Former neo-nazi explains how to defeat the alt-right
pol actually btfo for real this time

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Anyone calling Sup Forums the "alt-right" are shills or on ((their)) payroll
90% of normies don't know or don't care, Hillary herself coined the term iirc

though he talks about pol memes for some reason

The "Alt-Right" is just a label put on edgy 12-year olds that shitpost on the internet. I still haven't seen anything that convinces me otherwise.

i want to fucking annihilate the feminist faggot liberal who changed dates and times on the internet to '12 hours ago'

>I left the alternative right movement.
Stop reading there.
Seriously this people should stop embarrasing themselves.
Alt-right is a ficticional denomination. There are no thinkers behind it, not a single philosooher, not a pollitician. Just because it doesn't exist.
There are as many "alt-rights" as people tired of the brainwashing and brainwashed media.
Every single person you meet here classified as alt-right have his own philosophy and ideal political system.
The alt-right goes from the most extreme right like the anarcho-capis to the most extreme left represented by commies or natsoc...

So again, another worthless piece of shit.

you could call anti-trump people that too then

>falsely believing blacks commit a higher proportion of crime

hahahahah I'm glad you left faggot apparently you don't understand fucking statistics

it's obvious he's lying and is a lurker here or from leftypol
he even ends the post calling them "comrades"

>african americans don't commit a high proportion of crime

oh wow this has to be a troll

That's because the alt-right is an incredible ideologically diverse movement with the only united goal being ethno-nationalism.

Also the plebbit post was blatantly fake.

You fucking retarted shill. People have been using the term alt right since 2011, possibly even before then.

What a pussy, can't even stick by his beliefs longer than a year, if he can't do that why take anything else he has to say seriously?

Not only that, but he didn't even understand his own beliefs

Not only that, but he fell for the alt right meme

Not only that but he thinks a set of ideas are a political alignment

Not only that but he thinks blacks don't commit a disproportionately high rate of crime

Not only that but he posted this on plebbit

Not only that but OP saw it on plebbit

Not only that, but OP is a fagit

>for some reason
Its because he is a LARPing Sup Forumstard

>falsely believing blacks commit a higher proportion of crime

Dead give away mang. DEAD give away.


hmm looks like someone got scared by success and now is pussying out that he has to actually do something.


"alt right" is literally a construct of the mainstream media. They have to bunch Trump voters or anyone resisting their BS into a recognizable group so they can be attacked.

They can't paint you as a bad person if they can't pigeon hole you first.

a neckbeard on pol doctored those statistics and you fell for it

Even if you define like that, there is people like me who are extremely agressive against the inmigrant invasion in Europe and the lax response from the politicians but don't give a fuck about the etnicity...
Again: there is nothing like a common denominator.


>false stats

this is just a retarded jidf troll, ignore


Looks like our infiltration is going well.

Once they believe our 'turncoats' have joined them, they'll be well placed to redpill them.

>le autist who can't tell the memes from the actual ideology

>mfw people think the """""""""alt-right""""""""""" is some secret ebil organization with a hierarchy and set plans

when will these autists learn????

Good going /leftypol/ faggit.
Quit reddit posting saying you're anything resembling us.

From his prose and the cringeworthy tone of "yeah gang! You can do it! I know we can all do it!!" You can tell that he's a redditor whose just obsessively lurked on Sup Forums / the right stuff/the daily stormer to pick up the memes as vocabulary.

He has the vocab but he feels wholly inauthentic.

what is this alt right?

> Hacking into the official FBI and altering crime statistics after being linked
Tell me of your wizardry, Hackerman

le altright XD cuckcukcukcuk

I'm reading this and so far it is very retarded. Lul muh levels of white supremacy

Looks like they found the leader of the 'alt-right'!

fbi are systematically racist

Then you are maybe Alt-light.

> Systematic Racism
> Falsifiable Claim
Pick one

there is no altright douche

the problem is you cant beat what time and time again proven to be true

leftist swear there will be no terror and just nice people working hard as refugees and oh wow...crime rates go up....suddenly islamic terror...EVERYONE knows who is responsible for this shit now.

had a laught as greens and leftists try to attack police for racial profiling and separating at nye and even leftist paper and news got on their throats and not the police ones.

they got some of their own shit now as people get fed up more and more

>I would like to thank the mods for removing the age restriction

So literally a 12 year old LARPing on the internet. Woah, stop the presses!

Nice meme


doesn't excuse fascism tbqh

Yes, and we don't use faggot to refer to a bundle of sticks.


>fucking swastika emblem
>"the media are making us look bad!"

Does anyone actually believe that post? It looks like a typical reddit circlejerk that accomplishes nothing. They talk about the altright hiding online and never doing anything in the real world. The fuck?

No joke this might be the most cringey thing ever posted on plebbit.

These autists have created a boogeyman in their head because they want to feel like they are fighting a noble cause. When in reality the people they want to """fight""" are literally just people who shitpost and troll online. Fuckin kek.

>systemic racism
oh my sweet summer child

>I am le former nazi

Bullshit, you were a Sup Forums troll like the rest of us.

There is no significant "Alt Right", just as the "Alt Left" communists, socialists, ect. are a minority. They want to make the case that trump is hitler, and everyone is hitler and everyone who does not want a 5 year old tranny marrying an african rapefugee is not tolerant.enough.

The "Alt Right" is a myth, or an exaggeration.

>debunking the black crime rate myth: the stats revisited
de-debunk this
pro tip: you can't

Dude tells them to make memes about us, they research stuff to debunk and get redpilled in the process. Sounds good to me.

real long term Sup Forums users have never said "Alt Right" until maybe a few months and only because they constantly listen to bullshit and plants, the shills came and settled to destabilize Sup Forums and any lurking fuck from reddit thinks they can pretend their from Sup Forums forgets how easy it is to sniff them out

This is chaos and from chaos comes order and order is nothing more than surviving elements from chaos so if they wish to be order, survive this chaos

this is the formula of an old fag, nothing more than a surviver from this chaos aka Sup Forums Sup Forums is chaos and pol is order that came from chaos, yes for the newfags Sup Forums spawned from Sup Forums and were given our own board for containment reasons so basically what im trying to say is Sup Forums can never die and (((they))) are gonna learn that the hard way.

Do you honestly think all right wing sites start and end with Sup Forums?

Not all of us are fascists. Lurk more

I was #AltRight a long time before the term was used.

There is no bona fide leader to smear, and no bona fide organization to infiltrate and destroy.

This is leaderless resistance at it's best.

Our numbers grow with every invader, every rape and every terror attack.

Suck it up, traitors.

I agree about us butchering statistics and pinning blame on stuff that really isn't there but the way he conveys it, his current beliefs, and his "go" plan are all just unbelievably cucked.


lol that reads like some next level psyops by someone trying to subtly convert liberals to alt-right


i was referring to the op you faggot

expected to read something interesting and challenging but it was obviously written by an adolescent with escapist fantasies, its so fucking melodramatic.

my god, you really are an idiot

No, but all right wing sites that aren't cucks start and end with Sup Forums

Oh wow they're really starting at step 0 with their '''debunking'''. Quite cute actually.

Sure I can.

>you must pay your penance!
>you must talk to news people about this!

nothing makes me cringe more than this LARPing shit

>here I will pretend to have been a part of a movement, then I will poorly explain them based on the afternoon of reading r/altright I did, and I will go on an egregiously long winded rant that basically proves I've always been more or less a lefty

Holy shit plebbit is literally cancer. These god damn little rats downvoting and thereby hiding arguments and discourse they don't like


Wow you really showed those evil nazis.

>the only way to cure this without eugenics is fluoridated water

>believe facts
>"they're false"

Is this the Gorilla Mindset?

TLDR???? This must be 3000 words and has no organization. Confirmed lefty sperg.


how do you do images like this user

Didn't you know? The top level of white supremacy is all leftists who are only pretending.

I found a pic of ObamaDidNuttinRong irl


no one likes this subreddit tbf


I know this is bait but the dirty fucking commie shit predicates an argument on the notion that a significant portion of departments do not report ethnicity and then completely fails to mention what this percentage of departments is (likely because it's a very small minority) and then cherrypicks a handful of cases to support the fallacious argument.

It's really not worth bothering, there is not nor has there ever been a single shred of evidence to suggest that blacks are not massively overrepresented in all violent crime and property crime.

i keep doin all nighters i know its partly depression part anger for this planet but i just cant help it anymore.

This is real funny

The actual threat to conservative traditionalism comes from neocons and moderate conservatives who are willing to subvert and infiltrate in order to reassert their control over the movement and keep globalization chugging

>every rape
This is the big one, and the one they're scrambling to cover most in any way available.

Oh, so you do just spend all you time on Sup Forums. Dude go to counter currents or american renaissance

so basically get all the nevertrumpers in the democratic party
so no more bernie lefties. more right wing?

No thanks, I don't browse cuck sites.

It's a subtle redpilling but none of you retards would understand anything about subtlety or redpilling, would you now


"Civic-nationalism" is just an excuse for more race mixing. Than one day you wake up in Paris and there are niggers everywhere.

>Hit the Prt Sc/SysRq button
>paste to microsoft Paint
>crop the picture

This is why it's no coincidence we've seen a number of prominent (((new faces))) coming out to lead the new civic nationalist/classical liberal/whatever the fuck you want to call it movement. They're desperately trying to get ahead of it before it becomes something that exists entirely outside of their control.

>Muh victimization survery

Literally no-one except insanse commie plebbitors deny that blacks commit tons of crime.

that wouldn't fit the entire webpage
anyway snipping tool for small crops

They say that it's not race, but environment that causes criminals.
But what causes the environment? Apparently by the same statistics you used to "prove" it's cause by the environment: Race.
Thus if A => B, B => C, then A => C.
Now you have 2 problems: Race causes environment and crime.

>"""""neo nazi""""

Just by reading it you can tell he isn't alt right. K-keep me posted.

>One important thing to remember if someone is feeling discouraged after reading all of this is that while Nazi fucks can appear to be very powerful and forceful online, there's a reason you don't see that in the every day world. Without their bots and dank memes and neckbeards with 50 alt accounts, they're just a bunch of morons who don't stand a chance in a real confrontation. There will always be a more powerful force who takes a stand against their "movement". Real-world Nazism will be met with physical force and destroyed.

Are liberals really so deluded that they think they can go toe-to-toe in a physical fight with actual Skinheads?

Day of the rake cant come soon enough

Said the cuckold.

This is some quality autism.

>"We take the fight online. (Less street organizing, except to arm the disenfranchised legally. Hopefully we will never have to take up arms against tyranny, but make sure that minorities, people with unpopular political views, people who could find themselves facing the business end of a Holocaust, etc are armed and know how to defend themselves."

fucking white males put african-americans in situations where they have to resort to rape and violence

>not using Windows key + shift + s

genius. expose them to the arguments by appearing to be on their side.

>civic nationalist/classical liberal
Off by a long shot, friends.