Refugee Crisis

How does Europe solve the refugee crisis?

With more guns.

Deporting everyone who isn't white.

exile the natives to make room for the new Europeans

Build wall. Shoot foreigners on sight

By not being a bunch of limp-dicked cucks.

a purge

Europe will not solve the refugee crisis, and neither will North America.

Gas every sandnigger in Europe then never help Africa in any way ever again

what will be the end result?

By closing their borders and deporting illegals/criminals.

Our Guy Campi Flegrei will take care of the whole mess

dont you worry, he will solve everything

Deporting them back to their countries and jailing anyone who speaks out against it.


what if they attempt to return?

Famine and extinction.

muslims who reproduce at an exponential rate going extinct?

Yes. You go extinct without food.

Remove the kebab.

Unironic and honest answer: mass deportation of every man woman and child. Any refugee trying to pass over the border will be captured and maimed.

You just fucking wait. There is going to be another Hitler, and he's alive right now. He's probably around 12-13 years old right now. Gen Z is going to be the most redpilled generation yet, because if the internet. Things are going to get worse and worse every year, until the day finally come that a legitimate "right wing backlash" actually occurs, and it's going to be a fucking massacre. Liberals things the current Right is bad. They think Trump is a fascist. They have no clue. They have no experienced fascism yet. The day of glory for the west is fast approaching.