The Great Meme War Remembrance Thread

To all of those that I served with, I want to say that it was nothing short of a pleasure. All the highs, and all the lows. And if I could turn back time, I'd do it all over again.

But time waits for no one, and no matter how hard you hold on, it escapes you. The New Year marks a new beginning for many of us, and we're all going on different adventures. While not as much time will be spent on my end here, all I want to say is, thank you so much.

Forever in my heart.



The war is never over. Our enemy isn't destroyed. How can you make this fatal error? Sad!

But this war is far from over

I'm no hero, although I did serve with some.


What unit were you guys with?

The war still rages within.

Who here having trouble reintegrating into society?


Hi Donald.

>that time an user went to CTR HQ

I fought them as far out as The combat in the foxholes was brutal.


I truly will remember this past year with fondness.

That GNAA thread where some hero DOSed a few local Democrat web sites was the pinnacle. Made the news I think.

11th battlegroup here.


CTR paid for breast implants. Thank you, Sup Forums

bretty comfy


Come back with your memes. Or on them.

1/14 live action photos of the Battle of Michigan on Election Night



I missed this. ;-;


The war is still on comrade





it feels like no one is fighting anymore...


All gave some, some gave all.


the war continues


You're wrong. Its the calm before the storm.

LA Sup Forums here. We were deep behind enemy lines. I can still hear the screams of my fallen comrades as they were forced to check their privilege by a 300lb non-binary transexual.


The war never ended. Not for me, anyway.


Is this true,Sup Forums?

Now it's time to make money in the Trumpconomy and reproduce with beautiful white women.


San Fagsicko here. Many are drunk on liberal tears, but keeping our heads low in fear xe army.


>tfw the time finally comes to call in an airstrike on your own position
see you in hell, comrade


Blitzkrieg now


nobody cares

I am,
then again
I was never really
integrated in the first place.

Your vision is gone, ahkmed. Cry moar

I'm no akhmed, just asking why this isn't valid.

I memed so hard I lost my job and have PTSD because of it. No shit.

>i have goofy hair like trump
>legit only liked trump because they kept making fun of his hair
>it felt like a personal attack on me

Ass blasted CTR still lurking


The Constitution

Great days

Any rare patches?

Yes, but we aren't a democracy anyway so who cares?

Is that a blow up doll on the ceiling?


My brother gave me a gold pepe for Christmas, thanking me for my service.

Think this war is over, faggot? Hell no. You fucking inbred hicks stole this nation and I will take it back with the righteous fury of a god fearing american liberal. You beg for a civil war but when I put my AR-15 to the back of your head and you beg for mercy and cry, I will leave a 9mm hole in your skull. Heh, the color might just match your stupid hat!

The Russians cheated us out of a democratic victory. It seems the only way to fight you off and keep our forefathers' dream alive is to root you snoveling conservatives out like the rats you are. Our founding fathers gave us the second ammendment to stop people like you, within reason. You are insane and I pity you idiotic right wingers. The desu-vult cult will come to an end when our victory is precise and swift. There will be no apology. No retribution. No forgiveness. Only bloodied redneck corpses. And when the light fades from your eyes, you will hear one final message uttered from a true couragous patriot:

Fuck Drumpf.

And fuck White People.

ted posting saved my life.

Your ar15 is no match for my kac mini, bitch!

You CTR rats can leave your bunkers for now. This battle is ours.



>god fearing


7th Jebposting Division

17 days

Who said the war was over? We still need to liberate many other different countries. KEK VULT!

>That time the CIA tried to frame Julian Assange as a Pedophile but anons completely exposed their operations and even had anons on the ground in Texas scoping out their blacksites
Fun Times.


still can't believe we did it

fucking hilarious

i love you silly bastards


It started it off like any other day ...

The war isn't over brother, the defeat of Clinton was just a battle which we won. This is not a war that ever ends.

It was a pleasure to serve with you all

Fake and gay. There is no fucking way DJT would come here. Most influential part of the internet, or not, he wouldn't be associated with us. We're stupid, racist, proles to them.

Screen cap/links?

War... War never changes.

When i lay in bed at night I can still hear the ctrl c and ctrl v keys. Shadilay brothers.

>He thinks Trump was the end of the meme war

It was the beginning, the first wobbly steps

You guys are sick bastards


You really fucked up that quote.

Meme war veteran reporting in.

What consitutes a "war veteran" was that I just spent few hours to consistently spam "praise the kek", "kek wills it", along with frog memes, but I did this with great intensity. I saw entire threads going archive after reaching bump limit in 10-15 minutes. It was insane, truly.

I remember the tears of joy when I saw Florida going red. I stayed up way past my bedtime until 5 in the morning in Estonia here, and it was a work day the next day. Everything for seeing american election results live.

I have to say it was a pleasure to serve in this meme war, and the way how europeans joined you guys, it's only fair that you guys join us when german elections near and we need to meme Freuke from AfD into office. What do you say?

Because if it was even liberals in LA and NYC would dictate what the entire rest of the country lives by. This is a direct rebellion against the majority of our country, as we don't want to be dictated by faggots in hivemind counties. In these cities the millions that vote with the rest of the country dont count for anything at all and our erased by the liberal majority anyways. It all balances out in the end. America is red, we just have blue tumors that need to be erased

>what do you say?

2nd Armored 'Kek On Wheels'

It all began with gamergate and Sup Forums blitzkrieged in day.

/k/, /x/ and /fit/ saw the light and came to the aid of our just axis

Then the scourge of Sup Forums harbor struck, all thos lost in terrible memes from /s4s/ and cripplechan. They were defeated.

Then Tumblr face our mighty blitz of gore in the Triggering Raids of 2015.

They tried to strike back, angering the robots of /r9k/ who redpilled Sup Forums

Then the CTR campaign of 2016 threw the FB comments sections, Reddit groups and Twitterverse into a war for cyberinch by cyberinch with Sup Forums's finest and bravest.

Devestated the brigade of kek pushed the shills to the gates of Moscow (aka CNN) with a blitz of Pepes across the airwaves. The beast defeated the Trump victorious and now we have tales for our grandchildren.

Vie Victus!

lol that pic is how i evolved

that's how we all did, desu
>I was 16 when I was at first pic
>I was 18-19 when I was at second pic
>I am 23 now and at the third pic

good to hear desu
Sup Forums will be united once more then


THE MEME WAR IS NOT OVER! Its just begun. The gloabalist vs us. trust me