What do you think about turks?


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Usually I don't.

100% master race

They indistinguishable from other Arabs now considering that they've interbreed with them, which is fundamentally changing their society.

I don't. But when I do I'm thinking about Turkish oil wrestling.

Gib constantinople

theres very little interbreeding with arabs & turks, Anatolia has never been arab clay.

>Hagia Sophia

that's not Hagia Sophia


they disgust me so much and i hate myself for being a t*rk

>eight secondary domes.[2] It sits next to the Hagia Sophia, another popular tourist site

>Hagia Sophia copycat right next to the real thing

That's even funnier

Less mixed than your average european or american.

I think whoever made the OP jpg doesn't understand grammar and needs to die.

to be honest, turks are mixture of

1. asiatic/mongoloid (10%)
2. iranian (20%)
3. armenoid (20%)
4. balkans (20%)
5. caucasions other than armenoids (10%)
6. arabic or middle eastern (10%)
3. other

according to recent genetic studies.

culturally, also mixture of islamic/middle eastern customs with adpoted westernized culture under turkic origins.

except few wannabe turkish nazis on /pol, vast majority of turkish people don't care about race or being european.



He is half-Bosnian



Why do some of them think they look gay?

there are 80 million people in turkey. few celebrities don't prove anything.


It shows ideology. It's the same in Mexican entertainment.


Legend tells of a young boy who survived a battle; a female wolf finds the injured child and nurses him back to health. The wolf, impregnated by the boy, escapes her enemies by crossing the Western Sea to a cave near the Qocho mountains and a city of the Tocharians, giving birth to ten half-wolf, half-human boys. Of these, Ashina becomes their leader and establishes the Ashina clan, which ruled over the Göktürk and other Turkic nomadic empires.[6][7]



no, there are many middle eastern or turkic looking celebrities here that are treated icons of beauty.


Turkey in a way kind of reminds me of Brazil in the fact that there are very 'white' looking people, and very dark, clearly-islamic type looking people. and of course the mix of the two.


so nobody wants to breed with the roaches?

to some degree... black or african dna and custom which turkey lacks make a huge difference though. compared to brazil.

Here, it mostly works like this: the browner you are, the poorer. Whiter = richer. With the exception of celebrities of course, like the niggers from the US.

Is it the same thing in Turkey?

>Is it the same thing in Turkey?


Race & skin color isn't a thing in Turkey. What divides people in Turkey is culture/education. Modern/secular city dwellers vs conservative religious rural people.


>Modern/secular city dwellers vs conservative religious rural people
You make it sound like it's the Westboro Baptist Church protesting a gay soldier's funeral.

I know them. population: 100 people living in two villages have zero effect on turkish society.

Also there's hardly any divide in Turkey at all which is why Erdogan continues to sit atop his throne. "Secular" people are either foreigners in Istanbul or mild Islamists who go along with whatever their government wants because it doesn't bother them since they're fine either way. Think of how limp-wristed the coup was. He didn't fuck over any of his people besides limiting a few of their civil liberties during those pesky protests.

you don't know anything about turkey, do you? 25% of turkish people are hardcore seculars to a point they can be called closet atheists.

other 25% is mild muslims who practice islam but also don't want islamic country.

Are Turks more turkmenistan-ish or more Anatolian at this point

anatolian by far.

I see
I know the -glu/glou patronym is anatolian and origin, and holy shit there's a lot of turks with the name ending with that

t. Ozman al Melbournistani

A problem with turks is, when they live in Europe, they get an identity crizis and start fucking things up because they do not go out od their way to assimilate. So they become hyper turks who love turkey more than their host country, and despise the natives.

Turks in Istanbul, are okey, sleasy, but resonable. (The educated ones) the scammers and filth do fill up the streets though.

Turkey is complex, they have not had the nationalistic cultural movement in 1800s that made for example the swedes extremely uniform and conformist.

Was machen deine Russengene so bro.

60% are idiots. That's why I migrated here

t. glorified saudi marina resident