Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

Well shit.....


No one cares about black people

Wow, slavery ended 150 years ago in the US.

Meanwhile, its still going on in the Middle East and Africa.

America is so progressive!

Someone put that against a roman slavery timeline

Wow, I didn't realize how long ago slavery was.

Longer ago than I thought!


So when I hear this from someone who is middle eastern in origins can I tell them to call up their cousins and release their slaves?

1865 was a long time ago though. Segregation =/= slavery. A lot of blacks want segregation in the form of safe spaces n shiiieeet

>implying that any niggers today ever experienced legal slavery
look at me, i can make a timeline short so it seems like 150 years is just a few days

>Chinese Americans literally unable to become citizens and barred from immigration in the late 1800's
>Fastfoward 150 years and they're on par or ahead of the average White American
>Niggers still complaining

Lets put up a timeline of when the Moors and Arabs started enslaving Europeans. I'll wait. Btw, you'll want to start in the early 600's and stretch that all the way to 1919.

So a black man born in 1964-2017 went through 265 years of slavery and 99 years of segregation?

And I suppose I experienced shitting my guts out and getting scurvy while crossing the Atlantic?

Except everyone who isn't white (maybe even whites too) wants to bring back segregation.

To be fair that wouldn't really aid in your argument because the areas that faced slavery by Muslims aren't exactly great places (Although that has more to do with more recent history of Communism)

>Chinese Americans on par
Only the current generation after decades of their ancestors toiling in Chinese fast food and dry cleaners.

many whites were slaves in europe as well. but we're talking 40-50 generations ago compared to just 5 generations for blacks.

don't be like libtards and use false equivalency arguments

Show me one person living in America who remembers someone who was a slave, never mind were one themselves.

I'm seeing more and more of this shit and it makes me laugh. Literally their great grandparents marched and protested to be integrated just so their shit eating kids could piss it all away thinking that they are oppressed.

>1625 to 1865
>265 years

Are niggers that dumb?

im half german and half italian i couldnt care less about either lol

Muslims have, do, and will own more black slaves than America ever did

Those uppity niggers better relax. I don't think they realize how close we are to putting them back in their place

Yeah... Because fuck Spain, Sicily, Greece, Russia, France, and the coastal areas of Ireland and England right?

>To be fair that wouldn't really aid in your argument because the areas that faced slavery by Muslims aren't exactly great places
Spain, France, Portugal, Italy, England, Scotland, the Netherlands, Ireland, and Iceland?

So what is a "great place" then other than USA.

>implying slavery ended

funnily enough, black Africans are still practicing slavery


You need to ask?

Literally no one alive today was a slave in the American South.

No one's parent was a slave in the American South.

Maybe someone's grandparent was? If said person was 90? Probably not, though.

Long story short, every black man and woman born today in america was never a slave. Given that the majority of them are young (

The "holocaust" was over a 6 yr period and yet here we are 72 yrs later and the kikes love playing up that holohoax bs anytime criticism is thrown
>implying nigs wont be claiming muh hurt slavery feeling 200 yrs after the slave ever existed

So, not in your or my lifetimes?

Perhaps they should bei thankful that the White man took them. I mean look at how the nigs are living in Afrika today and how they lived. There is No KFC or watermelons and shit. Especially no grape soda

The only plantation that exists today is the welfare state.

Hey, don't say that. I am a victim of the Saxon invasion of England so I know what being oppressed is like.

Nig that weren't sold were eaten.

The blacks don't just have legal equal rights now, they have special laws that protect them and help elevate them in every way above whites. Special organizations for blacks only that serve no purpose but further divide as well. You can see it plainly about how accepted the black panthers are in the mainstream (black nationalists) and how absolutely rejected white nationalists are. Both are racist ideologies, but one is allowed.

This last few years they continued to press for the gibmes on the white guilt of the normie and are only beginning to face real backlash for it.

Racism can't be magicked away with equally racist laws. Personal racism will always be around, and when you institutionalize it against the majority it just slowly pisses them off.

Bitch, my people were fucking terrorized by the viking and that was more recent, so I win!

By Roman standards, most Americans would be considered slaves, seeing as they don't own property and they work for someone besides themselves. More modern slavery (such as what was practiced in the Confederacy) is pointlessly cruel and barbaric.

Blacks owe american citizen trillions in welfare money plus interest!

That is the nigger race's fault for being so fucking weak, they were conquered and used, introduced to civilization and they'll never fully assimilate.

Liberals always have this false assumption that real people have these drippy morals about the sanctity of life and Christ. That shit was to scare the peasants, real men have always triumphed in the blood of the downtrodden and weak.

At their core white men want to return to an age of dominance by brutal violence, it is the instinct of the white soul, and it is on the rise again.

That's always a good one to play.

>You stole us from our homelands. You owe us for that.
>You're right. That was a horrible thing. OK, we'll send you back home to live amongst your kin as god intended.

>Racism can't be magicked away with equally racist laws. Personal racism will always be around, and when you institutionalize it against the majority it just slowly pisses them off.

Honestly, they could probably get away with the racist laws if they didn't still fucking whine about "muh oppression" on top of it while cultivating a culture that encourages thuggery, violence, and lawbreaking.

>By Roman standards, most Americans would be considered slaves, seeing as they don't own property and they work for someone besides themselves.

Bullshit. Roman slaves couldn't just up and go "This master sucks, I quit" and go find a new master, or go into business for themselves.

What is affirmative action. Fuck out of here, niggercuck.

Weren't there also white slaves when people had black slaves?

Whites can see the bullshit.
Jordan was given all 6 by refs even tho he did roids.


Roman slaves also didn't have anything they want in wal mart, tons fo free time, could fuck whoever they want, could drive car, have heat n cooling, net with all human knowledge available, libraries....etc etc

shut the fuck you useless fat fuck you have no clue what you are talking about. I will sodomize and skullfuck you one more goddamn word spews out of your anal cavity you call a mouth.

This is pretty much what they peddle though. I could bring up the barbary slave trade and bitch about how some distant relative of mine was likely a victim. I could talk about how my great-grandfather was in a fucking ww1 internment camp in america for talking shit had his fucking business destroyed by it. fuck I even still have the police file. I could bitch about the moors and their invasion of europe, but I don't need those crutches to justify my shortcomings. weak people do that, I moved on.

I don't blame the murder of my great-twice removed cousin whatever on the current relatives of that individual. Same concept.

Yes. Slavery is older than civilisation. It used to be just what you did with the losers in whatever conflict.

Massive oppression and slavery didn't stop European peoples from becoming empires almost instantly: take the liberation of Grenada leading Spain to become a worldwide empire just as soon as the Moor's bootstrap was off the Spanish neck.

The same thing happened again and again: as soon as whitey stopped being killed and enslaved, he sprang right up into empire: everything from the Eastern European knight kingdoms springing up to Poland and Russia and Austro-Hungarians. So there was no whining about how "the evil Empire be keepin us down", they just sprang right back up and kicked ass.

But blacks are whining about an oppression that was 100 years less time than the Moors in Grenada. What, are white people getting magic Oppression Badges that gives them discounts in Medieval Walmart or something? The cause of white people kicking ass after getting out of slavery was their whiteness. The reason blacks are still mired in shitty backwater hick mentality is that they're black.

Blacks can't succeed because THEY ARE AN INFERIOR PEOPLE. Say what you want but this fact is Very, very clear.

uncommon at best

Segregation implies they were not dependent.
Segregation, independence, autonomy, self-reliance, sovereignty. Any people would cherish it, and most have fought wars for it. The nigger fought to do away with it in favor of handouts, to be subservient again.

None of that really matters. As long as we look different we will always be separate on some level and will never be equal.

There is no end game for progressive types. No matter what happens it will never be enough there will never be peace. If white people went extinct tomorrow they would say it was racist because we did it to get out of paying reparations then they would burn their own country to the ground.

These people don't want peace. MLKs dream was a joke. Its war or nothing for everyone involved.

Urban blacks in america that didn't integrate after getting full rights did make a huge problem for themselves. Their culture is shit an results in failure in society. Blacks that have assimilated and end up successful fucking DESPISE these people. They are embarrassed by them.

I have no idea what you are fucking talking about. AA is one of the programs that I was referring to.

>Just 265 years of slavery and they cant stop whining about it
Lol weaklings
600+ slave-race coming through
Not a single fuck was given

This is deceiving because it implies whites had it easy, but the truth is that in the 19th century the life expectancy of whites in America (and most of Europe) was barely above 40 years on average. The life of most whites was shit and very few had slaves.

american blacks covet and kill each other over clothing made by people living in extreme poverty and living pretty much in as close to slave labor conditions as can be defined

they one the african diaspora lottery. shut the fuck up and stop shooting each other.

>many whites were slaves in europe as well. but we're talking 40-50 generations ago compared to just 5 generations for blacks.

This. see Whites bounced back from slavery and oppression EVERY DAMN TIME and built empires, niggers on the other hand have never built shit even before colonization they lived in mud huts like animals living day to day and never thinking for the future.

Slavery is the norm still in AFRIKA.

Plus, criminality among blacks actually incrased drastically after segregation

Irish were slaves to whites too. They Brits bought blacks slaves, Irish slaves were viewed so lowly that they just outright captured them because they weren't valued as much as black slaves.

Segregation was not slavery.

This. I'll always consider Asians to be equal to Whites.

I'm stealing this for later!

Black people act like whites are shit for slavery but blacks sold blacks into slavery and even had black slaves. So I guess blacks are bad too. So why the fuss? They want special treatment to hamstring competition.


America doesn't have real poverty... the poorest counties have a mean annual income of like 20k per household. that's like 10 times what it is even in "second-world" countries.

That pic is racist and so is the people who made it.

They are thinking about a single country and a single race.

First, Spain declare the end of slavery toward natives, first, during the Charles I kingdom.
So if I think about that then the pic should have more of 300 years of being "free".

And that's just one example... Slavery didn't end in a single day for everyone everywhere because Africa still have slavery.

So yeah, fuck thoses racist niggers who are only thinking about themself as always

I once said this and got called racist.

Why is it that, although pretty much 95% of the world's races/ethnicities have been heavily oppressed/abused, niggers are the only race that make a big deal out of it? You were weak and you were conquered. Even blacks owned a pretty large amount of slaves, but you don't make a deal out of that. Why? This is why everyone hates niggers.

Yeah I don't. The media front loads the business class asians. Which are nice.

The majority are the working class chinks. They smack their food, they yell in their chink talk. They are ugly and you wish they weren't there.

I blame black women.
They have kids and can't pay.
They owe rest fo america for all that welfare and interest.


>nigger math

At least they work. You can make a yellow nigger into an honorary white, but you can never do so to a regular nigger.


wow white ppl had black slaves for almost 400 years wtf i hate white people now

god i am so glad you people have a negative birthrate.

gee its only been 53 years (+99 years of safety from oppression), better give them another 300

*producing for the export market, almost exclusively

pls no bully

you forgot china tho.

Now, put that against the world's scale of slavery. The middle East did it (and still does) for many, many times as many years as the white world. The white world was never very comfortable with slavery, compared to literally any other race in human history. We also ended common slavery decisively worldwide, and the ways slavery-era elements persist to stifle the lives of ordinary minorities have almost entirely been eradicated. In addition, the white world carried out slavery vastly more humanely than anyone other race in history.

The white race is the champion of freedom and liberty by any objective standards

Drop the white guilt already

>Proterozoic age was so long ago
Show them the geologic time scale

We don't really have slavery in Arabia. WTF are you talking about?

We don't have slaved. Most of us have servants though but they're paid.

What's wrong with segregation?

Niggers can't stand being around each other?

Whites would love to be segregated, that's the whole point.

Lets put up a timeline of when the romans and Greeks started enslaving semites

So 150 years ago is not a long time? Segregation is not even close to as bad as slavery.

basically none of this is true.

You see the parts of the map that should be there but are basically invisible?

Those places "don't really have slavery".

This. They're extremely lucky for their ancestors to have been enslaved.

>Lets put up a timeline of when the romans and Greeks started enslaving semites

Or when Semites started enslaving each other.

We've had enough of black "freedom".

Let's reverse this and head back to segregation, then to the natural course of slavery.

Might want to get out now, nogs!

It is. It's one of the lasting effects of the British empire.

Chinese are superior to you nips on every way, hirohoto.

265 years is a long fucking time. Segregation may have been bad, but it wasn't slavery. 51 years is also about twice as long as 99% of the SJW's complaining about it have been alive. They have no right to or reason to complain about it.

you piece of shit, the moors were the biggest slave traders all of this is true you are a fucking cunt and a fucking faggot.

That's fine too. Everybody had a hand in slavery
. I said don't really because we have less slavery than most of the 3rd world so I don't know why he'd specifically mention Africa and Arabia.

lol, the sun never set on your POS empire because not even god trusts a brit in the dark

i think you misspelled "Spanish"

Arabia pre-British empire.

I really think the welfare system destroyed black families. They keep wanting more, but it gives financial incentive to stay a single mom, and statistically single moms suck at raising kids. I bring that up in polite company people lose their fucking minds, but I really think it is the truth.