The Bible is Garbage

21st Century Christians believe that a book edited in the 17th century from 16th Century translations of 8,000 contradictory scrolls that claim to be copies of lost letters written in the 1st Century is the word of God.

Christians confirmed insane.

Anyone who believes in God is garbage.

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off marxist, this is a christian board, try /leftypol/

God is dead.




Seriously fedoras no one gives a fuck, and God and I will love watching you burn for eternity getting fucked by niggers

Shit is annoying when Liberals try to be high and mighty and quote the Bible when people complain about Muslims and refugees, thinking everyone is Christian.

And this.

Daily reminder, Christianity is for the weak and pathetic.

russia is dead -god, 9/13/2019


>this thread


This is the most autistic thing I have ever seen, op provides no proof and that pic is shot tier bait read the bible before you try to make bait for it.

It should probably be noted that almost every single major figure in the atheist movement is Jewish. You could make a compelling argument that atheism is specifically being pushed by Jews in today's society, and they seem to largely be targeting western Christians and only them.

For example, Sam Harris, Chapman Cohen, David Silverman, Michael Newdow, Gregory Epstein, Sherman Wine, Bill Maher, Eric Kaufmann, and of course, Richard Dawkins's mother has a Jewish surname and was stated to have lived in the only Jewish suburb of the city she grew up in. But he hasn't explicitly named her religion.

But that's only a tiny part of the list. We could discuss the Jewish atheists who aren't pushing atheism so much as atheism-enabling political views like Marxism. For example Soklonikov, Trotsky, Deutscher, Lenin, Uritsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev and Sverdlov.

And what about atheist Jewish public entertainers that constantly run down Christianity? We can go ahead and recycle Bill Maher here and also include Jon Leibowitz, Stephen Fry, Woody Allen, Rob Reiner, Daniel Radcliffe, Larry David, David Silverman, and... I'm sure I'm close to the post cap, so rather than just name the rest of Hollywood, you get the point.


Some of the greatest men who ever lived believed in god/gods and were also insane to a degree.

do you think they are capable of reading more than one paragraph in one sitting? funny how the smartest people are christians and the dumbest are atheists...

>inb4 'SCIENCE! MANZ R SMART' reddit meme.

being a good goy and not questioning (((peer review))) does not make you intelligent.

A vaguley related wikipedia link that doesn't prove yout point, classic athiest

C'mon. The Bible is obviously horse shit. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

You have to read it. Read the whole thing and get back to me.

Fuck atheism, Christianity is still cucked. Im not a fucking sinner I won't apologize, I don't give a fuck about your false guilt.

Fuck my neighbors fuck confession and fuck giving people second chances.

Why is it horseshit? Also why Christianity and the Bible specifically alone.


You're going be somebodie's little bitch in hell marxist cocksucker.



Huh? I'm not even religious and I've only been in a church twice.

Just asking. Is this the superior atheist intellect?

You're delusional.

what part of the Bible is wrong? It's logic and historicity is perfect.

All the mythic creatures, the Jesus part and God. All made up myths.

mythic creatures? God and Jesus are made up? Prove it!

>if these assumed to be true mathematical rules are true then we have a framework for which mathematics is true.
>therefore, mathematics must be true

religion is just as fallible as anything else redditor

So we are in agreement? The Bible is garbage.

What's wrong with made up myths?

Are the Greeks and Romans stupid too for believing in myths and gods?


>I'm sorry master! I'm weak! I'm a sinner! Forgive me forgive me! Please!


What are you talking about!?
Your shit talking the greatest work of fiction in the history of mankind.

Heard the author had some really good drugs



I don't have to. It's obvious they don't exist.You have to prove they ARE real. Which you can't.


lol yeah youre so big and strong. go fistfight the sun


MAN IS 555
GOD IS 777

yeap. read anything by Bart Ehrman, but start with 'Jesus Interrupted', an overview of contemporary Bible scholarship.

Note: he went to Moody Bible Institute, was a fundamentalist pastor for a year, then went to Yale divinity school thinking he'd 'set the liberals straight' but instead got, *cough* redpilled on the Bible. It's fascinating reading for anyone with a vestigial interest in the New Testament from their Christian upbringing. Personally I went on to read several other of his books, He doesn't rant, he's not hateful, he piles stuff up and the force of what he says is due to all of that. Really solid reading.

The problem arises when humans suffer because of weak-minded believers who kill, torture and starve children in the name of God. When people depart from reality AND there is some consequence from it.

Who really cares at the moment? Christianity is the fastest dying religion in the world, Islam is quickly adding adherents. There are literally thousands of dead Gods and the God of Abraham will join them.

If it wasn't for "The Bible",

You would be

1 ) Getting you head cut off under Shariah Law
2 ) Being executed for offending the Emperor under Roman / Far Eastern Imperial Rule
3 ) Being executed for insulting the state under Communist rule
4 ) Sucking shit out of a cow's ass in sub-Saharan Africa to numb the pain of starvation caused by a local warlord.

Christianity has nothing to do with talking snakes, scrolls, or letters.

It is a framework for a civilization.

It so far has been the best framework for a civilization.

Europe's fall into Atheism has lead them to be conquered by Islam, in the end, if you attack the framework for your civilization... you're doing nothing but aid the framework of a competitor civilization.






you're doing christianity wrong retard.

It's like a buffet. You don't have to believe in the bullshit like sin or heaven/hell. Just pick the things you like. Nt even being sarcastic t b h

I agree that is bad, of all the religions and adherents who do evil, you chose Christianity though. Which is retarded.

Sounds like a lot of baseless conjecture that doesn't add veracity to specific claims from the bible, you do understand humans are coming up with much more effective frameworks than "christianity" to combat ideology we don't agree with right? Oh, and if we actually lived how the bible told us to live, we'd be living in just a big a shit hole as the places you've mentioned, it was intellectual secular reformation of Christianity that made any "Christian" nation great.

It's true though that millions have died in the name of Christianity. Many millions more have suffered. Christianity has the highest body count of ALL RELIGIONS. The framework for a great society doesn't come from the Bible. That comes from philosophy.

Yea until you die then 30 years later some John Lennon faggot comes along and says "heeey everyone it's about being nice and shiiit" and we're right back to more cuckoldry.

Whites need a new ideology, something with fire and guts. Direct, clear, and not up for interpretation.

when did reddit start invading Sup Forums?

And philosophy came from men who believed in gods, no? Christianity also seems to be an extension of certain philosophical schools itself.

atheism has a higher body count.

Sorry that your identity and life is so wrapped up in your skin color, must really have a shitty life to feel threatened constantly.

Embrace Islam and do away with the polythiests (Christcucks)

Yeah no sounds like a meme considering 99.9% of people who ever lived on planet earth believed in a God.

But religion and philosophy are not the same.

nobody has a legitimate argument against atheism except calling atheists fedoras. To be honest religious people are generally pretty stupid too.

lol you sure think youre special and unique huh?

>a book edited in the 17th century from 16th Century translations of 8,000 contradictory scrolls

Except that none of this is true.

The earliest version of the four gospels, dating around 80AD is almost identical in subject and theme to the books we have today.

If you're going to attack Christianity at least get your facts straight.

Citation please?

Boring boring boring

In what way? Sounds like you're making an assumption about me and are totally incorrect. I do know that whatever religion you believe in, you were most likely born into it like 97% of religions adherents in the U.S. and if you weren't, that certainly makes you a special type of retarded. You show me that Stalin and Mao killed people because of RELIGIOUS ideology and I'll give your argument some validity, but the reality is they were killing for things that had nothing to do with religion.

Christians in this thread, please ignore the atheists, they just wish to dismantle what actually keeps the western world together and replace it with atheism, an ideology that acts as a vacuum that sucks all this leftist shit and dust here and there until the person becomes a depressed, nihilistic hollow shell of a man who is thin straw short of suicide.

If it wasn't true God wouldn't allow it to be published.

True, they are not exactly the same, but the gods and spiritual realm are a very real aspect of the men involved. It is pretty intertwined in my view.

Ok? The point still stands, that you're obviously wrapped up in your group identity which has a psychological pathology in low self-esteem, powerlessness and feelings of individual insignificance. If you were rich, maybe had some kids with the white girl of your dreams, you wouldn't be so worried about anything else in the world.

The only thing garbage in this thread are your "facts". First off, most of the Bible was written before the 1st century so you just proved your ignorance.

>Sounds like a lot of baseless conjecture
Not an argument.
>much more effective frameworks than "christianity" to combat ideology
Name one.

Atheist are the MOST cancerous creatures because they attack their civilization's own framework while not providing an effective alternative. They are purely socially destructive in their ideology.

>if we actually lived how the bible told us to live

Christianity has almost nothing to do with "The Bible". The Bible is a tradition of Christianity. Christianity is traditional European systems of morals and ethics, not bibles, letters, scrolls or magic snakes.

I love this, "Many millions", this is such a fucking joke. Name one war that was 100% purely religious that resulted in anything close to what you are claiming.

The reason why you won't find a war like this is because...

1 ) There weren't "millions" of people to die until the 1800's
2 ) No one goes to war over religion. They go to war to conquer people for resources. There may be religious propaganda involved, but name one war that was a "religious war" where resources / power / land / wealth was not the key motivating factor.
3 ) Philosophy is shit without religion. You get Nihilist and Marxist, who are the biggest mass murdered in history.

The roman catholic church is the foundation of western european civilisation, and was integral to it up until protestant reformation. It was still innately christian until maybe the beginning of the 20th century.
All the advancements of western civilisation happened under christianity

I'm just curious as to why Christianity is always singled out as the worst.

Sup Forums is also satire


>Yeah dude just get laid pussy is the only thing that matters xDDD who cares if your people die out man

I wonder who's behind this post...

The crusades were the response to over 400 years of Islamic aggression, raiding, piracy, raping and pillaging but go on.

Money? I wipe my ass with your pathetic piece of paper. Kids come after change.

You lack vison, and you bore me. Fuck off

And what's your argument? Newton did more in 4 weeks to advance science than the bible did in 12 centuries. It's like you think that Christianity is responsible for scientific advancement or societal achievement? LOL

>God wrote the bible

t. probably most atheist country in Europe that's also coincidentally the least affected by this muslim invasion

MUH framework.

Are you saying it's not responsible in any way for those things?

If it makes you feel better poor cuck. What's your vision? A white society for you to live alone in, obese and on internet imageboards all day? You're on Sup Forums you fucking idiot.

>forgetting all that prophecy and shit
>forgetting about knowing about hand washing before germ theory existed
>forgetting about the multitude of witnesses
>forgetting about the archeological and historical documents that back up the Bible

Uhh, sit down Jimmie. We need to have a little talk.

Yep, that must be why churches were banned and confiscated in ussr and prc cracks down on religious groups like falun gong
Those commies sure love religion

Newton was christian

I'm absolutely saying that. Individual people have made achievements and they weren't being GUIDED by religion. You show me which things Western Europe created under the guidance of Christianity that did not already exist in other civilizations. Please, I beg you. We got to space, become industrialized, invented vaccines, discovered optics, pasteurization, etc because of Christianity? KEK

Fell for the magical evolution fairy tale

Yes, I will cling to "MUH framework" for the most successful civilizations in human history.



Not one atheist will come up with a good rebuttal to this.

Thy kingdom come thy will be done.

You godless arrogant souls will regret this.

>worshipping a dead Jew


Praise kek

Another faggot atheist bait thread, how am i not surprised. stay edgy spurglord.
Jesus you people are the most cringeworthy queers on this board.

half the people here are christ cucks.

the other half aren't.

As was nearly everybody at the time. What's your fucking point? The fact he's Christian has nothing to do with his achievements in science and in no way guided him to his discoveries... I don't attribute my success in anything to the fact I don't presently belong to a religion, neither do any of the Nobel laureates who happen to be Atheist

I have seen better looking horses.

how very christian of you

Newton was an autistic fraud

I wonder if this image is really therapeutic for people who are next to infinitely wrong about their core religious beliefs. Does it add validity to what you believe? Seriously, how embarrassing. Tell us more about how great the Bible is and more of its wisdom please. Teach us.

>implying anybody has
They can't even decide if the book is complete or not.