Heritage Thread

Swedish (father)
Ashkenazi Jewish (mother) born and raised in San Diego have Blue Eyes and Blonde hair. Planning to move back to Sweden Gothenburg and defend the fatherland


Typical mutt


Välkommen hem kära bror


>Planning to move back to Sweden Gothenburg and defend the fatherland

Congrats, you win today's most autistic heritage larper award.

Make sure you get a tattoo of Thors hammer on your forehead so those pesky refugees know you're a viking and you really mean business.

Kom hem du Svenska man!

Spotted the American kike

Father: Portuguese
Mother: English

I'm also planning on repatriating but I have no concrete plans.

Irish/german mutt

I am above Aryan ama

mother side born in argentina as well grandparents but all from spanish descent
father born in argentina from ashkenazi mother and sephardic father

not welcome jew

what am I thinking?

I will take my chances

Not a Larper just want to save country from itself

>Not a Larper
Ok, pal. Deus vult, have fun!

Mother Mexican
Father Mexican
Both from Michoacan
Now live in Orange County

father: French/Danish/Spanish

>3/8 German, 5/16 Irish, rest English-Scots-Irish, Scottish, Welsh, French, more German and Irish mutt :/

tfw no cunt to escape to

Half Swede, quarter southern Italy, quarter Irish

Light brown hair (born blonde) w light blue eyes, body kind of looks like the Golden One but a little less muscular
How'd I roll?

move to israel instead

Pretty much Norwegian, but other than eating lutefisk and lefse I am American.

Kek, Swedish looks like a retard tried to write in Dutch

But seriously, how do you think you can just emigrate to Sweden if you look white?


Mother is Swedish, father is English.

But Sweden needs help more, so I want to go back to Sweden and do the same.

Blue eyes and light brown hair but was born with bleach blonde hair.

100% Icelandic here, will never leave my sceptred isle

If you're European and not pagan
You're a degenerate

Where in san diego?

Why did your parents move to a liberal shithole?

>give up actual traditions handed to you by your father for gods you know next to nothing about and with whom you have little to no connection because some American tells you to
Being a pagan might make some degree of sense for Scandinavians but for most other people it's moronic and usually an indication that a person has an identity crisis.


>give up actual traditions
What traditions leaf? Worshiping a dead kike on a stick?

Don't get me wrong I agree with you that its kinda retarded for European Americans to become pagans, but at least its slightly less retarded than being a christian.

jewish people shouldnt fight for our interests, also why defend the swedes if their women specifically are inviting over swarthy rapists t.fennoswede so no bias here

Yes, in spite of your flippancy. That is a tradition which has existed in my family for roughly 1500 years. Each of us in an unbroken line has been baptised, has received Communion, has attended Mass, has defended our Faith - in some cases to the death - and has died a Catholic. The idea that this is worth throwing away to "reconnect" with some reconstructionist and largely artificial religion is precisely what I said: moronic and completely disrespectful and even disdainful of our own ethnic identity.

You dont represent every European descendant living on the north american continent. Many, like my family are hardly religious anymore and so it would be strange trying to take up either christianity or paganism.

>largely artificial religion
>disdainful of our own ethnic identity.
Youre saying this of paganism while advocating that christianity is better for us as a whole, completely ignoring the fact that your religion was started by a jew, and originated in the middle east.

Want to know how I know youre a cuck, without having to see your flag?

While christianity has helped us in the past it has evolved itno something that is bringing us down. I dont advocate we all go back to paganism because thats just cancer, but unless christians start openly supporting wars against islamic countries and slaying gays we should have nothing to do with it.

Who is "us"? I'm talking about my own ethnic group as I explicitly stated in my previous post. Unless you're an ethnic Portuguese, there is no "us".

The entire ethnic identity of the Portuguese is forged in the fires of Reconquista, which was a war to defend and perpetuate a Catholic Iberia. It is no exaggeration to say that without Christianity Portugal would not exist, or at the least would be rendered utterly unrecognisable.

>better for us as a whole
Except that's not what I'm saying. Again, I reiterate that there is no us. What I'm objecting to is sweeping statements about Paganism by ignoramuses who believe that the whole of Europe has the same connection to the pre-Christian religion of their ancestors that Scandinavians have; that is, those who were Christianised relatively recently. What this actually is, is an advocation for the destruction of actual traditions and cultures in Europe which cannot reasonably be separated from their Christian foundations.

You're a Jew, move to Israel.

Father: French-Canadian
Mother: Italian

2 Italian Grandparents (Veneto and Piamonte regions)
2 Spanish Grandparents (Both from Galicia, Spain)
So I guess that makes me the quintaessential Italian-Spanish Argie mix.

Feels good to be Mediterranean Master Race.

feels even better to be pure Sardinian and roman

Maternal side: Anglo grandmother, Irish-German grandfather.
Paternal side: Greek grandmother, Greek-Cypriot grandfather.

Catholicism is very similar to paganism. Btw stop projecting

What am I projecting, exactly?

>L E A F

Father: Half Italian/Irish and Half Ashkenazi
Mother: English/Scottish/German/Italian/French

If you don't consider me white I don't give a shit. I'm still putting a baby into an Aryan woman.

Finnish father and swedish mother.

I'm a bit jelly desu

Sure you are, Lindy

I'm German, Russian, Norwegian, Polish. By our powers combined I will drink alcohol while engineering something.

Mom is Spaniard
Dad is Black

So I am 100 percent black

wtf is this?

the abdominal wall that keeps your intestines in check under tension.

His abdominal muscles had teared.

I'm pale and I'm English as far back as I can trace, but I look like I have some med background.

Christian Lebanese Mother Bloodline

Christian Lebanese Father Bloodline

My family came from the mountains, where the ancient Phoenicians, who were best bros with the Romans, hid from the Muslim savages in order to keep their culture intact. My grandfather was a massive 'anti-semite' and super redpilled on the Jew question. Huge self-taught history buff. I've taken to continuing what he left for me to do. Couldn't be more proud of it. My family is massively cultured by Europe, particularly France and Britain. We all speak French and grandpa spent many years in England living the aesthetic lifestyle after leaving British-Egypt. Would certainly consider my family white, though Mediterranean. According to some of pol, there's only 5 white people on earth, so I'd suggest not to fall for that divide and Jew.

Bashir did nothing wrong

He didn't, though. It's been proven ((they)) literally did that. Israel slaughtered 3,000 and blamed the Christians for it to spark a civil war

>Ashkenazi Jewish (mother)

Sorry (((((user)))))), the only thing you'll be defending is the interior of my fucking brick oven.

manx and scottish

Gothenburg is a great city and you will probably find alot SJWs to debate here.
Finding a proper apartment is a hassle though. A shared flat - maybe.

Swedes were dickless cucks before it even became trendy and you're proud of this?


father: south american
mother: German
lived in Texas my entire life
