What's life like there Americans?

What's life like there Americans?

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Really hot and everybody is fat.


Too many niggers

it's pretty much a useless shit hole known only for 5 things: ferguson riots, the kansas city chiefs, the st louis cardinals, rampant bestiality and a lazy ass arch that was randomly put somewhere for some reason by some idiots.

Missouri is full of meth heads and trailer parks. St. Louis is a half black shit hole.

Your thinking of Indiana

This guy gets it.

Lots of white people everywhere besides KC and Saint Louis

>Go to St. Louis
>Cross Mississippi River
>Start yelling about how much you hate niggers
>Hard Mode: No escape transportation

You will have a blast, enjoy!

>tfw Living in the warzone that is indenpence

These contradict eachother.

>Really hot
don't forget it's also really cold

I love it. Few gun laws, passengers in cars can drink alcohol, cheap land, rivers to float down. It's awesome here.

MO has one of the highest per capita of cigarette smokers.

Once you make it out of city limits, everyone dips.

The women are fat, and there are a lot of germans in the country areas.

Missouri is awesome to live in.

I live in Webster and it's very nice here.

just go and look at a demographic map of missouri and you will see to points of interest

They are mostly confined to KCMO and st Louis but some tend to overspill into places with people living in them

It would be paradise if not for niggers.

Lowest tobacco tax in the country too.

most lax gun laws in the country, southeast Missouri is temperate and gorgeous countryside. North Missouri is meth disneyland. KC and STL are shitholes. still not a bad state it has nice areas. I live in rural north missouri good hunting lands for sure. not much else

The roads are terrible.
>but muh low taxes!
Your roads are still shit.

Hot as a motherfucker in August. Humid too. Excuse the blog, but here's what happened to me last time I was there.

>Grandma died of cancer
>Drive there for the family funeral
>Big family, hundreds in attendance
>Some relative of mine, a sweet old lady went back to my Grandpas house with us to go through some of my Grandma's things
>Me and my cousin were having beers in the living room
>See some shady ass Dindu walking up the street
>See same Dindu in a matter of seconds bust out the window of a family member's car
>Cousin and I book it out to the car
>Dindu is fastest man alive
>Chase him for a while, but we don't know the area, my cousin is from Florida, and I hail from Denver
>He's gone
You know what he fucking stole out of her car? Her fucking family bible that she had a fancy sterling silver cover for. That's what life is like there.

There are a shit ton of wineries in central MO.


St Louis is shitty, actually not bad besides that.

Yeah it's usually expected that the biggest cities/towns have the most nignogs tbqh

From what i can see Missouri should be split into south and north, North being the shithole and south being the safe-heaven

Branson here
It really blows. Would be a lot better if the show business wasnt here or the niggers

The south also has the southern version of Disneyland called silver Dollar city

You witnessed a St. Louis Welcoming Party.

That's literally what we call it

Don't forget about the bosnians

Niggers never change

The square is nice.

Its shit, Ausinon.

We keep gettin hacked by russians n sheit

This. As a true border state we get the worst of both worlds climate-wise.

I live in a suburb of Springfield, and it's pretty nice. Sure the weather is always in the extremes, but at least there aren't any niggers in the Southwestern part of the state. I can confirm that most women are ugly and a lot of people smoke crack. The people that don't though are really friendly. In the spring there's a lot of hiking and fishing spots, so it's great if you're an outdoorsman.

Like everywhere else. Stay the fuck out of the big cities or away from MLK and Cesar Chavez blvds. We use those street names as a code.

All memes aside, as someone that has never lived but visited Missouri quite a bit, Missouri seems to be like America accelerated. St. Louis is a fucking nightmare even for an American city but the countryside and its people seemed based even for country folk here.

Heard things good and bad about KC but never been there so cant say.

The south sucks.
Fuck off we're full.

Wizards, time travelers, cults of gays and pedos, tons of half dead, fake people, confused people, shades from the underworld, mind readers, etc.

Business as usual.

"How many layers of bad roads are you on right now?"
"like, maybe 5, or 6 right now my dude"
"You are like a little baby, watch this"
*Michigan's roads*

Most of them aren't too bad. They're like white trash russians, but less drunk.

The ones that think they are niggers are the ones that cause all of the problems.

Was it Mississippi or Missouri that is the shittiest state?

Mississippi, by far. Missouri isn't the best, but it's not Arkansas. Mississippi is a step down, even from there.

The former famalam

MO Eldon here
it's okay, waiting for that hardcore winter I was promised

Mississippi. Misery is just irrelevant like most of the Midwest.

>not living in superior flyover states

i dont know i dont live there

Guns and freedom everywhere!

it sucks major faggot dick there. Literally the most corrupt piece of shit 3rd world state in he country. I would rather go live in mexico with a bunch of spics than that terrible excuse for a state.

>tfw excellent roads

One nigger is too many

Hey Randy - what's up?

>Few gun laws
This and the fact that it's not illegal to say certain things (yet) are the only things that make proud to be American. Take those things away and there's nothing defendable about this country anymore.

I liver in Missouri, its ok, just dont go to any cities, plenty of lefties and niggers in Missouri.

It's Tom. Every thing's fine. Built a shed house on the corner of my lot and plan to start renting it out.

In what aspects? It's different on where you live.

If you split Missouri I'd have the city states of KC and StL and the rest be Missouri but even then that wouldn't work to well. Also Northern Missouri is farmland and southern Missouri is the Ozarks(forest, lakes, caves) not that one is more shittier than the other as the real divide is between the inner cities and the rest of the state.

Dat Lion's Choice.
Dat renting vidya from Schnucks when I was young.
Dat Wehrenberg Theaters.

There's so many businesses that are really local in Missouri. There's like a hundred different grocery chains. I dunno I just find it cool even though I live in Georgia.

I live in KC. It sucks since most of this city is mexican/black. It's hard to find a decent place to live that isn't surrounded by section 8 dindus.

Hell, even in the Downtown area where all of the money is spent on new fancy apartments and condos - there is a sprawling hobo camp next door...

Cause fuck, if I pay 500k for a condo I wouldn't want to see bums shitting and fucking eachother for meth as my 'view'.

Some parts of Missouri are okay - just depends on how 'dark' it is there...

I live 20 minutes from St. Louis, a place we call "west county"
Mostly white and well adjusted people here, but a short trip to the city and you're in niggerville
We have really cheap gas and cigarettes, the best baseball city in the country, some interesting foods like toasted ravioli, and fome funny culture quirks here and there like an unconditional love for clydesdales. also really lax firearm laws.

don't forget about the St. Louis Bread Company ;^)

>There's like a hundred different grocery chains
Schnucks and Dierbergs are god tier grocery stores.

Lion's choice is Master Race. If Hitler made a fast food roast beef sandwich, that's what it would taste like.

Quick Trip is also Master Race. A lot of them are police substations. They are nigger and meth head free most of the time.

It's a bleak depression shithole with niggers, drug addicts, variously other low-quality people, shitty infrastructure, awful weather, and little prospects.

Man I love QuikTrip :)

I had some family that lived in St. Louis for a while. Visited there as a kid. Even went trick or treating around neighborhoods. I had a pretty fun time and had the impression it was a nice city.

They eventually moved, because there was shootings around their house every other month. I'd stay away if you have a family, but it would be fun living in a nice part of the city and walking around with a gun.

>"west county"
Hill bro here. Going to West County is like going to another country; all green and shady and shit. City is full of concrete, starlings and helicopters. This New Year's Eve, I heard more gunfire than fireworks.

Schnucks, Dierbergs, St. Louis Bread Co., Clydesdales, Toasted Ravoli, strong central missouri wine, and "What high school did you go to?"...

Some things are easier to experience than to explain.

It really is a completely different area. Really nice parks, amazing places to eat and shop, nice upscale areas. And then there's the second city near STL, Clayton, which is really business like and high class too. The whole STL area is a pretty nice microcosm of all of america. multi-million dollar homes to nigger city in 15 minutes.

I live in glendale
Ive only seen a nigger on my block once and i had to double take

you had me at
>shades from the underworld

tell me more

Fucking miserable. But atleast good gun laws.

t.Rolla Fag

What highschool did you go to?

I guess now I only have a great aunt that lives there, as my great uncle just died a few days ago. but where they lived was very, very old fashioned. I guess they just got running water in the last decade? At times I'd like to live out there, living with no electricity and living the "old-fashioned way." I've got a mason jar full of my great uncle's moonshine, and now I'm not sure what to do with it.

God rest his soul.

Fucking niggers and their Panera, ITS FUCKING ST. LOUIS BREAD COMPANY YOU CUNTS

really fuckin hot, but otherwise doin well.

It's the Midwest not Appalachia


Clayton is nice. It's wild to be driving through a bunch of single floor ranch house suburbs and boom... Here is a patch of 5 floor and up office buildings like a real city. Except it is clean and not ghetto due to the county police headquarters.

Then you also have Chesterfield and Ladue being nice areas. A half hour drive puts you right back into nigger town.

St. Louis will have patches of ghetto inbetween nicer neighborhoods, too. It's bizarre.

Test if I'm still banned

/chesterfield/ here - how about you?

Not south of Jefferson City, hardly any even in the bigger cities of Joplin and Springfield.

Fun fact: Springfield has less niggers case we lynched a couple in the early 1900s and they all fled. They may or may not have been innocent but it was worth.

well that's how they live. they're pretty far from civilization and I realize that the inner cities and plenty of missouri are different, but all the insight I have into the state is from them

Can't speak for that user, but Chaminade-fag here.

>I live in Webster

S-some of my family live there.

>Caring about weather they were innocent


The city museum in st louis was legit fun as fuck. Seriously need to go again.

>gun collection which cost more than the shitty plastic flooring in your home

pretty much like this ^

Cool. I went to school with your mayor's son.

Yes, you are.

not here, thank god

Some of the worst hood in the country is in St Louis. Everyone I met in MO in conservative but in the fake pious holier-than-thou way. Fuck Missouri.

only cool thing here is the KC Chiefs

everything else fucking sucks -- the whites here are mostly redpilled but boring and autistic and do fucking nothing and have no aspiration, nothing happens here.

What's the rifle at the bottom? is that a springfield?

St. Louis finna get its first nignog mayor; we bout to get blacked?

The City Museam is amazing. It's a shame the owner died like he did.

Some of the best gun laws in the country

I really like this state though

I live just outside of East St. Louis.
Someone spray painted on a highway over pass "Beware of Niggers at Night" on one of the roads that goes there.

>implying the city isn't already Blacked

You fuckers at least better not try to merge with the County for gibs