How do we make japanese men great again?


Other urls found in this thread:

dump testosterone in the water supply in lieu of lithium

Nuke them again to reverse the 'desudesu'-progress

Make desu~ degozaru~ again

Send Muslims into their country to rape everybody.

force them to fight eachother for thousands of years

VR, actual sex while in VR, and testosterone injections.

Or just let them go ULTRA-NATIONALIST, EMPIRE OF THE RISING SUN on someone.

ban anime

Get rid of hentai

let them take over a couple of south east asian countries with their military
then they'll actually have room to breed

soft men make hard times
hard times make hard men
hard men make soft times
soft times make soft men..

Let them invade Manchuria again.

We don't. We harvest their women and let then die off. They clearly want to go extinct, so why save them?

half japanese half white

>half japanese half finnish

remove all white piggu
ban anime

> Cut welfare programs / Gynocentrist laws.
> Women need men.
> Men have incentives.

There's a lot of guys who don't bother trying at being men because chances of succeeding are low, and benefits if you do almost non-existent.

It's my case, and I'm in friggin' Canada.

why? what is wrong

>what is wrong
there's millions of you gooks that never leave your house and just jerk it to hentai all day. You people even invented waifu pillows.
look at you now, takeshi...

take away their anime privileges.

Give katanas to everyone. Let them sort it out.

And before you even start - no not every eleven can own a sword. Believe it or not it's harder to get a katana in Japan than it is to get a gun in America. Reverse this shit and make Japan great again.

give them more soy sauce

that is wrong, we are honourable hardworking. degeneracy is small minority

no need for samurai when no war, something you americans understand not

no need for katana or gun when no crime danger to life. enjoy your primitive society

Enjoy not having this much fun in life.

Regular testosterone injections to stop their puberty from ending at 13.

there is always war, but not always the same kind of war.

you've grown weak and soft under our protection. I want U.S diplomats desperately trying to talk down a rapidly re-arming Japanese army with designs on the Chinese coast line. I want Japanese Imperialism island hoping through the south pacific again

let them have their standing army.

remove democracy.

Return the swords of the ancestors lost in WW2.

Stop speaking shitty English you fuck. You're from Nebraska.

since Finnish are already 1/8 Asian
A half Finn half Jap would be 9/16 Asian

The problem is ironically how hard they dedicate themselves to shit. If you have a job you're supposed to give 100% of your effort to that job, if you're a woman and you're married you're supposed to give 100% of your effort to that too. Problem is they can't do both, and their economy is still going nowhere fast after their bubble burst in the 90s

waste of wall. now is hole
never to happen

why so war obsession? is not healthy

We are going to import more Anime and Idol into America.
Lets embrace our waifus together

Hell yes.

never giving the nips what my grandfather have me

incestuous feelings?

Hole in wall.
Go buy supplies to patch it.
Buy tools to fix it.
Buy books to learn how to repair things.

Do your part to boost the economy in your neighborhood, learn how to take care of yourself, AND get some exercise. That's a win win there Tojo. Plus you have a funny story to tell your friends.

>you now have motivation to make friends

>Or just let them go ULTRA-NATIONALIST, EMPIRE OF THE RISING SUN on someone.
My vote is for this.

I have a theory that most developed nations have very feminine men because all the high-Ts and alphas died during the war. The alphas fought until the bitter end and the betas hid in fear but lived. and. Underdeveloped nations did not have this selection pressure because men were just plained killed.

Japan will get a gold medal in 2020

*remove and

>everyone becomes self-sufficient
>no more plumbers, repair-men, etc.
>boosting economy

More like boosting the stores nearby.

Sounds like you want to kill the trades and reduce them to cashiers and store clerks.

The Russian mafya still has no grip on the UN-addled mess that is modern Japan. Think about it

>why so war obsession?

mother fucker didn't i just say why?!?!

conflict is a fact of life. You are shielded from international conflict for the most part BECAUSE AMERICANS ALWAYS THINK ABOUT WAR

you sound like a fucking kid who wonders why daddy always thinks about money

Nah, mongol halfbreeds are fugly
Blackanese girls are alright though sometimes

Let them build up their military again
Remove US bases

Yeah that's right. It's not that society has fucked up.

It's men.

Why don't the men go and fix society? Geez, the fucking wimps.

You can't punch laws you fucking retard; and women are the voting majority. Good luck with that shit you fucking dumbass.

Alpha and beta has nothing to do with it. Jesus Christ you motherfuckers are dense.

idk. kill commies I guess.

>Blackanese girls
why you think this oniisan

>Or just let them go ULTRA-NATIONALIST, EMPIRE OF THE RISING SUN on someone.

Both Koreas are currently Worst Koreas, let it happen
>feminist UN cult Marxistville
>fascist-communist hellscape
They'd thank them for it ffs

I think you replied to the wrong person famalam

anime was a mistake
pretty much, or send them some water filters

wrong. is no conflict in japan.

Let them have their own millitary and get back to their emperialistic disciprinary roots

Nah, it was a reply to the idea that things would be peachy if we only had more alphas, as if we're lacking chads at any point in time.

There hasn't been a major war in a while, so there should be plenty of chads still going about their business.

But for some reason, they're not doing that traditional stuff like they used to...

I wonder why... Hmm....


Are you fucking serious?

Just because I can change the oil in my car doesn't mean I'll never need a mechanic. Holy fuck!

Think about how crafty your father was...... actually scratch that... ASSUMING you had a father growing up, think of how he could fix things around the house. Did the 80s/90s (assuming your age) have a deficit in trades?

rip in piece samurai spirit

[spoiler] I feel like you haven't understood a word I've said so maybe not [/spoiler

I'm just saying in your perfect world where all Japanese men go around patching holes in their walls and telling their friends about it, there would in fact be a deficit in trades.

Also, how bland do you have to be that patching a fucking wall is something you talk about with your friends in any significant manner?

For every handyman father there's also the father too busy with work in the real world.

>ASSUMING you had a father growing up
I'm not black.

.... Okay when I started replying to the Jap I was being cheeky.

But since we're going down this road now... on a serious note it wouldn't kill them, AND EVERYONE ELSE, to learn some basic housework and mechanical skills.

>I'm just saying in your perfect world where all Japanese men go around patching holes in their walls and telling their friends about it,

More the "hey guys I threw a fucking gun at a wall with a bayonet. Check this shit out bro." kinda story.

>there would in fact be a deficit in trades.

Yeah those were some dark times in America back in the last half of the 20th century. When everyone knew how to turn a screw. Why nobody wanted anything built! Construction, mechanics, welders, none of these people could find a job. OH FUCKING WAIT!!!

>For every handyman father there's also the father too busy with work in the real world.

Which is why they probably hired someone with these skills.... oh you see what I did there?

I really enjoyed Seven Samurai

>More the "hey guys I threw a fucking gun at a wall with a bayonet. Check this shit out bro." kinda story.


>Yeah those were some dark times in America back in the last half of the 20th century. When everyone knew how to turn a screw. Why nobody wanted anything built! Construction, mechanics, welders, none of these people could find a job. OH FUCKING WAIT!!!
>Which is why they probably hired someone with these skills.... oh you see what I did there?

But in your perfect Japanese handyman utopia, ALL OF THEM HAVE TIME TO DO STUFF AROUND THE HOUSE.

Also, you don't fix a dent in the wall by turning a screw you fucking retard.

Force the ones who still have strong Ainu blood to procreate with as many standard Jap women as possible and create incentive for an increase in rural living. Does anyone even inhabit the Jap countryside besides very elderly farmers?

Okay but I'm not the one who brought up a Japanese handyman utopia. In fact I'm not the guy that said everyone should be a handyman. I think that's your deal there chief.

In fact I showed a random /k/ picture with some humor in it. That one jp user said it's a waste of a wall. I said fix it, here are some benefits, and then you came out of nowhere with OMG EVERYONE IZ WALL FIXURZ BAI BAI ECONOMY. Just strawman my shit up brah.

>Also, you don't fix a dent in the wall by turning a screw you fucking retard.

No shit. Which is why I didn't say that you fucking retard.

That Alpha stance.

first fix yourself.

I consider myself to be proud Japanese nationalist, but the topic of the modern day Japanese men irks me. I'm very fortunate because my father served in the Japanese military and thus raised me in a strict manner and my mother always fed me nutritious traditional meals. I'm 180 cm and have played sports since I was a child. I look around to see my peers (mid-20s) just short, sluggish, and zero ambition for anything. It's embarrassing, really. And like many posters in this thread, I do believe it's the influence of anime that made them who they are. I mean seriously, when I graduated high school, I went to straight to university and eventually transferred to Harvard to get my degree in Economics. My peers have stayed home being NEETS. It's pathetic.

Do you have a wife, totally Japanese guy who is totally not using a proxy?

No, albeit I'm in a serious relationship with my girlfriend. Don't worry, she's Japanese. I know how much Sup Forums hates race-mixing.


What would you say about mandatory military service from years 18-19. user-kun? Or military training throughout high school?

I don't think it's just anime. How was their upbringing? Were they spoiled by mommy or did the dad do fuck all in instilling discipline? Being too comfortable and inactive will do bad things to you. Heck, I could be a NEET right now if not for my parents caring enough to give me a stern talking to.

all the men were senpai-cucked in the 80's by zaibatsu's, so their kids grew up on animu.

tfw Kojima is my dad

how is it your case
u white

Millions of non-japanese people do that to. You just dont have a catchy word and shitty anime to bring public awareness to the problem.

In fact many 'japanese' problems are present in your own country.

>Japan is always 10 years ahead of the curve

What like half Jap and half black? Never met someone like that.

It is though
Japan is currently experiencing societal problems that are starting to show face here as well


10 years later, forced NEET lifestyle.

Also, tfw Japanese culture has gone deep mainstream state-side. Anyone who has culture or class has deeply embraced Japanese culture and aesthetics.

>nanking 2.0


>TFW rich friends go to Japan, eat sushi, embrace Japanese culture overall
>TFW poorfags Japanese vidya, anime, hentai, NEET

They are already based




Replace MOE anime with JoJo-esque anime and Legend of the Galactic Heroes type anime.


Japan is not weird
Japans future is our inevitable future and that's why it's smart to observe

Holy shit my sides

TFW LOGH soft disclosure
>Masterrace Germans rule space
>Security Council nations in cucked position
Also, it's totally Red-pilled on how democracy is ridiculous
>start a war to boost popular opinion
>pic related

I think it's a good idea. Being in the military builds discipline, and that's what many Japanese men need. Although if that idea was proposed, it would overwhelmingly be shut down since majority of Japanese people believe in the pacifist constitution.
You're right - I don't think it's just the anime. It could be a multitude of factors. Hey man, that's good your parents set you straight. I've had friends in the States who were Filipino and grew up very strict but they became very successful.