Prove how smart you are Sup Forums

follow the instruction in pic related and post here

Kill yourself

Kek has spoken /thread

nice quints

Thanks man

easy in non euclidean geometry

do it already you faggy baitposter

I learned this is 9th grade enginee class. I pry you my IQ is less than 110.

Also, include me in the screencap of Quints vs. OP



by by OP :^)

Oh shit. Nice knowin ya OP.

>Triangle has 180 degrees
>Have to draw two
>Flip one triangle upside down, superimpose it over the other


You most obey /op/, or Kek will punish you greatly

Pretty much this x10


Draw a square with an X from corner to corner.

Pick a quadrant

Live stream. Kek has selected you as an offering for 2017


Ignore filename

>with 360-deg angle

Should that be
>with 360-deg angles
>with a 360-deg angle

i am in the process to off myself now
but jut 1 angle so
>with a 360-deg angle

Wait, how? If it's the circle, where did ten degrees go? If it's somehow the angle of the edge all around then why is it that?


Regardless its not a triangle.


Sorry OP was going to do your quest but this happened:

No intelligence will be proven today

>intelligence not inteligence

You used the universal math simple for triangle, not polygon, or angle
If that's what you mean, you'd just project it onto a speare in a certain way, but it's impossible on a plane. It might work in certain donut shaped universes but not on a saddle

This was way too easy, fuck dumb arse Trump supporters on this forum.



What kind of geometric blue pilled garbage is that?

This is bait, but it's actually not impossible.

wouldnt you use non-euclidean geometry?

If he was talking about an external angle, it's just stupid word games, when you say "triangle with 45 degree angle" it would be universally understood as a internal angle, same with "triangle with 360 degree angle".
You sound like some of my early retarded math teachers who think they are being clever.

draw it on a sphere?

Just add some fucking zig-zags

>Prove how smart

Romania BTFO


rare flag ahmed

Flawless victory

>Spelling in a foreign language

Ameritards BTFO

I mean Stephen Hawking can't even talk ha ha what a retard amirite?? Dumb fucking amerifats.


my god you people are retarded

and OP kill yourself

> not having heard of non euclidean geometry

draw a circle or dot or a sphere taint hard