushed by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., the non-partisan Office of Congressional Ethics would fall under the control of the House Ethics Committee, which is run by lawmakers. It would be known as the Office of Congressional Complaint Review, and the rule change would require that "any matter that may involve a violation of criminal law must be referred to the Committee on Ethics for potential referral to law enforcement agencies after an affirmative vote by the members," according to Goodlatte's office
>Lawmakers would have the final say under the change. House Republicans voted 119-74 for the Goodlatte measure despite arguments from Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., against the change. They failed to sway rank-and-file Republicans, some of whom have felt unfairly targeted by the OCE.
>"The amendment builds upon and strengthens the existing Office of Congressional Ethics by maintaining its primary area of focus of accepting and reviewing complaints from the public and referring them, if appropriate, to the Committee on Ethics," Goodlatte said in a statement.

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trump trash won't care, they just knowingly elected the most corrupt president since harding.


I hope somebody uncucks the UK government soon. President Trump is doing a great job with his MAGA plan.

Say it with me


Dear US Military.

Execute Order 66.

What does it mean?

We're going to have a military coup.

What successes or accomplishments has this committee achieved in its 8 years of being paid?
Pro tip: please green text them in list form and it better be significant

>outcry from Democrats and government watchdog groups

Music to my ears.

We will eventually but it will be to enforce Trumps laws and remove marxists, and put all rioting communists in FEMA.

t: Army.

Read the article

you're trash

So that would be none in other words.

Tfw you will probably never launch an AGM-114R2 into a madison square garden riot....

Why even live senpai?

t. Airforce

I'm ok with this. It was a stupid symbolic move anyway to blow smoke up people's asses. It's also a duplicate agency.

Why am I supposed to care about some federal bureaucracy that Obama created that didn't stop the Fast and Furious scandal or the Bengazi scandal or the Solyndra scandal or the IRS scandal or the Pigford scandal or the GSA scandal or any of the other Obama Administration scandals?

Like 90% of what our federal government does, it's a waste of fucking money. Scrap it.

Trump supporters will love this. They want a dictatorship after all


>It's also a duplicate agency.
This is how I am translating it as well. It wouldn't exist if HEC was doing it's job.

>The OCE was created in March 2008 after the cases of former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif., who served more than seven years in prison on bribery and other charges; as well as cases of former Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, who was charged in the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal and pleaded guilty to corruption charges and former Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., convicted on corruption in a separate case.

Because none of those "scandals" have anything to do with corruption.

Politicians can now be more corrupt because no independent watchdogs will exist. The idiots here somehow take this as draining the swamp.

Yes. I honestly just want leftists to suffer. And I'm not being ironic in any way.

So...none again. None. See, it was created AFTER and then did fuck all but eat and pretend to be useful, like 99% of the government

Army vet here. We prefer the personal approach. Really satisfies the bloodlust. Lower kill count but higher quality of enjoyment.

>tfw Trump was a Democratic plant all along
>first he destroyed Hillary, a corrupt candidate who would destroy Obama's legacy and the Democratic Party
>then he enables the GOP to do so much horrible shit in 4 years that the Democrats will get a supermajority
>Democrats redo all gerrymandering in 2020 and destroy the modern GOP

based inside man

we haven't even started the Trump Presidency and already the Republican congress is getting cocky. If Trump loses in 2020 I bet it will be because of the shit happening thanks to the Republican congress and not something he was directly responsible for.

>Yes. I honestly just want leftists to suffer. And I'm not being ironic in any way.
Seriously, watch your tone. You really don't want things to come down to civil war. You really, really don't. It won't be some grand American ISIS vacation like you hope it will be. It will be you crying as someone puts a .45 in the back of your head.

The current membership of the OCE Board of Directors includes:
>David Skaggs, Co-Chair
>Porter Goss, Co-Chair
>Yvonne Burke
>Jay Eagen
>Karan English
>William Frenzel
>Allison Hayward
>Abner Mikva

Did they also dissolve the house ethics committee? Doesn't seem like it.

Well fucking duh. What did you think we got off our lazy asses to get him in for a free and open liberal utopia? No we want to watch people we disagree with to be dead. Primarily for me so I don't have to remember personal pronouns or watch my language around fuckheads.

OCE regulations were costing the govt billions

Yeah real fucking scared if leftists beta cucks and pansexual kittenkin tri-lesbians. Also not a civil war. More of a cleansing.

>actually get our shit together on most of our foreign policy, but keep sucking up to Putin to give them Dems something to rail about
>Gut Obamacare except for the preexisting condition portion and staying on your parents plan, shit would have failed anyway but get to blame the Republicans again
you know thinking about it it's fucking brilliant. You get to correct the mistakes of the Obama years but can blame your opponents for doing it
>house ethics committee
that's just hilarious, do you honestly think a committee staffed by house members will have real teeth? not a chance in hell

Why do you think so many Canadians support him when he's gonna wipe his ass with our country?

The death of Progressive Politics is more important than anything.

Fucking kek

>in 2009

It's not worth it. If he fucks up our auto industry Ontario dies.

t. assmad shillary supporter

Kys kike. Trying to sow division


Move somewhere that doesn't have a cuck loser for a leader.

1 post by this ID

one of their own

As opposed to a group of people with no political office and thus no real political power or popular mandate? The fact that the house just dissolved their little oversight club shows you who really has the power.


They're trying to ram it through so Obama can sign it before Trump is in.

Or were you too stupid to realize Obama is still the President right now?

Don't they control the house and senate though?

>The package also includes a means for Republican leaders to punish lawmakers if there is a repeat of the Democratic sit-in last summer over gun control.

Nothing wrong with nuking this. It was just a Democrat filibuster club with a flowery name to fool the public.

Now that it's gone, it's just going to be easier to steamroll you cucks with right-wing legislation.

The Republican establishment has been against Trump from day one.

>weapon used and created specifically to attack a certain political party
why should i care?

so much this.

fuck your filibustering, hearing protection act coming through!

What meaningful purpose does the UN serve for the US?

It's basically a global charity for niggers and occasionally an outlet for leftists/SJWs to try and force their anti-speech laws on countries that won't otherwise have them.

>Institutional oversight board
>got finger blasted


So Porter Goss is ex-head of CIA...

1 you won't be able to protect israel
2 you can't bitch if countries back out of the npt
lots more

My bad. Director of Central Intelligence.

>having guns
>having the knowledge/will to fight

Made me kek.

I actually want a civil war, so we'll have an excuse to purge you vermin.

I don't give a shit about Israel or the NPT.

You sound like a newfag.

very short sighted

>the right controls the presidency, congress, the military, the police, the border patrol, agriculture, transportation
>the left controls colleges and hollywood


Maybe for you, Schlomo.

>Thinks all leftists hate guns
Keep underestimating your enemy, champ

The amount that do are outweighed by the pathetic cucks by like 9 to 1.

I bet half of them would actually protest you for being too violent, lol.

Your only real hope is to use niggers as shock troops, although they only know how to shoot 9mm pistols sideways.

>trump = house republicans
move to canada please

yeah, Im not a supporter of israel

I warned friends of mine who happen to be lefties that they would regret the arrogant, smug attitude they took with Republicans during that brief period of supermajority.

I warned them the pendulum would swing the other way and that they would not like being on the receiving end of it.

They looked at me like I was taking crazy pills.

They probably still don't realize that their condescending behavior makes people want to punch them in the face. Not because it's ethical, just to watch them suffer for a while.$3-trillion.html

That must be why all the carriers are coming back.

>what are newspapers

inb4 kike shills...I'm a based journalist


fucking hahahahahaha

Perry nominated to department he forgot he wanted to eliminate. Creating the moment that ruined his campaign.
At this point is fucking confirmed

sauce on carriers being recalled?