My redpilled gf knitted me this for Christmas (since we're not black and poor and had a white Christmas where we give gifts)
Do you have a redpilled gf pol? Also AMA
My redpilled gf knitted me this for Christmas (since we're not black and poor and had a white Christmas where we give gifts)
Do you have a redpilled gf pol? Also AMA
>the swastika isn't even tilted
and shit
plays out
I meant we aren't black and poor haha sorry
Yeah but the picture is so it balances out
>improper proportions
So tell me about your gf user, your eye for detail must be real popular with the ladies
dont mind the niggers and jelly fags
10/10 experience m8
wish I had a gf like yours
maybe you should fucking kill yourself
I meant we aren't black and poor haha sorry
Blonde hair and blue eyes, she started out fairly liberal but clearly she had a change of heart
Does it concern you that your son doesn't look anything like you
You knitted that yourself didn't you?
Remember OP the girl you think is your stormerhalf couldn't care less, and will fuck other men (races)
i know you probably think you're cool because you got digits, but i bet no woman in your life knows any traditional womanly skill and has never made something just for you let alone loved you
If the choice is between having a sexy aryan gf or cucking myself out of fear of niggers cucking me then I think the choice is obvious.
Your great-grandfather would fuck you up for turning out a Nazi little shit
Hello OP, it seems that you are new here and mistaken as to what this board stands for. I'd like to inform you that Sup Forums is a civic nationalist board and that Nazi LARPers like yourself are free to head over to their own website called
Thank you and have a nice day!
My great grandfather said that the best part of world war 2 was killing japs in the pacific
Your great great grandfather probably lived in a mud hut and died of malaria
Did he have the jar of Jap ears? My grandfather's next-door neighbor kept once in his garage.
>tfw no redpilled white gf
feels bad man
Anyone else find true redpilled women to be kind of a turn off?
My ideal chick is redpilled in some areas (especially stuff having to do with children and families) and naive in others.
Christmas isn't even a red pilled holiday
> spend money like a good goy on shit you don't need to persevere a relationship in the hopes you buy a diamond like a better goy and spend 20k on a wedding
> edgy couple /10
Fucking nupol
nope, as long as she hasn't OD'd
I feel the same way tobehonest family.
Yeah man I really like when my girlfriend turns up the latest hit by Crack Daddy and the Party crew and tells me about how she experimented with gangbanging in college with the starting 5 of the hoops team.
Makes me diamonds.
WTF I'm a civic nationalist now
I wish I had a redpilled gf. Life would be comfy and I wouldn't have to lie to girls.
There's a difference between a woman that runs circles around you reciting Hitler speeches, and a woman that quietly looks up to you and agrees with you.
My ideal gf is the one i don't have to red pill about race and the Jews.
oh cool, a tiny penis bitch got some fat stringy haired hog to struggle her way through her very first knit job.
this has nothing to do with politics, you inbred moron. fuck off.
been looking for a gif of that. Nice
That's really cute.
Mine just calls blacks niggers but I don't think her hearts in it.
Thanks meme master but like I said we are white people with disposable income (also traditions are fun and doing nice things for people you care about feels good)
Keep sucking the Fuhrer's dick as you lose the war, commie.
Neat. I'm Hindu as well.
heres the other one
I hope Obergruppenführer Smith (sp?) kill Himmler and makes his way up and ends up being becoming chancellor or whatever.
ahhh yes, an idiot burger who's stupid enough to think that the Germans are worth copying.
>hey pol am I edgy enough yet?
you sound like a cuck
*kills Himmler
This is the type of girl she is and it's comfy as fuck
Fucking burgers need to fix their stupid country
>kills Himmler
i'm just fine with it the way it is, thanks.
i also want to see it burn.
GF, fucks up swastika, you think its okay.. makes you sound like a cuck and makes her look like a poser.
Well the Führer is already dead and Himmler is (both historically and in canon) a fucking nut job. It seems like he'll end up starting a war with Japan and then Smith will step in and do something. The scene in the webm is foreshadowing.
my gf was disappointed i got myself a MAGA hat lmfao so she got me a MAGA robe with a T initial on the front
>being this triggered by arranged lanyard
Sell on etsy?
If he did that it would probably pass to Goebbels. I don't think Himmler would be on-board for a war with Japan seeing as how Heydrich was pushing for one and Himmler disowned him and his fellow conspirators. Honestly, I thought the portrayal of Himmler was surprisingly tame considering he seemed to be a legit autist IRL.
They're setting up Smith for something big at least.
he was very cruel against poles
Yeah hes probably going to be the "moderate reformer" who tones down the more severe nazi laws.
i can't think of anything faggier than the mindset behind making this post
You make actually being a natsoc painful, jump up your own ass, kiddo
Himmler a cute
wow the amount of jealous NEETs ITT...
I am 25 and my MILF fuck buddy is 42 and she is semi red pilled. Doesn't like blacks or what the MSM says but still have not gotten her totally red pilled on the kikes... Working on it... Hey NEETs fuck you you jealous loli anime fappers.
Yo will die with the rest of the degenerates.
entire party a cute desu
>Also AMA
OP cannot into rotate?
>L-look guys what I ma- my waifu made me!! Am i in the c-club yet?
For fuck sake faggot, go look for approval and attention elsewhere, you little bitch.
its rare to find a girl who knows needlework nowadays
you are lucky
the story of the nazi's is merely part of the red-pill. becoming a national socialist is basically living in the past + being a cuck.
We aren't German. Fuck Germany, although cozy as fuck with good beer. There are better options than waking up early as fuck saluting a half-jew. Fuck that. You want to worship a half-jew socialist, who's ideal human is a Swedish dude? The fuck is that for being 'red pilled'. You fucking 21 year old retards from Reddit need to read more.
We'll see.
>mfw he lets in a bunch of non-whites and kills the Reich via mass immigration
>NatSoc is socialist
>Reddit need to read more
Well you would know, being from reddit, and lacking having read up on NatSoc
You have saved images of cartoons on your computer.
>National Socialism
>Ational Socialism
>Tional Socialism
>Ional Socialism
>Onal Socialism
>Nal Socialsm
>Al Socialism
>L Socialism
Go back to fagland
You are a leaf
>Federal Express
>Federal Expres
>Federal Expre
>Federal Expr
>Federal Exp
>Federal Ex
>Federal E
How is your capital doing there bud?
People have done ama's on Sup Forums since before Reddit even existed you fucking pleb
no argument, I believe London should be nuked as well tbqh. Not gonna defend that shithole.
This webm is great, but it really needs "really makes me think" right at the end there when you can't see his mouth.
Too lazy to make a cool pic with a caption, but this is basically you. Picture this for a moment fucko.
>Not German
>Idolize a dictator
>Dictator is half-jew
>Socialist "mug gimmedats"
>Bomber jackets, doc martens, suspenders and buying patches from (((
>Da jooz lied, therefore I am now a neo-nazi
the funny thing about that picture you posted is its basically hitler. he is a jew. you worship jews. hitler. jesus. the fuck dude?
redpilled my ass. you judgmental clowns just influence and completely manipulate your cum sleeves into being what you want them to be. it's really pathetic that you have to actually force your gf to adhere to your autistic principles and interests (nice safezone faggot).
abandon your sexuality you fucking monkey labido driven moron and actually become a human
Hail Victory guys. Love you all
Does not have to be tilted. Stop hating on OPs fine woman.
>female calling you dude
it's your sister isnt it, or a very fat and ugly friend? a girl who you fuck wont call you dude
is that mel gibson?
>all the butthurt redditors in this thread
Good on you, OP.
All my girl friends have swallowed the blue pill. Cherish what you have.
god this is so fucking cringe lmfao
>hating on hahas
fuck off nigger
>she started out fairly liberal but clearly she had a change of heart
Women usually follow the man. They rarely come up with ideas of their own. White women who date niggers become more like niggers, and black women who date white men act white as time goes on. Married women vote Republican, single women vote Democrat.
Not trying to put her down, OP. I'm happy for you.