Occupy Penn Avenue

Denizens of Sup Forums,

Please excuse me for being a noob 1st and foremost.

I am here because we are about to embark on a journey with a man who made a complete mockery of the American political system. We are set to follow a womanizing, foul mouthed tyrant (discussed as he who must not be named) I could go on about allegations but I don't like pointing fingers. What I do know is that this man is about to destroy decades of work in Civil Rights. After discussion of federalizing local police forces (starting with Chicago) I am downright scared. So what can we do?

Let's hit him where it counts. Make a mockery of his inauguration. Nothing pleases that man more than affirmation and people worshiping him.

We need to organize enough people to have a sit in at the inauguration. Wear whatever you want for anonymity but we need enough people to sit in the roads that allow public access to the inauguration. Fill the crowds with masked men, refuse to clap and cheer, remain silent. This breaks no laws but will break his mind.

If you're opponent is temperamental, seek to irrritate him. - Sun Tzu


fuck drumpf and fuck white people

fuck trump and white people


Wall can't come soon enough, bean.

wtf I hate Frumpfyumpfywumpydrumpfcumpy now!

Hilldawg 2020 here we come!

yeah fuck trump and white people

Turn off the proxy you green bean

Fuck Denald PMURT and fuck caucasian pee-ople.



>Quotes Sun Tzu
>Doesn't know himself or his enemy

Enjoy your defeat.

One post by this ID

If there's a firewall as well things will seriously start looking up.

This is pathetic, at least soros pays people.

>wanting Sup Forums to help you ruin 4chans president
Pure retarded

That's more important for the Northern Border



>we are about to embark on a journey with a man who made a complete mockery of the American political system
Now fuck off.

I have to say I am disappointed, no worries. I've never been on Sup Forums before but just couldn't sit back and watch this guy ruin my country. It was worth a shot and I thought it was a good idea. I appreciate your honest and brutal feedback.

Please explain how does one promptly go fuck off? Does it include your mom?

>I've never been on Sup Forums before
welcome to the beady eyed watchlist.