Well surely it's not the fault of the criminals who shot each other

well surely it's not the fault of the criminals who shot each other

Chihuahua Blitzer should look up Obama's fast & furious scandal.

Yes, surely it's not the fault of the immense levels of black on black crime which doesn't exist because if it did it would get reported on by the news :)

>Blame Indians for killing Cuckshmiris
>Blame Red Indians for their own genocide
>Blame Indiana for Gun related Crimes
Whats with Liberals blaming places having 'India' in their name?


Leftist mental gymnastics tiem

Don't you know? It's the government's job to protect you, from yourself!

I think Crowder went to the gun show that Obama blamed IL gun crime on, and asked around if he could get a gun with an IL licence, even with the "gun show loophole" and got rejected every time...

oh yeah its indiana's fault the nignogs of chicago cant stop shooting each other.

Bush did first...

I swear these people argue like 10 year olds.

oy vey wadda you mean these people?

Can't stand this shit anymore.

Black culture is so fucked up that it's okay to shoot others because they belong to what boils down to a different club.

Yet lets just talk about the tools they use.

You fell for our niggers are better than Pajeets and Chinks meme, why cry now? You should have treated Niggers the same way you treat Pajeets, Chinks and even Beaners (as foreigners) but nah, you had to give them free citizenship.

nobody likes you

Implying we like cucks like you who need to import niggers from Africa to put down a fucking fire.

you forgot the meme arrow, dummie. try again

Ah the "Black people are completely friendly. One of them delivers my coffee" defense.

Is there a reason why we can't act like grown-ups about inner-city black crime being a problem no matter what part of the country you go to?

Whenever someone, on either side of the issues, tries this crap, they always get turned down. It's like they have the worst poker faces ever and raise flags with the dealer.

How about

yeah but you dont wipe, thats the problem

>why can't we act like grown-ups

Friend, I'd like it to happen. But too many people refuse to grow up. Leaving the rest of us filled with hate and frustration.

We don't wipe because its your job to wipe our butts not ours.

It's really sad. No one wants to talk about it. It's not only socially acceptable for black people to kill other black people, but also acceptable to not talk about it, not to the police, not from TV talk show hosts, not celebrities or so-called "activists".

Just blame it on something that has nothing to do with the problem and move on. That's become the solution of today.

(((Wolf Blitzer)))


Luckily, the viewing public doesn't Blitzer seriously. The public knows what's going on in Chicago. The public knows who is to blame for Chicago gun crime. Nigs, nigs, and more nigs.

Fuck off, fucking nigger apologists.
My based state literally didn't do anything.

Sounds like he is saying that gun free zones don't work.

Virginia here. Niggers in D.C. blame us for crime there too under the same illogic.

They just will not stop pushing gun control.