Could you people be any more short-sighted, worthless, irresponsible, and stupid?

You just chased whatever you thought was funny. And now you're paying the price

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying he won't be impeached within weeks

3 shekels have been deposited into your account

>A bunch of anonymous """Trump supporters""" explain why they now regret supporting him

Take a hike, kike.

Kid in OP's pic probably still gets breast fed.




My love of America passes between lives.

abord me :DD D


This is mental porn for liberal idiots who think "Yeah everybody secretly agrees with us!" to avoid facing reality.

Your ideas suck, your candidate sucks, you suck. You're bad people.


I remember this with brexit. Especially when the markets took a slight dip. Libs started squawking a storm as usual.

>no maga hats
>no official merch whatsoever
>those phony shirts, a pin and a hat
>also got themselves some trump signs
""""trump supporters""""

rollin xD

Honestly thought you guys should seriously read The Art Of The Deal. I've been reading it recently and it shows how Trump is a mind blowing genius at striking at the right time, playing with his competitors' psychology, and his effectiveness at delivering a sublime product.

Holy fucking shit, move on already.

>its brexit all over again!!!! we swear!!!!

>Trump supporters

It's never too late, and Trump may fuck up so bad the whole Republican party may go sour.

>Could you people be any more short-sighted, worthless, irresponsible, and stupid?

that describes America pretty well

The democucks would need control over congress, which they don't have.

Where's the link?

What are some of the reasons given for them regretting their vote?

>Liberals will never stop being salty

You know this was really fun at first, but I feel like these people gotta learn how to take one on the chin and cope with what losing feels like emotionally. For their own sake.

This shit isn't healthy

Lol this is just like a repeat of brexit... Ohhhh we regret it now even though he isn't president yet and hasn't done anything. Get reeel

He isn't even in office yet.

We all know Trump is a 50/50 chance of making America Great Again. But we also knew what the country would go through had we got another 4 years of obama.

No regrets. Best for America. Better than electing a career criminal for the sake of have the first woman president.

>Pic for you OP

it is too late m8

buckle up.

Trump is literally the shadiest motherfucker of all time

Trump could go crazier than nixon from futurama, i'd still support him.

Second shadiest.

He faced off against the shadiest.

I'm sorry is there a Trump kill count? I've yet to see Donald or his family connected to a string of murders over the last 30 years.

Does anyone have a copy of the Trump Kill list? I'm looking for a copy of the Trump kill list!

Pro tip: there isn't one.

Ignore this bullshit. It's literally fake news. They did the exact same thing after Brexit. Everyone I talk to says that it's bullshit and they would still vote to leave.

They're pathetic psyops to try to convince people that their fellow leavers have turned on eachother., Looks like MSM in America are doing the same thing. They literally don't understand that they need to change tehir tactics after they are shown not to work.

They tried the same tactic with us. They're trying to set up the narrative that what people voted for isn't *really* what they voted for, so the election was illegitimate and should be done again - this time with the "right" outcome..

Why would anybody regret voting him in over Hillary?

Proof? All i see is "regret, regret, regret". Is this a Halo meme? Is Master Chief our guy?

Actually, they only need enough republicans to get pissed off at trump to bump the scale.

>>>>>>Shills trying to astroturf thread

>Real hard truth gets digits

Kek boys kek

You mean like how all those millions of leave voters regretted their decision too? There sure was a lot of evidence then as well.

Proofs? Do the globalist shills ever show proofs?

No, they just own the mainstream propaganda media.

i don't normally agree with degenerate anime posters, but to the 100th degree

I regret nothing... So I'm not sure who exactly this fake news article is talking about. I don't know one Trump supporters who regrets their decision

I regret voting for him. His tweets have gotten worse and he's proven to be a fool.

Thanks ctr

I don't think may people would disagree he's good at selling. The issue is the sub prime product.
I think he might be a great person for getting elected but that has nothing to do with success governing


Reading bullshit like this I hope that somehow the american media is greatly overestimating the general stupidty of the populance.

>Das Sage

I regret voting for him. His tweets have gotten worse and he's proven to be a fool.

*stupidity, Meine Freunde.

They aren't. They have done the same forever and it's always worked before.

The only difference now is they no longer hold a monopoly on the dissemination of information.

The current situation is like "not as good as I hoped" but still much better than eternal leftist arrogance.


Liberal attempts at de-legitimizing Trumps victory isn't working.

Making a lot of money tonight?

So the next candidate for prez will need more than /pol's support :/

probably ((actors)) that never voted Trump in the first place

So you're telling me that some americans are already regretting their presidential vote even if the person they voted for hasn't been in office for one signle day yet?

How do they measure his success or failure as a president already?

Is it really just stupidity of the people?


No, it's clickbait.

I regret nothing. Next 4 years are going to be HILARIOUS. I am so recording MSNBC on Inauguration Day. Maddow is gonna be Priceless.

This does not compute. Fug.

Lod Mron is a pretty cool guy. Eh attacks eatrh and doesnt afraid of anything.

Well, hope that's true then.

I'm living in a country (Germany) where the people are so far gone already that you really can't measure accurately if it's truth, satire, stupidity etc. anymore

(A country that will re-elect Angela Merkel, btw.)

No, not in any kind of number. But what the media will do is find those handful of people, plaster them on the 10 o'clock news and suddenly these 5 people are representative of the majority of the population. It also has the effect of demoralising those that do by trying to make them feel like they are in a minority position - all these "real" trump voters on the news represent everyone who voted Trump except you.

It's the same thing your government has been doing to make it look like AfD isn't receiving that much support.

It's called disinformation.


- It's nothing but liberal propaganda by the same news outlet that said there was no way Trump could win the election (they were obviously wrong).

So, rather than whatever reasoning led you to vote for President Elect Trump, you suddenly would prefer going the "nuclear war with Russia, 65% inheritance tax, gov't bans all guns, Supreme Court nominees ban all rights" route of Hillary Clinton? I actually don't believe you.

If you didn't know that Mr. Trump was plain-spoken before you voted, you shouldn't have been voting in the first place.


Libtards are trying to push the same shit as with Brexit, and prolly they did the same in other coutnries cause they all use the same fucking tricks.
Trump didnt even get into office and you are trying to force the narrative people are regretting him being the president XD Get a life you fucking libtard.

The way Merkel's been twisting on the hook would indicate that she's at least "somewhat" terrified of being replaced. Trust not what your MSM says, she wouldn't be shifting positions and pooping her panties like this if she was in good political shape.

This thread is full of shit, the OP is a libshit butthurt waterfall continuing to spread salt across the internet landscapes.

Trump isn't even in office yet.

His inauguration day will be election day all over again. My twitter accounts are prepared... my salt reservoirs are open and waiting for the next harvest.

This is perhaps the warmest and comfiest January to come forth in a long time.

I await with great optimism.

No one pays the estate tax unless they're unbelievably wealthy. And the war with Russia thing was just scare tactics. Trump is far more likely to start a war.

dare you to put your dick in it

Just like you fuckers tried to do after Brexit huh? FUCK OFF

If I were american I would have voted for Donald Trump.

I will probably vote for AfD this year, although I'm greatly disappointed that their economic/social-security is greatly shortsighted and does not take into account the looming disasters that automation, AI, general economic saturation will bring. (ie no basic income)

In my honest estimation, when push comes to shove and people have to actually cast a vote;
an incredible number of people that had voting for AfD in mind will probably cave and vote for the staus quo.
Sadly, but it will be as simple as that.

Germans are spineless cowards with no individuality and no sense of nationality and union as a society.
Top that with an infantile, weak psyche (due to guilt propaganda etc.) and they will always in the end vote for "Mutti"

The AfD will be a non-factor in the upcoming election. Sadly.

>The way Merkel's been twisting on the hook would indicate that she's at least "somewhat" terrified of being replaced.

I'm afraid, imo there is no such thing happening. Her victory is almost set in stone. (read above please)

>obama not even presented with the possibility of impeachment even though he has committed numerous crimes and put the country at risk numerous times

>trump will be impeached within weeks

Trump, likely to start a war? We've got world leaders falling over themselves to call him up and talk peace with us for the first time in decades, the present regime who obviously walk in step with Clinton are attempting to foment a world war before he gets the chance to stop it, and you dare come at me with that bullshit? Give me a break!

And her version of "very rich" was below middle class, if I recall.

>first thing GOP does when they have power is remove any independent ethics organizations

hmmm really makes you think.

Unified credit is over $5 million. Like I said, almost no one has to pay the estate tax.

Trump is a loose canon who is already in way over his head.

you are stupid you only voted for clinton because she was a women

This is seriously the Brexit playbook all over again. All these (((people))) who "regret" their decision.

I had thought much the same of Brits and even my own countrymen until the last few years, so you might be in for a nice surprise like I have been.


WTF I'm a Cruz missile now.

Same tactic they used with brexit . shills will do everything to delegitimize trump.

You know that book was almost entirely written by a ghost writer to went on to repudiate Trump, right?

A Mr. Schwartz is opposed to President Elect Trump, you say? Good heavens!

big business won. we actually handed our government to the corporations and the 1%. if you really think that Trump has the everyday Americans best interest in mind then you got conned

Because the morons who voted him in are the same broke as fuck morons who need the healthcare and hurr durr muh jerbs arent coming.

>being this daft

Well, when trump is finally inaugurated, the "Trump vote" will immediately be infinitely more successfull than the "BREXIT referendum"

Sadly, and again all imo, the BREXIT train has already left the station. With every passing day it only becomes ever more obvious that there is no interest in actually following through with BREXIT shown by the politicians and the ruling class of Great Britain.
Add to that that the people of Great Britain did not even lift a finger after the vote and relied on their elected representetives that really have something else in mind.

My estimate is that BREXIT is finished and will not happen. Again, sadly.

The referendum was non-binding afterall.

Because Hillary totally did right?

Yes, just side-step the fact that Trump didn't actually write the Art of the Deal and that the person who actually wrote it thinks he's a dipshit.

never said that but at least /pol would fight her if she did appoint CEOs and jews to her cabinet. /pol is not critical of trump, i voted from him but i understand the fact that you can be critical of people who you support. the question is do you?



Well, that's not going to happen. The GOP brass hates Trump, but as long as their voters love the Con Man in Chief, they pretty much have to fall in line or get primaried come 2018.

So, hang on a second. I read your links. Some unkown site, then (LOL) NPR. And all I'm getting is that one Mr. Schwartz hates one President Elect Trump. Sorry man, if Mr. Schwartz had the opportunity to write a whole book about what an alleged skunk Mr. Trump is, he should have.

Because all he looks like now is a snivelling, backstabbing, possibly lying worm.

You know that image is true

Even more so in my country