What was the name of this place again?

What was the name of this place again?

Doesn't exist.

It's actually in the file name haha. PS fuck you

New goy city.

rhode island m8
you are so silly, its in the filename!

Rhode Island is small but everyone remembers it.

Maryland is the least memorable state.

i would say new Hampshire or Vermont.

what the fuck happens there

People get them mixed up, but they're generally remembered.

You could argue Delaware though.

Delaware is literally the most forgotten state

i can name cities in both Maryland and Delaware.

cant name shit in new hamshire or vermont

Vermont also has the lowest GDP in the USA by a large margin...

WELL UNDER Wyoming , the least populated state in the USA

>Maryland is the least memorable state.
You've never been to Delaware.

This. Delaware is just flat, coastal nothing. Chicken farms and beach towns.
MD has the Chesapeake bay at least.

road i land

I forgot about Wyoming until I passed a car with Wyoming plates the other day.

Family Guy

>tfw republican in maryland
feels bad man

I always forget Alabama

roadway to heaven?

Alabama is full of history.

The shit state I'm bleeding unemployment from, with no intention of even looking for work because I'm moving to a more white state

RI is losing more % of white people than commiefornia right now

Definitely Delaware. Anyone on a roadtrip through the east coast zips right past it. Also it's deep blue so they don't even get noticed on election day. They have the name of the river though.

Rhode Island & Providence Plantation

...you did know that's the name, right?

Tennis hall of fame. That's it

sam hyde

>one of the original 13 colonies is the most forgotten state

you fags need to read a book or some shit lol SAD!

He'll get run out eventually

This. Maryland is a contender, but it receives very tangential relevance due to proximity to DC. Delaware is completely, absolutely irrelevant. To be honest, I'm not 100% convinced Delaware even exists. While I'm from the Midwest originally, I'm pretty well-traveled, but I've literally never met anybody from Delaware.

Everyone knows what it is but nobody talks about it or acknowledges it. I've heard more conversations about Wyoming or North Dakota than I have about Delaware. Idaho is a close rival.

get him out of pawtucket

>I'm pretty well-traveled

driving from your moms basement to mcdonalds doesnt count as travel.

Something like 35 states. Kys.

Hopefully he got enough world peace shekels to move

>I drove through 35 states on my way to commiefornia for some faggot family get together
>>im well traveled

lol time for sleep now mr b

The answer is MISSOURI