Ask a white guy in Philippines anything


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Just to let you know, there so many of you faggots that are beyond blue pilled about DutDut

Seen any druggies get shot?

how many have you fuck

tell me about this bluepill too
redpill me on duts

I was a white guy who was stuck in Puerto Princesa, Palawan for almost a year. I got multiple marriage offers from local girls without even trying. What is your experience?

How the hell were you stuck there?


all that is mostly limited to some slums in Metro Manila

Besides, most of these so called "EJK/Vigilante" killings are actually just the total amount of "Deaths under investigation"
Which means that the all the 4000 deaths not attributed to police can be attributed to other causes than the drug war

Another red pill I want to drop is that so far, there has been far less homicides per day than what it was last year during the previous admin, if you do the math

Why the media decides to include all these deaths are beyond me

> Hungarian national Daniel Melczer, 37, was shot dead outside their house in a subdivision in Barangay Balabag in Pavia, Iloilo on Sunday, police said.

>Initial investigation revealed that around 12:30 a.m.. the victim asked security guards to tell his neighbor, Lucindo Lim, who lives across him, to stop setting off firecrackers because he wanted to sleep already.

>Around 3 a.m., Melczer’s fiancée, Reka Schule, woke up and was wondering why her fiancé was not in their room. She looked for him and she saw him at the back portion of their house. Upon seeing that her fiancé was shot, she sought help. It was only then that the Pavia police was informed.

>Why the media decides to include all these deaths are beyond me
because they hate him desu
they can't stand that he is vastly winning

How did you get stuck there? Did the brownouts causing the AC to stop almost kill you?
I am stared at by hundreds of qt's and baklas at malls.

All of them refer to me as Sir, though I rather want to be refered to as Kuya by the younger ones ;_;

I also notice I get a more "royal" treatment by the locals compared to older white men
I don't know why. I just feel like they like me more

That they think it's complete chaos here with vigilante killings, while in reality, the killings usually only occurs in slums, which has always been the case either way except now it's at a much lower rate

>chinks acting like niggers

no surprise

im torn between retiring in the Philippines or roatan, whats the most commonly sponen language and whats the general attitude twards white people, specifically expats.

You ever been in the south, like around mindinao? If not, what do people generally say about the place?

Also, is prostitution an issue over there?

What do you think of the country? Is it a shit hole? Do the people seem to like duterte

What are you doing in the Phillippines?

I graduated from my university and got a job with an "environmental advocacy" group in the US. They had a position open in Manila. I thought it might be interesting, so I applied.

The Manila office sent me to Palawan. The job was pretty terrible and pointless, so I quit and joined an ecotourism company that operated in Palawan and Coron (some islands to the north of Palawan).

I did that for a while until I got tired of it, and went back to the US.

At first, I lived out of a local motel, and the power supply was terrible. Someone nearby was shocked and put in the hospital by a power surge in the shower after a blackout, which scared me.

Eventually I moved into a residential compound near the beach and rented a pickup truck on a monthly basis and had a better time.

How cheap are the whores?

here for 3 weeks this time in makati. would prefer the liveable thailand over getting eyefucked everywhere i go. i dunno, everuone has their own preference

Prostitution is illegal there but not enforced strongly

Rate my chicken adobo. Chicken, vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, little sugar, pepper corns, and 2 bay leaves.

looks too healthy to be authentic filipino food

You gotta have the sauce on the chicken and rice.

I dunno about Roatan but plenty speak English in Philippines, and they are generally very friendly towards white people
Tagalog is not very hard to learn either

where's the best place for a white guy who doesn't speak tagalog or bisaya or whatever to vacation without getting kidnapped or robbed?

how much does it usually cost to get a handy at a massage parlor from a qt?

do you have a hot submissive pinoy wife yet?
if not why not? are you gay?

The southest I've been is like in Laguna, so not really

Prostitution isn't really a big issue desu. Even if it's illegal, there aren't much horrible cases or something like that. It's just ugly monkeys with no dignity that does it either way.
CP is an issue though, and I hope it's ultimately cracked down so we wont see more Daisy's Destruction coming out here

>pinoy wife

Add more sauce then one hard boiled egg, mix it with the rice. Enjoy.

I have lived in Cebu for 25 years and I have never seen a dead body on the streets or rivers.
Have you seen any dead bodies lately?

>tfw the armenian genocide wasnt real but you wish it was

How many children have you fathered?

i have a friend who lives on the outskirts of cebu and there was shooting when i was on a video call with her

pretty scary desu.

but i think she was living in a pretty poor area at the time

I'd say it's a developing country, much better than India, and with a likely bright future

If only people stopped littering and followed traffic rules more properly, add more development to the provinces, decongest the cities, regulate emissions, improve the public transport and get rid of these big slums in the NCR in Taguig, Las Piñas, Mandaluyong and Manila, and other big cites, I'd call it very comfy

How are the ladyboys?

visiting family of fiance

I am not an old fart/betafaggot manlet with a primate gf, something I have spotted plenty of times here

not enough sauce

Have you tried balut yet?

dont listen to this. u dont actually want to make your food filipino-style

hey answer my questions faggot

did your connection time out?
that's the first problem i'd wish they'd tackle there: internet service
it's lower than shit tier
it's alone in it's own tier

also I think their best option is to build bridges and trains connecting all the islands together.
i wish they let the US build bases again there though, cuz now I can never retire there like i planned

how do you feel about their new alliance with china?

I'm a Filipino who have been living in the US for more than a decade. I'm hoping you have a beautiful Filipina fiancé. How are the Filipinos treating you. I'm pretty sure you get a lot of stares. Just ignore those betamanlets with their wives.

Either in the Buisness Districts in the NCR or somewhere comfy in the provinces in general

>how much does it usually cost to get a handy at a massage parlor from a qt?
You'd be surprised how many times I have been offered such

>make adobo
>dont want filipino style
Do you prefer doggie style dre?

Only dead things I've seen here are cockroaches, a rat just today, and roadkilled strays

So this is common then?

filipinos have much lower IQs than poos, being multi culti. u are as dumb as they are if u actually believe this

why don't you like your own food
It's fairly underrated

I don't like egg yoke, so not really.

I love day old chicks though, so I guess I sort of pass

it's common, but the majority is actually old couples that probably met during Vietnam war

i don't even live in the philippines and i can tell you that yes.
that is extremely common.

dont be surprised if the nubile young wife gets bored of her old husband and divorces him though as soon as she gets what she wants and moves on to someone younger or "becomes" a lesbian

but it can end happily sometimes

why are certain Filipinos so self hating

Trolling, aside from that for white people I say visiting in December is probably the best time since the weather is really comfy.
Come here during summer, then you'd hate every single moment.

ever since their women tasted sweet japanese cock in ww2

The internet is pretty shit indeed. It's bearable, but it seriously could be much better

Good thing Duts will open the marked for foreign ISP's

They are planning to build a bridge that connects Iloilo, Guimaras, Cebu and Negros

I also heard a proposed bridge connecting Cebu with Bohol and Samar with Bicol, but bear in mind that Philippines is prone to calamities, so it's going to be a challenge

I am happy that there will be massive infrastructure spendings under this admin

About China, personally I don't like their government, but I don't see anything wrong with getting assistance from them in building infrastructure as China arguably have pretty decent infrastructure

Besides, Philippines has a long history with China, and they are a larger trading partner than the US. Making them lift trade embargoes is going to benefit the economy

im just worried about what will happen to it when WW3 comes along.

The general opinion here seems to be that Duterte is completely based, not sure how that runs counter to the general idea Sup Forums has of DutDut

Trump won, everyone's getting along with Russia including the Philippines. I dunno about China, but that's their problem.

Is it happening?

What is I said the name Bad Penny?

How big chance does a well off swedish catholic have of finding a good looking faithful catholic wife in phillipines? im seriously contemplating this

Do you get much pussy being a white male in Flip land?

I put up a OKCupid account about 18 months and got messages from numerous Flip girls.

I'm still talking to one right now. Don't really have any plans to race mix with her but she is one of the coolest chicks I know and she loves Duterte and she red pilled me on how bad it really is there.

She has to hide all her belongings when she travels from work to her apartment because junkies would rob her.

She says things are a lot safer now RWDS are on the streets.

My cousin is there with his girlfriend visiting HER family. I have to get it off my chest, I'm fucking disgusted in his choice with women. Tfw you realize no male in the family has successfully passed down our bloodline. Tfw having an existential crisis and don't even care about what I had to type. Fuck off.

Just dont be fat, old and massively autistic, you'll probably find a good looking one.

If western white women weren't such train wrecks western men wouldn't have to look abroad for women.

I personally don't know why they aren't looking for Slavic women before Asian women.

At least your kids will still be some what white.

You have a better chance in Europe.

25, fit and only mildly autistic

You're good to go. Don't settle for goblins or actual whores.



goddamnit why tho? Do they really think that they would get brownie points from dutdut if they do this?

because why not?
>Multikulti shithole

we are a prime example that Multikulti would never work. We are a proto-state with a shit history and a freemasonry puppet state. We are better in the hands of Spanish royalty but at their current state of socialist governance, its plausible

*not plausible

more dutertes is what the world need, yes or no?

yeah and no

We need a good leader with balls but not a fucking social democrat

Are fillipinos the most powerful race in the world?

What does freemasonry have to do with it?

also, he is what philippines needed?


freemasonry is one of the primary cause why the Spanish empire and her colonies was destroyed. They are literal jews which sips in and destroy the whole empire to the core. Also, remember that the US is also built by the Freemasons and they also waged war against the spics. Its all part of their masterplan

Is getting caught part of it?


you tried any ladyboys, opie?

Boil the chicken first before frying it.

I have a college friend who's friend is married to a Swede. Find a job first here then you might find your wife.

Are Smart and Globe run by Chinks or is it mostly infrastructure. Internet here is pathetically slow in the age of streaming.

Getting sandwiched between America and Japan colonizing and razing on what Spain has built over the years while simultaneously berating us in the thick of things don't help. It is pretty impressive we kept most of our culture after many colonizations.

Mindanao is an untamed heaven and is still not completely explored. Bukidnod, camiguin and aside from the ARMM region is pretty fucking beautiful.

my hometown particularly has a lot of Australians, Germans and Americans for some reason and is increasing.

if surviving two storms in monthly basis the sign of being strong then yes.

If you fuck five 2/10 is it pretty much the same as fucking one 10/10?

this is why you don't look in that place. Actually if you really want beautiful or at least tolerable, best way is to look into the provinces, baguio or pampanga.

Hence, i meet once in Philips some cutey half german beauty, but too bad she is too conservative and is really hard to get for someone not that good looking or poor.

also that is some disgusting trannies...

Based Duterte. Finally someone with balls.

How much pussy do you get? Is it really as easy as the memes say?

How easy is it to find a shemale mistress to shit in your mouth and punch your balls?

I'm asking for a friend

Do the women there shoot ping pong balls out of their No-No parts?

>I am not an old fart/betafaggot manlet with a primate gf
The oldfart manlet doth protest too much, methinks,

Because they'd rather whine about the status quo instead of actually contributing to the country.
The kind that would leave the country in a heartbeat when given the opportunity and live the rest of their pathetic lives abroad while leeching off foreign success.

joke's on you. there is no divorce here. adultery=jail time.

How many junkies have you killed?

join a catholic or any christian organization that does mission work and partner with religious organizations here. that is the best way to find a conservative wife.

but will she be kinky enough?

Out of love or for the money?

out of love of course. we're talking about conservative and faithful here