I'm a Brit in Shanghai and this is the most advanced city in the world

I'm a Brit in Shanghai and this is the most advanced city in the world.

>Scan any bike in the street with a phone to ride it, leave it anywhere when done
>Best metro in the world
>Best skyscrapers in the world
>Stores and restaurants are open till late at night
>Pay for everything (including street food) instantly with your phone
>8/10 prostitutes for sex are 40 USD
>Go to a spa with happy ending massage, saunas, dinner, hot pools, mini cinema, PCs and bed for an entire night for about 60 USD
>Get a chink gf very easily
>uber and airbnb so get a cab easily and stay at peoples homes anywhere
>Good quality modern hotels are cheap as fuck (only 40 USD a night for 3 star quality)
>Make friends easily, all expats are bros to each other
>More bars and cafes in this city than the average yuro city
>Chinese food is delicious and very cheap
>Very easy to get well paying job here
>City is extremely energetic, things change and get built very fast

So why haven't you moved to Shanghai yet?

>it's in China

>So why haven't you moved to Shanghai yet?
What's the process of immigrating there and how much of the language do you need to know?

I've been there before; I think it sucks. It feels very fake, hollow, and soulless.

Shanghai is not real China. It was literally built by the British and the French.

It's 100% international, no chinese required. You can get a 3 months tourist visa and find a job like that while chilling.

This is what someone who has to live in a dump like taiwan would say. Shanghai blows taiwan out of the water.

It's funny because Taiwan looks more poor and commie than Shanghai by a large margin.

How much a month do you live on there? My job requires a CPU and Internet and that's it so I bounce around but I keep getting gun-shy with anything Asia.

>You can get a 3 months tourist visa and find a job like that while chilling
That sounds to nice to be true.
Also what about the chinese law and stuff, isn't it pretty much a communist shithole ?
How much are they paying you for what job ?

Could I visit for under 3000 usd

Shanghai is a lot of fun.

Especially banging French and German ex-pat interns who go their for their "stages".

The one negative is that clubbing as an ex-pat means you get hit on non stop by prostitutes. I kinda just gave up on chinese girls in clubs because of that.

Among the ex-pats who I met there, they all said that you can find jobs, even without knowing any Chinese.

It's fun to visit, not sure I'd want to live there though. And the rest of China is nothing like Shanghai by the way.

>Scan any bike in the street with a phone to ride it, leave it anywhere when done
>Best metro in the world
>Best skyscrapers in the world
>Stores and restaurants are open till late at night
>Pay for everything (including street food) instantly with your phone
>uber and airbnb so get a cab easily and stay at peoples homes anywhere
>Good quality modern hotels are cheap as fuck (only 40 USD a night for 3 star quality)
>Make friends easily, all expats are bros to each other
>More bars and cafes in this city than the average yuro city
>Chinese food is delicious and very cheap
>City is extremely energetic, things change and get built very fast
These things are only exciting to libshits mostly.

>8/10 prostitutes for sex are 40 USD
>Go to a spa with happy ending massage, saunas, dinner, hot pools, mini cinema, PCs and bed for an entire night for about 60 USD
>Get a chink gf very easily
Degenerate behavior.

>Very easy to get well paying job here
This is possibly your only good point.


I was there over the summer. The western sections are glamour, yes, but the majority is a jam-packed city. The amount of trash and cramped spacing of everything can be overwhelming sometimes. Love it because of the smoking culture and sex opportunities however

I only needed 600 usd to survive for a month

I just teach english for around 2k euros a month, in China that can get you very far.

>not mentioning the horrible pollution

Including everything my living costs are probably around 800 USD a month but I live in one of the richest parts of the city.

Shanghai is one of the least polluted cities in China, sometimes its bad (especially in winter) but usually it's fine.

no freedom
no internet
the chinese are retarded and don't even know that Tiananmen Square was a thing that happened in 1989
price of housing and rent is fucked because of greedy chink speculation
quality of housing is fucked because everything is built out of chink materials and maintained by chinks

imagine that thing you bought that was made in china. it looked really nice and then broke after a half an hour of use. that's shanghai.

I did the expat in Asia thing after college too but you can't raise kids like that so I went back home. Globe trotting expat life will be my retirement though once all five of them get through school and move out.

> Good quality modern hotels are cheap as fuck (only 40 USD a night for 3 star quality)
enjoy those hostels

>being in the best worst place around

That is like being excited about living in Compton vs Detroit cause there are less murders.

Taiwan is better for the wyatt man.

Hong Kong will be fine but I wouldn't recommend going to the mainland.

t. grew up in Hong Kong. Mainlanders are garbage

enjoy your gutter oil ching chong shit bonglander

You just described every big city ever.

How's the internet infrastructure? Does it have the same bullshit restrictions as the mainland?


Yes. The visa costs about $200 if you go with a service that handles it for you. Plane tickets from the USA range from $1200 to $1500. You could find relatively cheap options, like private room hostels, for $20-40 a night. Food tends to be very cheap there, only a few dollars for a filling meal. You could easily spend 30-60 days there on that budget and your Chinese visa is good for 10 years.

I make your annual salary in 3 months while having a 401k and full health benefits.

Enjoy yourself but don't stay too long. You're treading water.

Berlin to Shanghai is under $500. What the fug

>8/10 prostitutes for sex are 40 USD
Race mixing is degenerate. So is prostitution.

Shanghai isn't that bad as far as pollution goes. I still recommend bottled water though.

> no internet
use a vpn. I had google access from a shanghai hotel.


I don't want to live in a house or apartment made of cheap sandy concrete and poison drywall that de-gasses carcinogens.

>haha western culture is so degenerate
>you guys should all come to china, look at these prostitute prices!!!!

you're a joke

See flag see digits.

Checks out.

>organized crime is everywhere
>rice literally made of plastic
>meat is made from limbs severed from homeless people
>limbless beggars everywhere
>chinks stare at gweilo
>gweilo organs stolen and harvested
>cramped apartment lifestyle
>buildings made of literal rubbish are a fire hazard
>unbreathable air
>can't see stars at night
>asian whores are in abandance everywhere in the world anyway
>as are potential asian girlfriends

If you have a good couple hundred thousand saved, you can live well in China and also safe.

It's probably one of the lowest cost yet safer countries to live in, granted you stay out of the known awful areas.

Shanghai gave me food poisoning and then I unknowingly spent the night in a black site prison disguised as a hotel. The beds were basically plywood and there was a blood smear on the wall from where they abused someone and didn't clean up afterwards.


You don't move to shanghai

shanghai moves to you

I'm gonna be spending 3 months in Suzhou (1hr outside of Shanghai) soon, with travel and lodging all paid by my employer :). Can't wait.

I know Suzhou is a lot more tame, but does anybody know anything about living there?

even poo in loo indians have cleaner food than you people

Suzhou is a tourist trap full of gweilo

I pay about 8 USD a month for this internet.
I can stream tv series at HD quality easily and torrent speeds are through the roof.

how easy would it be for an American with a law degree to get a job?

You know what else will be through the roof? Your head when the cheap chink construction collapses it on you.

No they don't

I went to Suzhou just last week. It used to be the most beautiful garden city in China but the historic city got turned into commie blocks by Mao lol.

It still has the most beautiful classical gardens in the world and a few historic streets here and there that are very nice to walk through. The canals are basically open sewers though.

>holy shit! are things that bad in Britastan..

Well shit. Guess I'll be taking the train to Shanghai more often than I first thought.

You'll probably have to work at an american law firm based in China, working with multinationals.

Either that or work as an english teacher kek

That's actually pretty mediocre speeds senpai. Isn't Shanghai connected to a fiber backbone?

everything falls apart and nothing is maintained in china

also chinese building materials are some of the lowest quality in the world

Foreign speed tests aren't good with chinese internet. Here's another one I just took.

Points to real china.


The internet is highly efficient here so even though it looks slower on paper, chinese websites are blazing fast. I can literally watch 1080p content with no hickups.

>Best metro in the world
Lived in Shanghai for 14 months, best laugh I've had in a while. The metro is mediocre and only made worse by all the Chinese in them. I suppose if your criteria for a nice metro is being crowded, dirty, loud, and having to play a game of red rover to get in a 30% full car, then it's perfect. Fly over to Tokyo or really any other Asian city not in China and enjoy a wonderful metro.

>I still recommend bottled water though.
This. Also research the brand, some are worse than the tap for shit like heavy metal poisoning.

i got some chinese steel beams for my shed, 5mm thickness - took 10 minutes to drill a hole.

Helps if you use the right drill bit cunt

Have fun getting black lung.
Chink hookers have every STD known to man.
Chink women are even bigger gold diggers than western women are, bad gf material.


I've used the Seoul metro extensively and used the Tokyo metro as well. Shanghai blows them out of the water in simplicity and ease of use.
I've almost never went on the wrong train and never had the problem of being on the wrong side of the platform in Shanghai (because each platform is two-sided). There are escalators everywhere and the metro and subways are air conditioned (or heated). Also directions and stations are shown on tv screens and above train entrances.

The metro is crowded at peak periods sure, but not any less than the tokyo or seoul metro at rush hour.

>this is the most advanced city
>names a bike thing that's in my shit town, the fact that you can pay with things using your phone „ and a bunch of irreverent crap

everything you described is in most major Aus cities


>[it ain't me intensifies]

Thank you, Vietnam.
You are a true ally of the United States, and therefore the world.
China, please stop trying to save face.
Speeds are speeds.
And 4k is the new standard for good internet speed, bud.

Your city does not have a bike thing like they have here. What you have it probably these shitty western garbage bikes that you have to take out of a specific bike space and then ride it to another specific bike space. You can't just ride them and leave them to wherever you want.

>The metro is crowded at peak periods sure, but not any less than the tokyo or seoul metro at rush hour.
Of course, but it's the people that matter. The Japanese fucking queue and wait for people to exit before entering. The Chinese will attempt to both exit and enter the car at the same time rather than wait. I'm amazed I never saw someone get trampled to death on the Shanghai metro.

>The best cities in China were built by the British

really makes you think

>4k internet speed

Are you pretending to be retarded? I don't know with fatass retarded americans.

Go back to teaching your english class, you deadbeat dumbfuck.

I've used seoul metro, busan metro and a bunch of Chinese metro and they're all idiot proof.

Brits should have built all the mexican cities as well, you're literally all living in subhuman slum-like conditions.

4k streaming, ching chong

>go to china
>to bang white girls
but why

Not being able to bring my guns along, no questions asked is a non starter.

Same reason I don't bother with California.

the same could be said for China

Nawww getting salty. Everytime the Chinese build up a fake front to display, whether it be their ethics, products or inflating their government and policy man do you get butthurt when facts get in the way.

China's strong, but most of that is because you value human life as if it was filler material to get to the end (like what you lot did with the great wall)

>I unknowingly spent the night in a black site prison disguised as a hotel.

hilarious if true

Until the chinks manage to sort out their chink ways, I'll be steering clear of China for a bit.

Welp, looks like Mandarin is next boys.

Lived in Shanghai.

Its meh. Looks impressive from a distance, but up close its all jerry-built and grimey. Any major western city beats Shanghai. Even in Asia, HK, Singapore, Seoul, and Tokyo are better.
On the positive side, its cheap, but you get what you pay for.

Oh, and don't eat the street food unless you want violent diarrhea

Shanghai is nice but Hong Kong is better. But maybe that's because I grew up there.

Because I prefer to not smell the sewers

that's exactly what we have. They suck.

A clear night in Shanghai

I've eaten lots of street food here with no diarrhea. You must be a very sensitive little dude.

>breathe air
>get cancer

It sucks because your companies suck.

Shanghai is the new Hong Kong. HK gets more irrelevant by the day. There are literally far more western expats in Shanghai than in HK now.

>Le well traveled meme XDDD
>It's another "Let's pretend we leave our houses" threads
>XD after this we can pretend we work out and post our max benches on /pol

None of you have ever been to Shanghai or worked out. Everyone and I mean everyone is an autistic shit.

>I unknowingly spent the night in a black site prison disguised as a hotel. The beds were basically plywood and there was a blood smear on the wall from where they abused someone and didn't clean up afterwards.

how are you so sure internet tough guy?

well, having to lock it to a kiosk instead of being able to lock it up anywhere isn't convenient. and the bikes themselves are low quality

If you make this thread one more time, I'll fly to China, become a labyboy, contract aids, and then let you go to town on me.

says the English teacher in China hahahahaha.... enjoy trying to find a real career

Because I made this thread. I have a computer and a phone